
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Samurai Cavalry in 15mm

As suggested in the last post, two BMUs of Samurai cavalry trot off the painting desk.  Also, as before, figures are from Peter Pig.  With their various banners and armor, these Samurai horsemen offer up a lot of color.  With the mustering of two cavalry stands, total Samurai cavalry for the project reaches seven.  Hmm. The Seven Samurai.  Enough figures remain to field two more such stands.
The red bead cube on the right rear of the stand serves two purposes.  One, at a glance it identifies the unit as a "Heavy" unit in terms of Samurai Battles.  Two, it allows the placement of a unifying, clan banner when assembling a force from various clans into one cohesive army.  In the heat and confusion of battle, it is easy to overlook which unit belongs to which army when both armies may carry banners from similar or the same clans.

What is up next out from the workbench?  A return to the 1859 project looks to make it to the photo booth first.  This will be a brief return to the project with two guns each of Sardinian and French origin.  Two more regiments of French infantry are in the painting queue but it may be a long time before those see the brush.  Many other units are working their way through the production line ahead of them.  Actually beginning to show some progress on a Hittite Army in 25mm that I pledged as a goal for 2020.  


  1. Superb work.
    I LOVE the hex bases.
    Many ideas firing off now LOL

    1. Thank you! I look forward to seeing what this basing scheme sparks in your imagination.

  2. Another great looking unit and I immediately think of Akira Kurosawa's films when I see them. Loved the Seven Samurai but his later films in colour are also excellent.

    1. Thanks! The buddy I play Samurai Battles against mentions Kurosawa as his inspiration for his deep interest in the period every time we get the troops onto the table.

  3. Lovely looking samurai cavalry! I'm with Steve above Kurosawa's Ran is what I think of!
    Best Iain

  4. Replies
    1. Phil! Great to see you again! Thank you for the kind words.

  5. Despite knowing better, seeing samurai cavalry always comes as a bit of a surprise (but a pleasant one). The marker system is a nice touch, too.

    1. Thank you, Ed! Seeing these armored cavalry with colored banners fluttering on the gaming table is a small pleasure. Good to meet with your approval of the marker scheme. I really ought get this now HUGE collection onto the table.

  6. Those look great, Jonathan!


  7. Lovely job, Jon - they are very colourful and look like a lot of fun. The hex bases look good too. Interesting.

    1. Thank you, Tony! Painting Feudal Japanese is both colorful and fun. THe basing is something I get questions about frequently.

  8. Great work again Jonathan. I can feel my resolve weakening as well. Do you find that samurai are more fiddly than other troops of the same era?

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence! Since much of the figure is wearing lacquered armor, painting Peter Pig Samurai or Ashigaru is not difficult at all. Give it a try!

  9. Look once and you get a great show of colour off the banners, look twice and the splendour of the unique armour comes through nicely.

    1. Norm, you always offer an insightful critique. Thank you!

  10. Replies
    1. Glad you like them! Still two more units of cavalry in the queue.

  11. Terrific detail for 15mm Jonathan.

    1. These Peter Pig Samurai have plenty of small details. Very good sculpts and a pleasure to paint.

  12. Very nice and I feel your productivity is working back upto normal ?

    1. Thanks! April was a very good month at the painting desk and I have a backlog of units to pass through the photo booth. May is starting off not so well...

  13. Oh wow! These are absolutely fab Jonathan. In the meantime catching up on your recent posts as I’ve been distracted recently.

    1. Mike, you are too kind! Hopefully, your recent distractions were pleasant ones.

  14. great looking samurai cav. You did a good job picking out the details.

    It’s been ages since I’ve seen The Seven Samurai. Though coincidentally I recently watched the original Magnificent Seven in an effort to show my wife a good western. She fell asleep half way through and I spent the next several days quoting the movie. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew!

      You must be a riot to have around the house. Are you back at work full time again?

    2. Oh, I’m HI-larious... in small doses. 😀

      Yes and no about work. I am working full time but half of that is still from home; and I wanna keep that schedule as long as they’ll let me. 😀

  15. Really fine looking and exotic looking cavalry, Jon!

  16. Splendid looking cavalry Jonathan...

    All the best. Aly
