
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Return of the Hittites

When I finished my 2020 goal of a dozen unit Hittite Army in June (see Hittites The Gathering) , I figured that was good enough and job done.  Twelve units would be sufficient to field a basic army for Basic Impetvs, Impetvs, or To The Strongest!.  Having completed this task ahead of schedule, some readers suggested that I should press on and field another half-dozen units before the year was out.  After all, I finished twelve units in six months, six units in six months should pose little challenge.  Right?


Off the painting desk today is the first of these reinforcements for the Hittite Army.  Mustering out is a bow-armed, light chariot with two crew and three runners.  Figures are all Wargames Foundry.     
While third quarter winds down, planning for fourth quarter painting push to close out the year is under consideration.  Seems that 25mm/28mm has seen more than its share of focus at the painting desk, thus far.  In an attempt to rebalance my efforts, the tentative plan includes switching from a focus on 25mm/28mm projects to the 15mm/18mm projects.  Of course, the Hittites will continue passing across the painting desk until a further six are finished.  Hopefully, the 1799, 1859, and SYW projects will experience increased production as year-end approaches.  Have I mentioned that the 18mm SYW project may see a new army project undertaken?

I received the survey results from the 2020 edition of WSS' Great Wargaming Survey.  Expect a series of analyses digging deeper into the survey data over the next several months.  Data explorations will be similar to results seen in the 2019 battery of analyses but some new twists too including the introduction of a few new questions.  With luck, an interesting revelation or two will fall out of these analyses.    

To close, the West is in flames due to wild fires.  By Saturday afternoon, air quality was in the Hazardous classification.  A thick smoke hung over the region, heavy with the smell of burning brush and timber.  One small town about 40 miles away burned to the ground this past week.  Now, we not only wear face masks to protect from COVID but to prevent smoke inhalation.  Sigh.  What a year.   


  1. Just heard of the fires on the radio this morning, awful, awful business. The Hitties look terrific by the way set off by the elegant basing.

    1. Glad you like the Hittite chariot basing! The fires are awful business, no doubt.

  2. Wonderful painting and basing on those foundry figures. Stay safe out there Jonathan.

  3. First off, I hope you all stay safe out there and that the weather takes a turn for the better to help quell the fires.

    Secondly, another great unit and look forward to seeing them in action.

    Thirdly it will be nice to read your analysis of the surveys results and whether or not there are any significant changes.

    1. Hi Steve! No beneficial break in the weather yet but Spokane seems in little danger at present.

      By the time restrictions lift, I may have a sizable Hittite army to field for game. It would be fun to get these troops into battle.

      Very good to see you look forward to the survey analysis. I am afraid the results may bore many but I find analysis of the data and responses fascinating.

  4. A nicely balanced base. I think the idea of chariot runners is a much nicer thing than even having two light chariots per base.

    40 miles sounds too close for comfort given the strategic scale of the fires. Hope you and yours remain safe.

    1. Norm, glad you like the basing scheme for the chariots. Not only do I like the composition with the inclusion of runners but it saves me the effort of building and painting two chariots per base.

      As for threat from fire, we seem safe for now.

  5. JF, I just love this project of yours. I feel I need to undertake something in the bronze age but the closest I've got so far is expanding my fifth century BCE Greeks. I wish you the best of luck with the fires. Back home last year in Oz the whole country just about burst into flames and we are all dreading the approaching summer just a little.

    1. I would enjoy seeing your talented brush applied to a Bronze Age project. I recall watching last year as Oz went seemingly up in flames. Hopefully, you do not experience a repeat this year.

  6. You're doing it again Johnathan, turning out numerous beautifully painted figures. Take a break man. Ive been reading about the latest wildfires as well, make certain your family and pets can move quickly, as for the figures I'll send you my address.

    1. Thank you, Robbie! Slow and steady sometimes win s the race. But this is not a race, right?

      You will be relieved to know that an evacuation plan is in place. My wife knows which figures to save first...

  7. Your Hittites are stunning Johnathan; a great combination of excellent painting, dynamic basing and quality figures well done!

    Hope that you and yours are all safe.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. You are most kind, Ross! We are inundated by smoke but otherwise all is well.

  8. Another great unit. Slow down man, you’re making us look bad 😉

    Sorry to hear about the fires. Hope you get some heavy rain soon. Stay safe.

    1. Thank you! I am sure to slow down soon enough...

      Wild fires are becoming a regular occurrence in the West. One gets used to it.

  9. Great additions to your Hittites Jonathan. It's great being able to add to an already "completed" army. Like icing on the proverbial cake. The bad air quality is going on about a week now. Rain is forecasted starting Monday afternoon, so hopefully that will help clear things up.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Not much rain forecast here. Hopefully, your rain will knock down the levels of smoke in the air.

  10. Great looking figures Jonathan and it sounds awful what's going on near you, it's very frightening!

    1. Thank you very much, Ray! The smoke is chokenly heavy but actual threat is low.

  11. Great work, and it is always great to see more of your Hittites roll off the production line Jonathan. I hope the bushfires stay far enough away to not trouble you, although it is amazing how quickly they can move so always best to be prepared. The smoke alone is enough of an inconvenience, and can really feel as though it is sitting on the lungs.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! I guess a dozen Hittites units was good for a start but readers have convinced me of the error in my calculations. Another six by Christmas! That is the new mantra.

