
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Celtic Gaesatae in 6mm

Off the painting desk today are seven stands of 6mm Celtic Gaesatae, each of fifteen figures.  Total figure count in this batch is 105.  These naked Gauls are from Baccus 6mm. 

Earlier in the fall when I realized Telamon in 28mm would not see the gaming table until restrictions are lifted (well, more like on again, off again, on again...currently on again), I placed an order to Baccus to fill out the Celtic ranks.  If I could not conduct Telamon in 28mm, perhaps, I could field the forces to fight the battle in 6mm using Commands & Colors Ancients?  The order included Celtic Gaesatae, chariots, and warriors.  The chariots were completed earlier and a number of warrior stands were already present for duty.  With these Gaesatae, I may have sufficient Gauls for the battle.  I need to make a double check.  A handful of clothed, warrior stands may still need to be pressed into the painting queue.  
On the gaming front, activity continues to buzz with remote gaming.  Tuesday saw a return to the Spanish Civil War in 15mm for my second playtest of Send Not To Know by Graham Evans.  The battle photo below shows my Republicans tearing into the head of a Fascist column on the road to victory.
Photo courtesy Wargames for  Grown-ups
The game featured an interesting and fluid action wherein my Republicans were tasked with an impromptu defense of the approaches to Madrid while the Fascists raced toward the city.  In the end, my Republicans held out, for now.  To see the battle account, please visit, Cut Price Guadalajara on Grahams' blog.

On the gaming calendar for Sunday is the second of three planned actions in an AWI mini-campaign hosted by Matt at wargamesinthedungeon.  The British will attempt to take back the siege gun, 'Old Molly' before the rebels can make good their escape.  Should be fun!


  1. The Gaesatae look excellent especially for 6mm figures!

  2. A good mix of gaming and painting. The Gauls look just the job.

    1. Thank you, Norm! Hobby activities are firing on all cylinders at present.

  3. A real pot pourri of stuff you have going on Jonathan, which is great to see. The Gauls look lovely and i'm sure will look great with your planned C&CA game. With no prospect of FtF gaming here until late Spring I would imagine, solo games will be the order of the day.

    1. It is a real mix, for sure, Steve. F2F is not a possibility here either. Will late spring be a possible turning point? I hope so.

      Glad you like my little Gauls.

  4. I would never have had a look at 6mm figures without your post. Incredible !! I'm very impressed with what you achieved on these little guys.

  5. Baccus do make really nice figures, and they're easy to paint as well. Plus Pete Berry is a top notch wargamer too and a thoroughly decent bloke from God's Own Country (that's Yorkshire, apparently). I've got his early WW1 stuff, which work really well. Looking forwards to the republication of Pony Wars, so I can dive into those 7th cavalry he's working on.

    1. Baccus 6s are easier to paint than many expect. It takes a different style and mentality. For me, painting them requires a more impressionist take with an eye toward color and mass effect.

      I will see if I can find examples of your WWI 6s on your blog. Pony Wars in 6mm? Looking forward to seeing those.

    2. Look at postings with the Op14 label.

  6. Those shields really make them ‘pop’! Agree with others that Baccus figures are good to paint.

    1. Thank you! The figures are good to paint but getting more difficult as me and my eyes age. I have trouble seeing all of the great detail sculpted into each figure.

  7. Splendid looking tiny Celts! Sounds like a fun game too!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! The game was fun and challenging as the defender.

  8. Great looking Gallic warriors Jonathan. You certainly do seem to be becoming quite the "virtual " wargames!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Gaming frequency is really something to behold. I have never gamed so much in my life.

    2. Maybe it is the way of the future, like online banking and online shopping - no one will ever have to leave home again....I know some people would be appalled at the thought and I must admit I dont think it would be as much fun!

    3. Virtual gaming allows me an opportunity to game with those whom I never could in person but I certainly miss the camaraderie and discussions of F2F gaming. I don’t want to lose that!

  9. Beautiful (and tiny!) Celts, awesome mass effect!

    1. Tiny, for sure, Phil! It is the mass effect and color that makes this scale such a pleasure to see and collect.

  10. Always a joy to see a band of well-painted 6mm figures. They look great Jonathan!

  11. I figure Gauls are basically a black hole. Once you have any amount, do you ever have enough? Is there ever a moment where the gaping emptiness of Not Enough Gauls doesn't hover at the edge of your consciousness? It's been the main factor stopping me from getting any.

    1. Markus, if I approached every new project with that philosophy, I might never begin! I say dive in and hang on for the ride!

  12. Very impressive, Jonathan. The figures and basing look great.

  13. Nice work, not sure I could do 15's now.

  14. Like the Gauls Jonathan, il find myself pondering 6 mm as well at the moment.....many people seem to be very complimentary of the Baccus figures ?

    1. Thank you, Matt! I only have ancients but I like them. Most of my ancients are first edition before they were resculpted. First edition figures looked good enough to me but second edition are even better. I cannot believe all of the detail sculpted into this little bits of metal. What periods are you considering?

  15. Love the look of 6mm massed figs--no other scale delivers the same imposing look of a warband, I think. Nicely done!

    1. Yes, for mass effect of large armies, 6mm is a viable choice. Glad you like them, Ed!

  16. Lovely work Jonathan, they look great. I read somewhere that the Gaesatae gained their reputation for fighting naked at Telamon, but it may actually have been a one-off thing as their clothes were catching on thick bramble patches.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! I cannot imagine a situation wherein my clothes are being torn by brambles and I decide it is better to run naked through these spiny brambles than in clothes. Ouch!

  17. Excellent Gaesatae Jonathan, 6mm CCA games do look great!

    1. Thanks, Mike! Perhaps not as impressive as your beautiful 28mm CCA games but it works for me.

  18. Great looking Celts. Hope you get to use them soon.

  19. Just as well you told us that they are 6 mm Jonathan or we'd think they were a larger scale! Such a fine job.
    Regards, James

  20. Excellent Gauls, amazing they are 6mm with that level of detail and painting!

    1. Thanks, Mark! The Minwax stain does a good job of highlighting the bare-naked Gauls.

  21. 6mm is always great fir that massed infantry affect and you achieved it well. It’s the main selling point of 6mm!

    Glad you’re getting in good with the online stuff. 😀

    1. Stew, 6mm is perfect for large, massed battles but I use mine only for CCA. So much good online gaming going on here. Another game today!

  22. Splendid tiny little toys Jonathan...
    They do indeed look good on mass...
    The only tiny figures I’ve used in a project so far were the pieces I painted for my set of TravelBattle... it was fun... but I’m not sure I could do armies...
    Mind you... never say never 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! 6mm figures are easier to paint than one imagines. It may require a change in painting style but it is surprisingly doable.

  23. They look good Jon, although in my scale constant fashion I would have just used the 28's and called it a day! :-)

    1. Thanks,Peter! The 6s work so well for Commands & Colors for me that they would be hard to give up. I have a numbered Celts remaining to paint.

  24. Your celts are brilliant. I never could start with that scale although gaming Malplaquet or Höchstätt 1 & 2 in 6mm would be really nice as I would not need a large table and that period is more of a side step for me (although the uniforms are just nice).

    I hope to see battle reports by you in better times or if you would make further solo battles (or let me share some of the glory... although US-time is very different and I would not know how to manage such games properly ...)

    1. Thank you, Andrè! WSS in 6mm would look grand! I am still planning on a solo Rivoli game with remote commanders proving orders. After the Christmas holidays may be a good time to begin.
