
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hittite Spearmen

Following in the recent tracks of the Hittite chariot, off the workbench is a fourteen figure stand of Hittite spearman.  Figure are from Wargames Foundry from their venerable Biblicals' range.  These represent the first Wargames Foundry Hittites to hit the painting desk.  The sculpting is good but I am finding a few mold lines on some of the models.  Nothing too bad but may be sign of age.  Still, very nice sculpting work and fun to paint.  While the Newline Designs' Hittites are chunkier, these Foundry Hittites are more svelte.  More to come.
On the gaming front, still no sign of face-to-face gaming yet.  Dipping my toe into remote gaming, I have taken command of an Austrian column at the battle of Quistello in 1734.   I am placed into the role of the dashing Prinz von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.  Not only can the Prinz issue orders to his column but also send orders and messages to other commanders.  The game will be played by a gentleman in Germany.  I believe he will implement orders as received to the best of his ability and provide updates to the battle.

One of the surprising aspects of this game is that my orders are translated into German and passed along to the other commanders. In turn, their orders are received as handwritten correspondences in German to me. Luckily, I also am provided a translation in English! An example of my English-to-German translated message to FML Suckow is shown below:
Now, if I only could read German!

For details on the scenario and to follow any battle updates, please visit, I hope we can crush the combined French/Piedmontese Armies!


  1. Your Hittites are awesome, with much lighter shades than mine,makes me want to do some touch up on my army...Excellent job, Herr Jonathan!

  2. Very crisp painting of the Hittites Jonathan - showing a great skill that you have mastered- well done. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev, you are very kind. Thank you for your encouragement!

  3. A lovely looking unit Jonathan, with the mix of shields and 'armoured cloak (?)' helping add to the overall look.

    1. Thank you, Steve! These poses with upright spear are very good.

  4. I can only agree with the previous comment Jonathan...another lovely group of Hittites. The written campaign sounds interesting...reminded me of a friend who works for it is head quartered in the Fatherland, all email communication has to be translated into German before being sent...

    1. Much appreciated, Keith!

      I have a similar work story regarding a German software company. While the technical manuals describing the mathematical and logical algorithms were translated into English, all of the variable names remained in the native German. This made understanding some of the complicated algorithms even more complicated.

  5. A fine looking unit of Hittite's Jonathan!


  6. Great looking Hittites, Jonathan. Very interesting multi language gaming too!

    1. Glad you like them. Dean! Yeah, the multi-language gaming is an interesting exercise. Thank goodness, it is being translated for me!

  7. Lovely work Jonathan, and the colour palette you have chosen looks great. Mould lines are a nuisance, especially when you fin you have missed some halfway through painting the figure, but you have obviously done a good job clearing them up here.

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Lawrence! Finding mold lines that turn out more prominent than expected midway through the painting process is disappointing, for sure.

  8. Very nice looking unit of spear men. The dress and colors makes them very biblical looking, if ya get my drift. 14 figures seems to be a good number to symbolize a unit of infantry on one base. 😀

    If you’re like me, you find mold lines a flash while painting even though you swear you looked really hard before primer was applied.

    That hand written note is pretty cool and a nice touch. Good luck with your campaign. I took German in high school but now all I remember are the cuss words and ‘Fire torpedos!’

    1. Thanks, Stew! Yeah, I typically notice flash and mold lines AFTER I have applied paint over the top. My eyes are not what they used to be. Can you decipher the handwritten note?

    2. I suspect the note’s contents do not describe “firing torpedoes “. ;)

    3. Not likely a mention of firing torpedoes...but then who knows?

  9. Lovely painting as always Jonathan. They will go very nicely with the wonderful chariot below.

    1. Thank you, James! More chariots and spearmen in the queue.

  10. Now we just have to hope, that Broglie doesn't read this posting. :-D

    Besides: as always lovely painted figures and a very nice varity in colours.

    1. Thanks, André’! Should remove this command note?

    2. No, I don't think, that you have to. It's nice that you write about it.

  11. Lovely Hittites. When I eventually branch into chariot wars, they will be my guys. I'm intrigued by the distance gaming, especially the order mechanic you describe. Please do continue to update us.

    1. Thanks, Markus! I look forward to the day you begin a Hittite army. What figure size will you tackle?

      I will provide an update when I know more of the Quistello battle.

  12. Another lovely looking unit Jonathan...
    I’ve always thought that the Foundry Hittites are very elegant looking miniatures...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! The Foundry Hittites are elegant, aren’t they?

  13. Lovely looking Hittites! Very elegant and your distance gaming sounds interesting!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you like them, Iain! I am awaiting an update from the Quistello battle to see how my plans have been put into action.

  14. Very nice Jonathan, hope your remote game goes well.

    1. Thanks, George! I await the next installment of Quistello...

  15. I like your Hittites, Jon. Reminds me that I need to start the rebasing project on Bill's figures. To do that, I need some supplies that are less easy to get during the pandemic!

    I can read German fairly well, but damned if I can read his handwriting! :-)

    Talk about lost in translation!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Rebasing, I know you don't care for that exercise!

      Can't read the handwriting? You're a doctor!

  16. Great looking unit and virtual gaming definately works......takes plenty of effort by the organisers though

    1. Thanks, Matt! Organizing a virtual game takes a lot of effort and logistics. These efforts could overwhelm the umpire. Hopefully, not in the games in which I am participating!

  17. Somber looking lot for sure. Wonder if it was at all easy to fight in those garments? Lovely paint jobs Jon.

    That game sounds very fun, reminds me of old play-by-mail rpg games from a long time ago

    1. THanks, Dai! I wonder if some of the robes and robe overlays provide some form of protection from stabs and punctures?

      I am reminded of the old PBM/PBeM games I once played too.
