
Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Holidays!

2020 has been a singular year for many, no doubt. Christmas is no exception.  No white Christmas this year so I won't be pulling Santa's sleigh through the snow.  I will not be doing much of anything celebratory, actually.  Washington State is prohibiting indoor gatherings with people from outside your household unless they quarantine for fourteen days  prior to the social gathering or quarantine for seven days prior to the social gathering and receive a negative COVID-19 test result no more than 48-hours prior to the gathering.  Yeah, that puts a damper on most holiday celebrations in the Pacific Northwest.

Given these constraints, Christmas will be a quiet affair.  Christmas dinner preparations will be for two rather than ten.  The low key holiday may allow for some extra concentration at the painting desk while visions of new projects dance in my head.

One wargaming related Christmas gift came early and it is a real doozy.  I will share this generous gift in another post.  Until then, I wish everyone a

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  1. We have also dropped into further restrictions in the uk but were luckily to be together as a family before the restrictions hit. We aren’t allowed to see anybody else but as we haven’t been together since last Christmas it is good. Hope your quiet time is at least relaxing. As for presents I have for some time made sure Santa is clear that I need some more gaming fun to open, so I know there are some goodies under the tree for me to play with later on. I’m looking forward to 2021. 😀

    1. Merry Christmas, Matt! My family is well versed in the Christmas giving routine for me too. There is always something hobby related awaiting under the tree.

      I look forward to 2021 too!

  2. We have got to an age where our Christmases are pretty quiet anyway and the death of my wifes father a couple of weeks ago meant one less here today. My daughter had to work so was only here till late morning and my son disappeared to his girlfriends family after lunch (they have just returned about an hour ago) and actually as I type this, my daughter just walked in the door, so our family is all back together again! I hope you had a good day Jonathan and look forward to the big reveal of your "generous gift"!


    1. Keith, your recent loss must make the holiday season seem even more difficult. Again, my condolences.

      On this side of the word, the Christmas day is only beginning. Still several hours before the house wakes up to begin the day.

      Merry Christmas, Keith!

  3. Jonathan, after what happened last year to you in the snow, I don’t expect you will miss it too much :-)

    Quiet Christmas here (UK). The government were allowing Christmas Day gatherings of 3 households, but since then half the country has gone into full lockdown and many in the other half are thinking that the Christmas Day opportunity is not such a great idea. We hit just under 40,000 infections yesterday, which is a pretty big deal for us.

    I think you are probably the biggest contributor to the comment section other blogger posts and your unstinting encouragement has no doubt helped many a blog along.

    Thanks for a year of supporting posts and comments. Best wishes Norm.

    1. You have a good memory, Norm! Yes, 2020 began with a bang (or a break!) for me. Then straight into COVID. What a year.

      From what I see on blog commentary, I have no advantage over you!

      Merry Christmas, Norm!

  4. As others have already said, we are still in various Tiers of lockdown, so no chance of even contemplating seeing friends or family this Xmas, so a nice and quiet Xmas here with our children, which is nice.

    No snow for us, but at least a touch of frost so it does feel a bit more like Xmas rather the wind and rain of late.

    So have a very Merry Xmas too and I'm looking forward to the big Xmas present reveal!

    1. I wish you a very Merry Christmas, too, Steve! Thank you for allowing me to formulate a battle plan in your recent game. It was fun attempting to match wits against Norm.

  5. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Jonathan and family. It has been cool here for Summer ( around 70 Deg F) and colder at night. Stay Safe there. Regards. KEV.

    1. Merry Christmas, KEV! 70F sounds wonderful. Current 23F here.

  6. Merry Christmas Jonathan. A quiet Christmas pause for one year might not be such a terrible thing in the long run, During my time in the Army it was having duty on holidays that taught me to appreciate them, and what they’re about, all the more when I could observe them with family and friends.

    1. It will be a quiet Christmas here, for sure. Not bad, but different and certainly more relaxing, I suspect.

      Merry Christmas, Ed!

  7. A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year Jonathan...
    Hopefully we will all get to see a lot more people next year and of course play lots more games...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Merry Christmas, Aly! Seeing more people will be a most welcome change. As for playing games, I gamed more the last two months than ever before; all virtual but still gaming!

  8. A Merry Christmas to you and yours , Cheers Tony

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tony! Keep on walking!

