
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Hittite Spearmen

Work continues on fielding the "extra" six units to augment the original, dozen unit Hittite army completed earlier in the year.  This unit of fourteen spearmen files in as Unit #2 in this additional recruitment.  Mustering out four more units in three months before year-end should pose no problem.  Well, no problem as long as I can keep the brush in motion and the paint flowing.  Figures are from Wargames Foundry.  Nice figures.
Next off the painting desk for the Hittites will likely be another chariot and crew.  Chariot and runners will again be Foundry figures.  A resupply of Newline Design figures came in-house recently containing three more chariots so the Hittites will be switching chariot suppliers soon.  As at Kadesh, my Hittite Army may field a lot of chariots.  While only six can be called up for duty at present, enough models are in The Lead Pile to bring that total up to twelve (or maybe thirteen?).

I never did make it to the hex flocking project I planned for this weekend past.  Work on the GWS2020 analysis took precedence and kept me busy.  While I plan to tackle a follow-up analysis on the Figure Material Preference question this weekend, perhaps, I can work in a flocking exercise?  Time will tell.

Speaking of the Figure Material Preference analysis, I thank all of you who took the time to respond.  This was a very informative and vigorous discussion and I appreciate these efforts very much.  Really a top quality discussion that provided some good insights!  Hopefully, the continuation of the analysis for this question can raise an equal interest and contribution to the discussion. 


  1. Lovely unit with a nice splash of colour. I note Newline have had such a successful sale that they have told buyers that there are delays in getting orders out of the door - good to see a business doing so well in what are generally hard times.

    1. Thank you, Norm! Yes, when I placed my order during the anniversary sale, I received notification that production was two to three weeks backlog due to all of the overwhelming demand. Great news for a vendor. I wonder how much sales have increased for figure manufacturers during these lockdowns?

      As for this recent Newline order, the figures seem especially crisp with brighter details that other orders. Really terrific figures at a great price. Who needs plastics?

    2. I suppose the question is whether the bigger sales over lockdown were actually in effect future purchases brought forward and that whether gamers will now feel they have a lead pile to clear, rather than continuing to buy at higher levels?

    3. This is really a great point, Norm. Was this increase in sales during lockdown simply moving future sales forward? Time will tell, I suppose. Without direct knowledge of sales going forward, can a proxy for this situation be seeing an increased frequency in sales?

  2. lovely looking unit , sounds like you have plenty of figures to work on, personally I would be slightly anxious if I knew I had another 6 or7 chariots in the lead pile, but then you will get them all finished I am sure 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! Indeed, plenty of figures to work on. If I ever made a solid accounting of the number of figures in The Lead Pile, I would be anxious as well. Probably more figures than I can paint in my lifetime but there they are...

  3. Beautifully painted unit. Your Hittite army will look splendid with all those chariots you are planning.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! This will be a good looking army at least in my eye and mind!

  4. Yet another nice Hittite unit, with the splash of colour adding to the overall effect.

  5. Outstanding job, your Hittites are truly superb!

    1. Phil, you are always very kind on my brushwork.. Merci mon ami!

  6. Another lovely looking unit Jonathan - Foundry figures ARE very nice although personally I think they are now over priced, as many other manufacturers have closed the quality gap that justified their high cost back in the 90's, when they totally dominated the high end figure market (a little bonus opinion for the GWS analysis as at no additional cost!)

    1. Keith, having bought these figures over the years when on sale, the cost is not much of a concern. Many were purchased for $1 each.

      I appreciate your bonus GWS opinion! You will have plenty more opportunities to weigh in on these survey discussions.

  7. A very cool and relaxed unit. I love your choice of colours.

  8. Great stuff and I'll look forward to the next chariot. Twelve really will be an impressive force, and will look great on the table when deployed together. I always think there is something special about a chariot army.

    1. Thanks! Once I began down the road to building and fielding chariots armies, I am quite hooked by the periods and the look of these armies. I imagine more chariot armies will be in the offing. Will you be embarking upon some chariot armies?

  9. Great looking spearmen! Impressive progress on your Hittite expansion and it will be good to see some more chariots!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, kindly, Iain! I have a bunch of chariots remaining to build and paint!

  10. Coming together nicely. Will you be getting in a game with them soon?

    1. Thanks, Markus! A game soon with them? You are funny. Perhaps solo...

  11. You are so damned neat with your painting and basing Johnathan well done.

  12. More spearmen for the biblical boys! Very nice as ever Jon.

  13. Hittites are not an army I have looked at much before Jonathan so it is nice to see them. They do wear nice dressing gowns :)

    1. The Hittites field a handsome army even with the nice dressing gowns!

  14. Great looking figures. Your Hittite army is going to be fantastic. I enjoyed the previous discussion as well and look forward to the next edition of stats. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! These Hittites will take up several linear feet when deployed if nothing else.

      As for the survey work, more to come.

  15. Neat work Jonathan! Beats me how anyone can charge into melee wearing those long robes though.......

    1. Thanks, Mike! I can’t picture these guys moving at charge rate.

  16. Splendid stuff as always Jonathan...

    All the best. Aly

  17. Love these little guys! Who are you planning for them to fight Jonathan? Achean Greeks, or Egyptians?

    1. Thank you! My plan is to fight them against Egyptians, Assyrians, other Hittites, and eventually throw them in against Greeks and Trojans. Of course, I need to actually field Greeks and Trojans first!

  18. An especially fine looking unit of Hittites, Jon!
