
Friday, June 5, 2020

Hittite Archers

After a slight diversion to setup and fight a battle in the snows of Norway, focus returns to the Hittites.  Today sees a double shot of Hittite archers. Two stands of nine figures each emerge from the painting desk.
These figures from Newline Designs, are solid (and a bit chunky) sculpts.  I found mold lines on a number of them but they paint up well and are a pleasure to paint.  To my mind, Newline Designs' Biblicals are easier to paint than either Wargames Foundry or Black Tree Designs.  Perhaps, I have this impression simply due to painting Newline Design Biblicals more recently than the others?  I don't know.
Of late, I have been having a tough time sitting down at the painting desk for any meaningful painting sessions.  Distractions abound.  Setting up, playing, and recounting the recent Tretten in Flames game cut into painting time as have two PBeM games.  Pleasant distractions both.  Both PBeM games have wound down so more time for slapping paint on some figures.  Maybe not?  I plan to reset the Tretten in Flames game and give it another whirl with a handful of notes and different tactics to try.
Finally for today, I did manage to complete a dozen mounted US officers for the Spanish-American War.  Photos later.  Remember, I set up the terrain for an action in Cuba in April but got no further than setup since I lacked US command.  Perhaps with American leadership present, I can consider putting some figures onto the table for a game?


  1. Superb looking archers Jonathan.You are making great progress with this army.

    Cheers, Ross

  2. Hi Jonathan - I'd be most interested in seeing your Cuban Battle - the terrain you've done looks superb. Cheers. KEV.

  3. Yet more lovely looking units and with a nice variety of clothing, which breaks up that uniformed look you often see. Would love to see the Cuba game being played, as time allows of course, but a Tretten replay gets my vote!

    1. Glad you like the brushwork and composition, Steve! I expect Tretten will go first since it is smaller and the rules and situation are still fresh in mind. For Cuba, I am still considering which rules to use.

  4. Lovely ancients. Your style of a rich diversity of colours, which are all reasonable to me is very nice. Nice bases too. I'm looking forward and I'm excited to see the table design you will use.

    1. You are most kind, Andre’! For table, it will be minimal with little terrain. The main question will be whether to play on a grid or free form.

    2. A former co-gamer used a simple board painted like sand (for DBA Ancient period). With some bushes maybe from the model train manufacturers (like Faller or Busch) it's looking very well.

    3. I hope to see photos of this set up some day.

  5. These new Hittite archers are, as usual, a joy to behold Jonathan. The SAW table looks very nice too...I hope you manage to populate it soon!

    1. Keith, you are very kind! I hope to populate the jungle board soon too.

  6. Lovely looking units Jonathan...
    As the others have said a nice choice of colours...

    I am looking forward to a visit to Cuba...

    All the best. Aly

  7. Lovely figures and an interesting looking game. A good day's work!


  8. I love watching this project develop.

    1. Me too, Marckus! The Hittites are coming together more quickly than I expected. I should be finished with a dozen units much ahead of my year-end goal.

  9. What a great contrast between shaped muscle tone and the flatness of draped clothing, together with contrast of skin tone and colourful garments. Altogether a pleasing outcome.

  10. Lovely looking archers! Nice diverse unit! A Cuba game sounds fun!
    Best Iain

  11. I'm enjoying watching your Hittite army emerge Jonathan. I especially like the choice of skin tone for these figures.

  12. Fantastic looking minis as always Jonathan!

  13. I do like your Hittites Jonathan, wonderful job!

  14. Nice work Jonathan .....hotties are lovely. Distractions abound and it is always slightly harder i find to paint consistently when the summer months are here. I have battled on with my Militia. I am impressed that you set the terrain up in April but it has moved you must have a lot of space as my table soon gets covered by other gaming stuff boxes i am opening etc etc .

    1. The Hittites are fun to paint and glad you approve of the results.

      My painting production tends to dip in the summer months too as weather is good and outdoor activities increase. The gaming table is big at 6’ x 12’. The SAW setup takes 2/3s of the table so I still have 1/3 remaining to gather miscellaneous gaming stuff. However, most of this 1/3 is used for the WWII Norway game.

    2. "Hotties", LOL! Presumably autocorrect strikes again! :-)

    3. Matt, is quite a hipster, I figured “hotties” was a slang term that only the coolest daddios use!

  15. Be nice to see these guys on the table in time. Very nice unit.

    1. It will be a while before their are enough Hittites mustered to take to the battlefield. Glad you like them!

  16. Pretty and productive painting as usual. I’m always staggered by the amount you get done. I just finished 16 miniatures very poorly and it took me twice as long. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! Well, I don’t have the distractions of young ones around all of the time.

  17. Nice looking archers, Jonathan. They look really tough, particularly for missile troops.

    1. Thanks, Dean. All of the Hittites look menacing no matter their weapon.

  18. Excellent work Jonathan, those Hittites look wonderful!

  19. Great looking archers Jonathan. Those baldy fellas almost look like skele-warriors don't they?!

  20. Two bases for the price of one! Good looking fellers too mate.

    A Cuba game would be great to see get going

    1. Yeah, a 2-fer-1 is a good deal! I am planning a Cuba game...

  21. They look very nice, Jon, as does your little slice of Cuba!
