
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Bavarian Kurprinz IR

After a brief diversion to make sense of the latest blogger "feature" of absent thumbnail sketches, back to the painting table for a return to the 18mm SYW project.
Mustering off the painting table today is the second battalion of Bavarian Infantry Regiment Kurprinz.  Of all of the variety of SYW uniforms, I place the Bavarian cornflower blue coat with white breeches among the most handsome.  With the white cuffs/lapels/turnbacks and yellow hat lace, the Kurprinz cuts a striking presence.  Battalion #1 came off the painting desk in March of this year so high time that its sister battalion marched out to join it.  Foot figures are from the excellent Lancashire Games' stable led by a Eureka mounted officer.
Still much action at the painting table but it appears the next unit to emerge from the workbench will be a large pike block for the Italian Wars collection.  By my count, this will comprise 43 figures in 28mm.  Before the pike block makes an appearance at the photo booth, there is a battle report to write on the second running of the Action at Mill Creek for the AWI.  Like the first action, rules in play will be Fields of Honor: AWI.

Until next time...


  1. Very nice unit Jonathon - I agree, its a nice colour combo and the yellow hat lace makes a nice change from the more usual white. Look forward to seeing your AAR!

    1. Thank you, Keith! One of my favorite uniforms, for sure! AAR up next, with some luck.

  2. My comment above must be some kind of record Jonathon - I just noticed you posted it twenty four SECONDS before I happened to notice a new post and visit to make my comment!

  3. Hi Jonathan- You certainly do a splendid job of painting 18mm figures- very accurate and detailed- well done. Cheers. KEV.

  4. Very smart looking regiment Jonathan - looking forward to the battle report.

    1. Very smart outfit, for sure! Battle reports rarely come together quickly for me. You seem to churn one out almost daily!

  5. A very nice looking unit in their splendid uniforms. Are they all on one base? If so, do you not worry about columns in the rules you use?

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! You are correct. Figures are mounted onto one base. I find linear combat with armies already deployed for battle rarely require any formation other than line. If column is warranted, I place a marker on the unit and march them to the flank.

  6. Very striking, with the dominant blue giving the whole stand a pleasing look from a distance, including a unified look with their flag! These chaps know they look good and must surely get a +1 for morale.

    1. Thank you, Norm! The Bavarians field a handsome army. Now, I need to find SYW battles in which they historically took part. If smartness of dress is a modifier, Bavarians ought to get +1, no doubt.

  7. Excellent Bavarians Jonathan, handsome indeed!

  8. Nice work Jonathan, I do like a Bavarian unit with their natty blue coats and BMW badge standards.

    1. Thanks! BMW marketers knew a good thing when they saw it!

  9. Another great unit Jonathan. You're really churning the units out lately - well done.

    1. Thank you, Greg! Yes, units are coming off the production line at a good clip.

  10. Another lovely unit and the cornflower blue uniform and flag make for a great ensembe piece. Interestingly I have grown cornflowers this year and they start out a very deep and intense blue, before fading to the blue as painted on your figures.

    1. Thank you, Steve, for your comment and your personal note on your gardening!

  11. Another great addition to your SYW project, Jonathan. Per your previous posts, I'm sticking with the older Blogger format - at least for now.

    1. Much appreciated, Dean! As for Blogger, if the Legacy version works for you, no need to switch.

  12. The white and blue do really make for a great looking unit. Nicely done Jonathan.

  13. Very nice indeed Jon - very attractive looking unit.

    1. Thank you, Tony! The Bavarian infantry uniform is a handsome one, for sure.

  14. Rather dashing bunch of fellows. That powder blue though, must show up the claret's of blood on the battlefield quite badly! I feel sorry for the laundry ladies.

    1. Dashing fellows, for sure. Could cornflower blue be any worse than Austrian white in a post-battle scene?

  15. Jonathan I'll echo the comments here. A fine looking unit. I have more Napoleonic Bavarians in 10mm than fought in the entire 1809 campaign but alas, I have not attempted them for previous wars. They look excellent.

    What color do you use for the coat? I have found VJ sky blue or VJ andrea blue looks very nice and is most effective for my Bavarians.

    1. Thank you, Steve! For the color, I am a craft paint man. The coat color is Ceramcoat's Ocean Reef Blue.

    2. I was just talking about craft paints with someone the other day. Interestingly the only paint Ive found that's acceptable for Austrian Napoleonic artillery carriages is a ceramcoat color :)

  16. Nicely done Jonathan. That Bavarian uniform takes a lot fo beating...i have them in three eras now and considering another.

    1. Thanks, Mark! I have yet to start a Bavarian 1866/1870 army...

    2. A word of warning before you start...there are differences between the armies of 1866 and 1870.

  17. No question, the Bavarian army uniforms exude class in any era! I happened to be in Ingolstadt for 2 days way back in 1974, and only in the last few hours realized it was the home of the Bavarian Army Museum. I could have spent a lot more than the two hours I had left there!

    1. Too bad you couldn’t spend more time at the inglostadt museum. We were in Munich and regensburg two years ago and I didn’t have time to stop off there. Maybe next time we both can enjoy the museum to its fullest?

  18. I guess it’s a consensus; everyone loves the uniforms! Must also mean you’ve painted them pretty well too! 😀

    1. It could be that all of you gents are too kind to be very critical.
      Thanks for your comment, Stew!

  19. The Bavarians certainly look sharp! Did you have any other players for your AWI battle, or was it solo?

    1. Thanks, Scott! The battle was me against myself...solo.

  20. Lovely Bavarians Jonathan! Yellow trim on the tricorns is a great combo as you say.

  21. Another nice unit...perhaps one day when I am bored of prussians I might do some Bavarians ?

    1. Adding colorful Bavarians into the painting queue is a nice diversion from a sea of Prussian blue and Austrian white.

  22. Lovely looking Bavarians in their classy uniforms! Looking forward to your pike block too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I thought a pike block might get your attention.

  23. I'm currently painting Bavarians too. Your unit is looking very clean and nice, just marching out of the fortress to face the Prussians(?). I tried to reflect the aspect of the financial problems of the state in my unit in a mix of older and new uniforms.

    1. I look forward to seeing your Bavarians, Andre'! I have some Irish on the table now.

    2. Irish in French Service? Hurrah! Sounds great. I hope to make photos today.

    3. My Bavarians are now on the HoW-forum.
