
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Pharsalus: Caesar v Pompey

My second solo battle of Pharsalus in which pitted Caesar against Pompey is in the books. The earlier battle (see Pummelling Pompey) saw Caesar come out with a convincing victory.  In a rematch, can Pompey even the score?

As in the earlier battle report, the battle is fought out on the Commands & Colors: Ancients (CCA) board using 6mm figures.  Play-by-play is embedded within each photo.  To view as a slideshow, click on one of the photos to activate. 

Well, Pompey came close to victory and certainly provided a much better opponent for Caesar than in the first game.  The battle featured much back and forth with punch and counter-punch a common feature.  Still, poor Pompey came up short but victory was within his grasp on more than one occasion.  CCA, again, produced a very fun solo challenge.  For now, the 6mm Ancients armies are packed away until next time. 


  1. A much more evenly balanced Jonathan - as you say, Pompey almost won this one. I do like your new AAR style with the embedded text. Looking forward to your next game!

    1. Yes, the outcome was much closer in this contest. Pompey had more than one chance to defeat Caesar but it was not to be. Glad you approve of the embedded battle descriptions and that these make following the action easier.

      Thank you!

  2. Good to see it was a much closer game, but Caesar is one tough opponent. The embedded text works a treat and makes the action so much easier to follow. Interesting to see what game will next grace your table.

    1. Caesar is a tough one, no doubt. The extra capability given to him make him a particularly difficult foe when attacked personally.

      Good to see the embedded text is working well for you. What will be next on the table? I know not!

  3. The lesson is to steer clear of Caesar unless you are Brutus.
    Another great report of one of my favourite games.

    1. Steer clear of Caesar is exactly right!
      Thank you for your encouragement, Paul!

  4. Well done Johnathan I have always wanted to refight this battle to attempt to understand how Caesar won against the odds.

    1. Thank you, Robbie! In CCA, Caesar's additional capabilities make him a tough opponent. I would enjoy seeing you refight Pharsalus one day.

  5. One day, Pompey will get the win . . . .

    1. One day...I did beat Caesar at Pharasalus in my last F32F battle so it can be done. Seems unlikely, though.

  6. Poor ol' Pompey. Great batrep Jonathan.

    1. Poor ol' Pompey, indeed! Thanks, Ray! Much appreciated.

  7. Lovely presentation, I think the slide show effect is working well, though I am guessing that the simpler, more intuitive presentation is actually more work to to on your part, in terms of remembering movements / attacks etc and then writing them into each picture. Regardless, a resounding success.

    1. Thank you, so much, Norm! This type of presentation may be a little more work but not much, really. One problem I face is that a typo or two tends to creep into the text. Sometimes, I miss these and once committed, I am stuck without redoing the frame.

      I keep a few notes primarily regarding battles and losses. the photos help me recreate the narrative after the fact.

      Your continued encouragements are much appreciated!

  8. Great looking game, and I do enjoy the presentation method.
    Much closer this time.

  9. Great battle report. I like the embedded test on the photos

  10. Much closer result this time, I do like the format!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes, much closer result. Are you able to bring the BatRep up and click through the photos in succession?

    2. No, not on my phone but it's easy enough to click on and bring up each one,close it and move onto the next,all good gun!
      Best Iain

    3. Good to see it “almost” works as intended on the phone.

  11. Yes, the BatRep works very nicely Jonathan. Pompey's not having much luck, is he? Although I suspect that the scenario is a difficult one for him. I'm really enjoying seeing your 6mm collection in action.

    1. I appreciate your feedback on the BatRep format. It is tough for Pompey but he came quite close to victory this time. Perhaps I will give Pompey another chance on another day?

      I really ought to get the 6mm Ancients out more often. My latest order from Baccus contained more Celts/Gauls. I would like to try Telamon in 6mm before turning attention to a 28mm battle.

    2. That would look terrific, I am sure Jonathan. 6mm really comes into its own in recreating big battles.

    3. Before a 6mm Telamon, I must paint the figures!

  12. Pompey never gets a break does he? Nice job on the battle report. I’ve never played CCA but it looks like a nice game. I have played other versions of C&C. 😀

    1. Pompey is having difficulty at present in securing a victory. Perhaps he should stop the battle and ask for a recount?

      CCA is my favorite if the lot and it is one we can ALWAYS get people to agree on playing.

      Glad to see you enjoyed the battle report!

    2. He should have stopped the battle when he was ahead and declared victory!
      Best Iain

  13. Solo wargaming is here to stay I think Jonathan, for me at least.

  14. Oooh, a close one! A little more luck and Pompey could have pulled this off!

    1. Indeed! Caesar sacrificed much of his advantage in heavy infantry to secure a victory by continually pummeling Pompey.

  15. A great little game Jonathan...

    Seeing how your game looks with the 6mm miniatures tempts me to try the same with my copy of Command and Colors...

    I have a couple of boxes of unpainted 6mm Napoleonics... somewhere.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I encourage you to give it a try! CC and 6mm are a good combination.

  16. Great AAR, following the battle in this way was quite fun!I have only played C&C Napoleonics and Medieval so far, but the system works very well and your figures make it much more of a visual spectacle. Good show!

    1. Thank you, Sir! C&C is even better when played with miniatures.

  17. Great gaming, captured wonderfully in your AAR and photos, Jonathan.

  18. Not my favorit battle of the period, but very nice to read you gaming again and your accounts are always a pleasure to look on. Thank you for fine wargaming and analyzing the battle.

    1. Thank you! What is your favorite battle?

    2. Magnesia and Cynoscephalae although it is difficult to get a clear idea of these battles.

    3. I ought to put one of these on the gaming table and give it a try.