  9. All the very best to you and your nearest and dearest Jon. Let's all hope for a bit of normality in 2021.

    1. Merry Christmas and all of the best to you, Tony! Normalcy in 2021 is a worthy goal. Let's see if we can pull it off.

  10. Merry Christmas, Jon!
    We were able to hold our traditional Christmas Eve family get together yesterday. Pretty much everyone in the family is regularly exposed to one another (my wife looks after our grandsons 2-3 days a week), and it was unusually mild, so were were able to hold it outside with propane heaters. The rain kindly held off until the last minute, and was light anyway, although overnight it was a downpour and erased the 16" of snow we got a week ago! On a positive note, I get my first dose of Covid vaccine in 2 weeks.

    1. Peter, it looks like you have a nice holiday planned and have taken the necessary precautions. I expect no less from you. My daughter, who is a CRNA, was vaccinated last week. Many workers at our local hospitals received vaccinations this week.

      Merry Christmas and stay well!

  11. Merry Christmas! I hope that the projects dancing in your head don't listen to disco music too loud :D

    1. No disco playing in this head of mine! Happy holidays!

  12. Well Christmas has been and gone here on this side of the date line. A pleasant and quiet day was had at our house. No big dinner, just a long lunch and an afternoon walk to shake down the ham and Christmas pudding! I even managed to get in a bit of hobby work. All the best to you and your family in this strangest of Chistmasses.

    1. Mark sounds like an enjoyable Christmas to me. Perhaps holidays will return to normal next year?

      Merry Christmas!

  13. Same to you Jonathan and let's hope for a Happy New Year.

    1. Yes, it is safe to suggest we all are hopeful for a happy new year after 2020.

  14. Hope you have a great Christmas, Jonathan.

    1. You too, Ray! Waiting to see what goodies you found under the tree this year.

  15. Merry Xmas to you and yours Jonathan!

  16. Merry Christmas Jonathan, and I hope you have a nice one all the same. We only had three of the children and their partners as it was daughter number one's husband's turn to go to to his family this year.

    We had ordered half leg of Christmas ham on the bone which normally comes in at around $AUD150 and is enough to feed ten plus plenty of leftovers for the rest of the week. My wife picked it up late on Christmas Eve and rang me saying it had gone up a little and it cost just under $AUD370 this year. "Ah well. it's Christmas" I thought, but when I pulled it of the fridge I realised that it was in fact a very large full leg, enough to feed around thirty with leftovers, and with some other family's name on it. I'm surprised we hadn't received a call on Christmas Eve to bring it back, but some other family in Brisbane must have had to make do with very slim pickings this year while we'll be eating ham for the next couple of weeks.

    1. Lawrence, Christmas here is pleasant and not as hectic as usual.

      That is a terrific story about the ham. I was smiling as I read your account of the mysterious expensive ham. I would have been shocked (and suspicious) at the price differential.
      You will have plenty to nosh on for a long time. Enjoy!

  17. Merry Christmas!
    I've particularly enjoyed the Great Wargaming Survey analysis.

    1. Merry Christmas, Dan! I am pleased to see that you enjoy the survey analyses. Many more topics to explore so please stay tuned.

  18. Jonathan, A most merry Christmas to you and I hope a much better new years. Thank you for all you do. Your blog is a great inspiration to me as well as Brendan night great joy in thus unusual year.

    Thank you!

    1. Merry Christmas to you, Mark! Thank you for the kind comment on the blog. Very much appreciated!

  19. Tomorrow's going to be better, and better...Happy New Year Jonathan!

  20. Hope you are having a good Xmas despite it all. Many thanks for all your friendly comments on my (and many others ) blog, and here's to a better New Year!

    1. David, thank you for the comment! Yes, Christmas was quiet but enjoyable despite our current situation. Here's to a better New Year, for sure!

  21. Hope your Christmas was as good with two as ten and that your focus is on keeping you and your's safe. Looking forward to seeing the present that relates to gaming and more focussed work from your painting table.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Happy holidays, Ross! Christmas was enjoyable with two and much more quiet too.

      The BIG wargaming Christmas gift will be up for display in tomorrow's post. Stay tuned!

  22. Mrerry Christmas Jonathan!
    We hope Santa was generous with you!

  23. Replies
    1. I did! I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, as well. Maybe in 2021, we meet?

    2. I hope you had a nice quiet Christmas, I know we did,just catching up now!
      Best Iain

    3. Yes, it was a nice, quiet Christmas for a pleasant change!

  24. The joy of the season to you, your blog has been a source of inspiration through the year.

    1. Happy holidays, Paul! You really are too kind. You work is an inspiration to me as well even though I will never attain your level of skill.

  25. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my friend.

    All the best to you and the family

