
Saturday, November 28, 2020

More FRW French and a Remote Game

Work continues on fielding 15mm French Revolution French infantry.  Out from the painting desk, one more French regiment consisting of three battalions departs.  These Frenchmen are a mix of figures with AB mounted officers, 2nd generation Old Glory fusiliers, and 1st generation Old Glory grenadiers.
You may recall that 19th Century Miniatures produced French in bicorne in mid-2019, heeded complaints of figure sculpting and fragility, and resculpted the range by the end of 2019.  The 2nd generation figures are much more robust than the 1st generation figures.  I still had some 1st generation grenadiers handy so why not press them into service to fill out the ranks?  Perhaps these Frenchmen will see action at a planned Rivoli battle?  More details on that soon.

Next off the painting desk, I expect to see a second SYW Irish Infantry Regiment in French service.
On the gaming front, I enjoyed another remote battle this week with the publisher of the blog, Wargaming for Grown-Ups and his local group in the UK.  Action this week was set on the road to Madrid during the Spanish Civil War.  Rules in use for Tuesday's battle are currently in development by the author, Graham.

The scenario placed me in the role of leader of Republican forces determined to block the approaches to Madrid.  Converging upon my positions were two columns of Nationalist troops.  One of the columns consisted of a crack force of Spanish colonial troops.  The other column comprised mainly troops of lesser quality. 

The objective for the Fascists was to clear the table and secure the two towns on the board.  Casualties were high but my Republicans held on to claim victory when time expired.  That, despite surviving a last turn bomber run over the Republican held village.  
Photo courtesy Wargaming for Grown-Ups
Being a development game, there were a few questions, scratching of heads, and careful notetaking.  At the end, everyone enjoyed the battle.  The game via Skype completed without incident and was quite fun.  Before the pandemic, I would not have imagined gaming with guys in the UK in a remote setting.  Of late, I have two regular remote gaming sessions with two different groups.  The lockdowns have moved technology and our gaming forward.  I hope that these remote sessions can continue even when the world returns to normal.  

Graham musters a good-natured and welcoming group of his buddies for these weekly sessions.  They made a foreigner, new to the group and technology, feel very welcomed.  For a full battle report of the action, please visit A Return to Old Spain on Graham's blog.

Next week's remote gaming session will be a WotR battle in 28mm, I think.  The session will include a playtest of rules in development by another member of Graham's group.  Whatever is on the slate, I am looking forward to it.

Having made it through several readings of Graham's Ancients' To Ur is Human rules and participating in last week's remote game (and taking a few notes of my own), expect a First Impressions of the rules in a post within the next fortnight.  


  1. Splendid looking units, and your steady painting hand has added buttons.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Well, If I can see the buttons, I try to paint them.

  2. Lovely units as always and glad to see you are getting more battlefield action. 👍 I’ll confirm next weekend day and timing soon

    1. Glad you like them, Matt! Very good to be able to actually game again with an opponent. Like, Graham, I owe you a big thank you for making gaming possible. I look forward to our next battle.

  3. Those look great Jonathan, both from a painting and sculpting point of view. Great to see you are still able to get some remote gaming in, which is good.

    1. Thanks, Steve! These resculpts by Old Glory are really quite good. The advancing poses are pleasing too. I have many more to paint AND Old Glory is holding its annual holiday sale now so I can stock up, if needed. Remote gaming has been a HUGE positive surprise in this current mess we all face.

  4. Very nice additions to the FRW project Jonathan. Glad to see the remote gaming seems to be working well

    1. Remote gaming seems almost natural. With a good GM, the experience is natural and without stress.

  5. Thanks for the name check on the game. It has been great having you along. You seem to fit in well with our style of gaming. It's like you've been a Monday night Group member for ages. Painting's all right, isn't it, but you really want to push the little fellows about, don't you.

    1. The two games with you and your merry band have been great fun for me. I agree that it does seem like we’ve known each other for ages. Perhaps following blogs provides a distant familiarity? Painting is alright but pushing figures across the table, if only virtually, is great fun indeed. Thanks for this opportunity!

  6. Splendid looking French! Good to hear you're getting a game in too!
    Best Iain

  7. The units look great and good to see another gaming opportunity taken.

  8. Great looking troops, Jonathan. Your work is always inspiring and impressive.

  9. Lovely toys as always Jonathan...
    It’s nice to see your getting some games in...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! It is very good to see a return to gaming if only remotely.

  10. Fine looking Frenchmen. Remote gaming is second best, but far better than none. It does have some advantages in allowing us to play with others across the world, and very short drive times to games!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Perhaps second best but I am finding it quite enjoyable. The commute times cannot be beat! I do miss the communal break for lunch or dinner, though, and the post-game banter.

  11. Lovely work, and I especially like the close-up in the first picture. Very eye-catching. We never really got involved in remote gaming and lockdown thankfully now seems like a distant memory which really only involved a two-month layoff (although we don't fool ourselves that it couldn't happen again), and I can't help feeling as though we missed an opportunity.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! The troops look dirty and hard campaigners in the close-up, I think.

      I don't think I would qualify side-stepping the pandemic as a missed opportunity. You are one lucky guy! Still, there have been a few silver lining to these very dark clouds. Remote gaming is one.

  12. Nicely done, the manufacturers / generations seem to mix together well.

    1. Thanks, Norm. Yes, to my eye, they all work together very well.

  13. Totally unrelated Jonathan - but if you want to try The Assault Group miniatures, they appear to have a sale on currently - £7 packs down to something like £5.65

    1. Very much appreciate the heads up, Keith! I have a unit or two of TAG Italian Wars figures and would enjoy getting more. Off to explore now. Thank you!

  14. Splendid French unit Jonathan, great job!

  15. Lovely painted French. However I would talk to the soldiers to not march with the muskets in such dangerous poses. Or are they attacking and if they are attacking, why they don't have the Charleville in the "Croissez-les bayonets"-Position? OK, that's maybe some brave but ill disciplined mob from the Faubourgs of Paris. ;-)
    Did you ever painted the 22e demi-brigade and would you share the result (if it is a disciplined unit ;-) )?

    1. Thank you, Andrè! They are advancing in dangerous stance to the man in front, for sure. I don't recall painting the 22e but will need to pull the soldiers from the box to confirm.

    2. They fought at Marengo with destinction (even more honour-muskets than the 9e légère!) - Maybe that could be some Motivation. First battalion with bearskin caps on the Grenadiers and the 2nd bn. with hats.

  16. Nice painting as usual and you are really getting in good with the virtual gaming! Good for you😀

    1. Thank you, Stew! Yes, the virtual gaming is coming on heavy. I am tempted to give it a try on the hosting end myself. Unfortunately, my game room is in a basement and all of my lead lined walls seems to disrupt the wifi!

  17. Nice painting as usual. I especially like the close up pic.
    You’re getting in quite good with the virtual games. Good for you! 😀

    1. Stew, note that for posts older than three days, I turn moderation on. That is why your posts did not show immediately.

    2. Lol! I thought blogger was giving me problems again. ...sorry for spam. 😀
