
Monday, September 7, 2020

Austrian IR#11 in 1799

The 1799 Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland is another project not seeing action at the painting desk of late.  Checking the Painting log, this project last mustered troops in late February.  I guess that corresponds to the launching of work on a Hittite Army and the pandemic.  The former has been much more enjoyable than the latter.
After about six months of focusing on 28mm figures and projects, it was good to return to 18mm figures in general and the 1799 project in particular.  The two battalions mustering out from the workbench today are Lancashire Games' figures led by AB mounted officers.  These long-legged dandies, called up, are the second and third battalions of IR#11.  Hard campaigners may look a tad slender but one expects that situation when on campaign.  Good, solid sculpts.  More Austrian infantry are being pushed into the painting queue.  This time, Austrians from Campaign Games Miniatures will be the subject for the brush.
On the gaming front, I took part in an evening F2F gaming session Saturday night with Kevin.  Kevin received his copy of the newly released Jacobite Rising (JR) from Compass Games.  JR is the latest offering in the long running series of Commands & Colors games.  His game was delivered in Friday's post and was stickered and awaiting battle when I arrived Saturday evening. 
On the table was the Battle of Killiekrankie, 1689.  Government forces are facing attack while marching through a defile.  Commanding the Government forces, my army was set upon by the Highlanders and dispatched in relatively short order.  One of the features of JR is that a retreat result now requires a retiring unit to pass a rally attempt to remain on the field.  Fail the Rally Roll and the unit is removed from play.  My Government forces faced four occasions in which they had to retreat.  In every situation, the unit failed to rally.  With the battle set to a threshold of six enemy units eliminated for victory,  four of the six victory banners against me resulted from my army failing to stand.  In banner count, Government forces lost 6-2.  
At least the suffering was over quickly.


  1. Nice work many projects and games to play 👍

  2. Very nice unit. I visited the battlefield of Emmendingen yesterday. Perfect ground for them to Show their Courage.

    1. Glad you like them, Andre'! Will you be sharing photos of your Emmendingen visit?

    2. I think they maybe will be on our blog, when I start my series about redoubts. I don't know local historians who had written about the battle (although this seems strange). The battlefield certainly is very much built over since the last 2 or 3 decades.

      Did you found my latest post about Breisach?

    3. I did not see a post on Breisach. Off to look now.

  3. Another lovely unit Jonathan. Sounds like the Government troops didn't have the die rolls go in their favour. I think a replay should be on the cards to see what might happen if they stick around a tad longer.

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! Government forces had little luck in this opening battle. They fired a few volleys and then ran away. A replay ought to be in order.

  4. Cool unit Jonathan, I've always loved units with Rose coloured facings. Your result for Government forces in JR sounds pretty right for the early battles. Damn those Highland charges! Cheers Greg

    1. Thanks! I like seeing rose facings too. Those damned Highland charges, indeed!

  5. I like the pink dandies. How long until we see Jacobite figs for C&C, the miniature version?

    1. You are very funny, Markus! I have no plans on fielding Jacobite armies for CC. Well, not yet anyway...

  6. Nice unit, the splash of colour works perfectly with the white and greys and I think is preferable to the bright red turn backs etc of some units, which can look a little harsh against white.

    Jacobite Rising looks and interesting title. C&C style systems are penetrating plenty of periods now. Does that retreat test apply to all units of both sides?

    1. Thank you, Norm! The splash of color is good addition to the otherwise plain white of the Austrian uniforms. The various facings is one reason fielding Austrians is so fun. Much more interesting than the egalitarian uniform of the French.

      The Rally applies to both sides but different classes of troops having differing probabilities to rally.

  7. More lovely toys Jonathan...

    I too like Austrian units with Rose/Pink/Light Red facings...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! I, too, enjoy the Austrians with their various, colored facings.

  8. Smart looking fellows.
    I've got a Command & Colours appointment of my own in 15 mins

    1. I think they are smart looking too! Which C&C version is going out onto your table today?

    2. We played the Borodino Village scenario, a very close game with my Frenchmen squeezing out a 7:4 victory in the end.

    3. Very cool! Will there be a battle recap?

  9. Johnathan you have my head spinning with your numerous projects. Is it your cycling that allows you to do so many different projects?

    1. Hi Robbie. I doubt cycling has any direct relationship to the number of projects on my plate. The gusto and focus with which I attack the bike may suggest some OCD tendency that carries over into the hobby. I may need to reflect on this...

  10. As you well know, you can never have too many Austrians. I am very much looking forward to the SYW Commands and Colors if/when it comes out. It's one of the reasons I painted up the single BMU 18th century guys.

    1. PS the Austrians with their mounted commanders look superb, BTW

    2. True. You can never have too many Austrians regardless of war. I bet there are a lot of people looking forward to the C&C SYW version. I have the revised CC Samurai Battles on pre-order through GMT.

      Glad you like the single BMU with mounted colonel!

  11. Impressive quality and output as always, Jonathan!

    1. You are very kind, Dean!

      The rapidity at which you turned around Celt skirmishers from raw to finished is remarkable. wish I could have pawed through the Renegade Miniatures remnants at Panzer Depot.

  12. Lovely work, and nice to see your latest batch of 1799 Austrians. AB really do make lovely figures.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! The infantry are from Lancashire. Only the mounted colonel is AB but he is a fine specimen.

  13. Nice painting! Guys look really great.
    And congrats on another FtF game! Even if most of your army ran away like frightened girls. 😀

    1. Thanks! Yes, my government troops ran away in the face of the burly highlanders..

  14. They look great, well done Jonathan!

  15. More crackin work Jonathan. You certainly do get a lot painted!

    1. Thank you, Ray! I certainly do see a lot of stuff cross my painting desk.

  16. Good looking units. Interesting note on the new addition to C&C, I hadn't even heard of that one. I am still awaiting the re-release of Samurai Battles under the auspices of GMT.

    1. Thanks! I am on the pre-order, waiting list for GMT's version of Samurai Battles too. Maybe we will see it by Christmas? I think our version of SB with miniatures worked very well.

  17. I do like them. I must get back to my own 1799 campaign...I have a few French but no opponents yet.

    1. Thanks, Mark! I look forward to the return of your project.

  18. Lovely looking Austrians! At least you got the historical result and I agree, preferring your Hittites to covid 19!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Being the Government commander, reversing history would have been nice.

  19. Wow! The facial detail is amazing at this scale. Nice qork!
