
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hittite Bowmen and the End in Sight?

Two more stands toward the six unit Hittite Augmentation task muster off the painting desk.  With five of six units now in the finished side of the ledger, only one remains before declaring success on this mini-project.  When the final unit is ready for duty, 18 units will have been completed in 2020.  What remains to finish is one more chariot and crew.  It will be off the table soon.  With more than two months left in 2020, the Hittite Augmentation project may see a second round of augmentation.  Maybe a total of 20 units is possible in 2020?  20 in 2020 has a nice ring to it.   
All of these bowmen are Wargames Foundry and primarily represent Neo-Hittites.  Of course, besides being included in a Hittite Army, these bowmen will see service under Assyrian or Babylonian rule.  These sculpts were more rough than past Foundry bowmen.  These lads seemed to carry a bit more flash that usual.  Still they will serve me well and likely see action in several armies.  A number of these same figures were mustered into the Assyrian Army during the Assyrian build-up a few years' ago.  Once the final chariot is fielded, I will pull the Hittites out for a parade review.
On the gaming front (yes! gaming front), I got in two solo battles of Pharsalus using Commands & Colors and look forward to an upcoming remote session using a new set up rules.

At least one of the Pharsalus battle reports is in work.  The first battle will witness the power of a legion led by Caesar, himself.  I ought to entitle the BatRep, Pummelling Pompey.  The game result was much different from my earlier two-player game of the same scenario (see: Pharsalus: CCA in 6mm).

On the remote gaming front, Matt over at Wargames in the Dungeon, offered up a chance to try a remote gaming session with him behind the controls.  I jumped at the opportunity to participate in one of Matt's spectacular looking games.  On tap is an AWI action using troops drawn from Matt's 28mm collection and the rules, Rebels and Patriots.  Luckily, I have a copy of the rules but have never read them.  A quick read suggests a ruleset on the less complex end of the gaming spectrum.  It should be perfect for a small introductory game over a new media for me.  I expect a schooling in the first game on both the use of technology and the rules' mechanisms and tactics. 


  1. Twenty of these beautiful units is particularly impressive Jonathan!
    Regards, James

  2. Another 2 excellent units. Be a shame not to increase the muster to 20.

  3. Crikey you’ve been busy! 20 in 2020 has a good ring to it. But after that you must remember 20 is plenty! 😆

    1. Busy at the workbench, for sure but this is only a part of the yearly output. Year-end painting tally should be good. Thanks for the comment!

  4. More great work on these archers Jonathan, and I agree, 20 in 2020 has a satisfying ring to it. Look forward to seeing how your transatlantic high tech AWI encounter goes, not to mention Pommelling Pompey...!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith! I look forward to the transatlantic battle too. Hopefully, I will not need to put the AWI battle report through a spin cycle before publishing. Poor Pompey, indeed!

  5. Great work Jonathan, and a terrific effort to be nearing the 20 unit mark on the project. I'm looking forward to the group shot, as I do love a parade.

    1. Thanks much, Lawrence! I expect gathering the troops for a photo op soon.

  6. 18 units over the year at your quality is a great achievement. Top looking units Jonathan.

  7. Nice units and they are going to be a substantial force when they are on the battlefield 👍

    1. Thanks! The Hittite Army went from nothing to something more quickly than expected. When under my command, I hope they pose a force to be reckoned with.

  8. Love the guy in the green tunic, who makes a really nice contribution to the base. This is going to be a lovely force when arrayed.

    The Rebels and Patriots rulebook is an artistic joy, the colour plates are enough on their own to sell the rules.

    1. Putting a few colorful lads into the mix helps break up the dominant white clothed archers. For R&P, have you played the rules? If so, what are your thoughts?

    2. Not played, simply because the skirmish level is lower than my interest. I prefer units as battalions or regiments .... my loss I am sure :-)

    3. I typically game at the battalion (regimental) level too so this will be a step down for AWI gaming for me. It looks like a very good level for FIW games.

  9. Lovely Hittites, as always. I think next year may be when I cave and fall into chariot wars, and this series has been a major cause. Pity about Pompey, I always had a soft spot for him.

    1. Thanks! I would enjoy seeing a new chariot army from you. What figure size would you tackle? Oh, I’m glad to help out in your next project decision. I squeaked out a victory as Pompey in my last F2F encounter at Pharsalus but this contest was no contest.

  10. These bowman are looking superb as always.

    We recently played Eggmühl with CCN and it was a very exciting game.

    1. Thank you! CCN is a fun game although I have not fought Eggmuhl with it. I have been planning fighting Eggmuhl in miniature but, alas, not yet.

  11. Very nice indeed Jonathan...
    I hope you enjoy your remote game... I have one planned with my daughter tonight... I am looking forward to it.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! Even if the game goes poorly on the battlefield the company will be most welcome. Good luck in your battle with your daughter.

  12. Superb addition Jonathan, love your Ancient armies units...

  13. Another great set of units and the 20 in 2020 sounds great, so definitely something to aim for.

    R&P is are a great set of rules, but I am biased as I helped play test them and the AWI lists are my creation, for better of worse!

    1. Thanks, Steve!

      I did not know you had a hand in R&P. Yep. There you are in the credits. Congratulations!

      Now, if questions arise, we know whom to ask!

  14. Very fine additions to your Hittites, Jon, and of course, now you must do "twenty in 20202!"
    Just played another remote War of the Roses playtest game with Tim and David in Scotland, this time using Google Meeting.

  15. Excellent additions to your Hittites, Jonathan. It's great to see a project nearing completion.

  16. Good looking units and it is always a great feeling to get to final few units of a project.

    1. Approaching a goal is a good position, for sure. My goals always seem to be a moving target that seem one or two units beyond where I stand.

  17. More great looking Hittites! I shall miss them!

    1. Thanks, Ray! No need for despair, there will be more.

  18. Nice additions to the already sizable army. 20 is just madness talking. Besides, don’t you have 18mm figures that need painting for some other war? 😀

    I hope you enjoy your remote game if the time difference can be managed. I think gaming with Matt would be fun. Of course, I’d like to game with you too and many other blogs I follow.
    I’ve haven’t gotten around to purchasing R&P yet. I probably will eventually as it’s cheap enough. I have a DR and LR and they’re OK games but I often find I get a little bored of them.

    1. Thank you, Stew! I always have something to paint. A few 18mm figures are in work as well.

      Having not played any of the games in the LR stable, I look forward to giving R&P a try. I especially look forward to see what Matt comes up with and how this all works remotely.

      At least you and I reside on the same continent and within the same time zone. It is not a long flight from Spokane to Sacramento so in-person gaming is not completely out of bounds.

  19. Lovely looking utility bowmen! I always like units that can be in many armies! I think you've already decided to paint the full 20 units? Looking forward to yours and Matts game!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Yes, I will press on with two more to make twenty. I may even revise that estimate. I look forward to facing off against Matt on the morrow.

  20. Great work Jonathan, twenty units is an impressive total for the year especially alongside all the other projects you have pushed along.
    Shame about the quality of the castings.

    1. Thanks, Paul! Usually the Foundry sculpts are very good. This batch seemed an oddity but still useful for my purposes. What until you see year-end totals. The counts should be good.

  21. Lovely unit and really captures atmosphere of era with colours and basing :)