      Smoke is in the hazardous classification again on Sunday and the smoke really does get in your eyes even in brief periods outdoors.

  12. Good to have the Hittites back! Splendid bases as usual.

    Been following the news from here too. Those fires are gigantic. Hope the situation goes back to normal asap. In the meantime take care.

    1. Thanks a lot, Mike!

      At least four of the western US states are blanketed in smoke from numerous fires. We need cool weather and rain, for sure.

  13. Lovely Hittites
    I wish you good fortune with the fires, we are heading west to Jackson Hole WY this week and looking at the local cameras there is already some haze there.

    1. Thanks, Paul! Hope your trip to Jackson Hole is not interrupted by fire and smoke. Great place for a late summer getaway.

  14. A very nice base and good News for your fans. I don't want to read more on a Monday morning.

  15. Lovely unit Jonathan, winter planning for a new army sounds exciting looking forward to seeing that develop. I m hoping to crack on with AWI and get it to the point that a battle is possible by Christmas ! But I might get distracted nd will be punching the SYW project forward. As for the fires etc....hope you Guys stay safe, I guess it might be impacting the outdoor cycling ?

    1. Thank you, Matt!

      You have been making great progress on your AWI project. I expect to see battles before Christmas from you. More work on your SYW project would be a pleasure to see too.

      On the cycling front, you are spot-on. No outdoor cycling possible for the last three days. With air quality in the mid-400 range out of a possible 500 score, work-outs have been confined to the indoor trainer. Everything smells and looks like we are standing near a campfire.

  16. Great looking Hittites Jonathan - according to the news here, it looks like Oregon is the worst hit state at the moment - hopefully Washington is not so severely affected...

    1. Thank you, Keith! All of the West is experiencing high levels of fire. Oregon is particularly hard hit but Washington has many as well.
      Below is a map showing active fires in Oregon and Washington.

      As seen, Washington State has not escaped this disaster.

  17. Splendid toys as always Jonathan...

    The U.S. does seem to be quite literally going out off the frying pan and into the fire at the moment... take care of yourself and keep safe.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! When it rains, it pours. That is misfortune pouring down and not water!

  18. Outstanding job as always Jonathan, love this one!

  19. Another great looking chariot Jon. Have been thoroughly enjoying seeing this project getting worked on.

    The smoke here in Sacramento goes from bearable (Today) to outright lung-clogging (Last weekend). The West Coast is fast becoming the Worst Coast to live in...

    1. Thank you, Sir! Glad you are enjoying the Hittite project and this beginning of this expansion. If I am to make my goal, at least five more units need to come off the painting line.

      Here in Spokane, the smoke has been chokingly bad for three days now. With little breeze, the smoke moved in a took up residence. Air quality has remained in the 400+ range since that time. Some of the worst air quality in the country.

      If civil unrest doesn't burn the West down, Mother Nature may...

  20. Fun to see the Hittites back. I’m sure you can reach your goal. And I’m looking forward to the survey analysis. 😀

    The air here has had unhealthy amounts of smoke all week. The kids are now going even more stir crazy. It even gets into my building at work so I come home smelling like I work in a cigar shop. ☹️

    1. Thanks, Stew! Looking forward to survey analysis is great! hopefully, I can make the numbers, graphs, and inferences intelligible.

      Here, after being outside briefly (and one should not remain in the smoke for long while in Hazardous conditions), we all smell like we have been standing around a roaring campfire without having the pleasure of roasting marshmallows or making smores.

  21. Ooh, love these fellows. We've been following the news of the fires closely; friends and relations on the west coast make it difficult not to. I hear, however, that misery loves company, and we're heading into hurricane season, so sit tight ;)

    1. Thank you, Markus! Yes, misery loves company and the weather has decided to throw up challenges for many. Best wishes in the hurricane.

  22. Lovely looking Hittites! Fires sound bad, hope you stay safe!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you for the Hittite encouragement and the fire well wishes.

  23. Great work on the Hittites, Jonathan. It saddens me to see the devastation of your wild fires. What a year indeed...who would have thought in our lifetime we would see this global devastation.

  24. I have not started any Biblical armies Jonathan although I have a good friend who has a number. Your Hittites are looking very good.

    Haveing experienced the fires down here early in the year (from a safe distance), I feel for those being affected now and hope all stay safe.


    1. Maybe once you catch up on your project clean-up, a Biblical army might be possible?

  25. A very fine looking Chariot and freinds, Jon. I have been following the fires in the West with considerable alarm, so I am glad that you are more or less OK. The past everal days, even way out on the east coast there is a copnstant haze in the upper atmosphere, making the sun dim despite the official forecast of "sunny" ) Being in the path of Hurricane Sally for those in the Florida pan handle, Alabama, etc has been devastating as well, and Covid continues to plague us, and appears likely to do so for another 6 months at absolute minimum. I an finishing my 4th vacation of the year at home. Compared with opther folks, a minimal inconvenince.

    1. Thanks, Peter! 2020 will certainly go down in the record books as a singular year.
