
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Last of the Hittites

Last of the Hittites. Yep.  For now.  Units 11 and 12 of the planned 12 element Hittite army are finished.  While I gave myself 12 months to finish the twelve elements, the army was completed in half that time. 

First off the workbench is the fifth chariot in the army.  Figures are from Newline Designs.  The Newline Design chariots appear a little heavier than the Foundry chariots but they look fine on the table together. Next time Newline offers a sale, a few more of the vehicles will be picked up. 
Last off the painting desk for this army is a third unit of javelinmen.  These figures are from Wargames Foundry.
So, what is the composition of this twelve unit Hittite Army?  The breakdown is:
5 x chariots
3 x javelin
2 x heavy spear
2 x bow
This is a good start and accomplishes my 2020 goal but I could add a few more units to the project before the year winds down.  Increasing the Hittite force from an army of twelve to eighteen is not out of bounds.  I may have the figures necessary to make that happen if I remain focused.

Next time, I plan to parade these Hittites on the game table for a group photo once I clear some table space.  Until then, back to the painting desk.    


  1. A rare and beautiful army. I've really enjoyed watching them roll out.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the project! I am enjoying your FIW project as well.

  2. Another two great looking units and can't wait to see them on parade as it were. What rules will you be using when they get onto the games table, and apologies if I've asked this before!

    1. Thank you, Steve! Rules will likely either be "To the Strongest!" or "Impetvs" or most likely BOTH!

    2. TtS a great set of rules and it will be interesting to see how Impetus compares:)

    3. The comparison will be interesting. We have not had Impetvs out on the table in many years. Hopefully, we still enjoy it.

  3. Well done on completing the units in half the time expected. The units look full of movement and should look impressive all together.

    1. Thank you! We will see how they look arrayed for battle very soon.

  4. Super and target hit early. Even at 12 elements, that is going to look a meaty force. I have just taken my 2nd edition Sword & Spear rules from Great Escape Games to see how they would suit my thought for a wars of the Roses game.

    If you check out this link, you can call up their Hittite list;

    1. Twelve units is a good start(!), I think. With 120mm frontage for each unit, even twelve units will cover a fair bit of real estate on the table.

      Thanks for the link to Sword & Spear Army lists. I have 1st Edition of the rules but never gave them a try. I look forward to seeing if they work for WotR.

  5. A great way to finish your Hittite army. I notice you've gone for 12 units, is that so it can also be used for DBA? Cheers Greg

    1. Hi Greg. No, these are not destined for DBA but they could be. An army of twelve seems like an optimal number of units to command for most games. Like most of my projects, this army will likely grow much beyond the "optimal" size!

      Rules used will most likely be either "To the Strongest!" or "Impetvs" but I rarely rule out anything as an option.

  6. Like others have mention a wonderful conclusion to your lovely Hittite army Jonathan!


    1. Thanks, Christopher! Your latest Provincials are brilliant.

  7. Some more bold guys!! Yep, great units and painting!

  8. Beautifully painted once again Jonathan!

  9. Awesome finish for the Hittite army, Jonathan. The 3-man chariot and runners are very imposing.

    1. Thanks,Dean! I have done more units to add some day. I like the Newline chariots too.

  10. Wow! Well done on completing your project way ahead of schedule. Wish I could say the same for mine........

    1. Much appreciated, Mike! My Hittites may be fielded ahead of schedule but your work is superb and takes time to achieve perfection.

  11. It really doesn't seem that long ago when you were embarking on the first of the Hittites. Lovely work again Jonathan.

    1. Hi Lawrence. Looking back, it was not that long ago. My first unit came off the painting desk in April. So, in less than three months, I completed this army.

      Glad you like them!

  12. Great work once again on these beautiful figures Jonathon, and as always with your desert armies, the basing really makes them! Very impressive output too....I love the fact that you nonchalantly toss in the fact that you have several more BMU worth of figures available to paint whenever you feel the urge!

    1. Thanks a lot, Keith! I have a tendency to buy in bulk and often more than I expect to paint. Therefore, it would be unusual to not have extra figures in the stockpile. It is a bad habit...

  13. Always a pleasure to look at such gorgeous units, chariot and javelinmen...πŸ‘πŸ‘

  14. These look terrific, they have turned out really well. The Chariot is fantastic.

  15. Lovely looking Hittites! 6 months before schedule too! We need an army shot!
    Best Iain

  16. Now, now Jonathan...what is this word “last”...I know not this word...nice work.

    1. Funny, Mark! We all know that “last” is a foreign notion to many. Me included!

  17. Great bases as usual. I still hope to see them in battle.

    1. Thanks, Andre’. I hope to see them in battle too.

    2. Do you have any bases for commanders or did I just missed them?

      Maybe some sort like my Play by mail Quistello game would be a chance for you during the Corona crisis?

      Did you noticed my Report of our Bergen-game in the HoW-forum?

    3. Hi Andre'. For these Biblical battles and the rules, commanders are typically integrated into a unit. Usually, that means a commander is in one of the chariots.

      I had not seen your Bergen game. Off to take a read now...

    4. Many thanks for your information.

  18. Beautiful, looking forward to seeing these guys fighting.

  19. Did you really just complete an army in 3 months that you initially thought might take you twelve? That makes you amazing! Way to dig into a project. Clearly 12 BMUs is not a big enough project for your talents. πŸ˜€
    Everybody loves a parade, and you’ve earned one.

    1. Indeed, I did! Nearly managed one unit per week. With my initial goal, I figured one unit per month as realistic. I did not expect to dive into the project so completely. Add these to the other figures passing across the painting desk in the first half of 2020 will show a very good total YTD.

  20. Splendid Toys Jonathan...
    I do like the robustness of the chariot...

    All the best. Aly

  21. A great finish to a superb army. You have raised the bar in both quality and speed of painting an army in 28mm.


    Cheers, Ross

  22. Splendid stuff Jonathan, look forwards to seeing them lined up and ready for battle.

    1. Thanks, Paul! A Hittite line up next time. When they will appear in battle is still undecided given our current situation.

  23. More great looking carts. Am also looking forward to the army shot. (And I vote for the 18 before years end!)

    1. Thank you! Army shots up now. Eighteen total before year-end seems doable.
