
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bavarian Kurprinz IR

Off the painting desk today is Battalion 1 of the Bavarian Kurprinz Infantry Regiment.  With 22 musketeers from Lancashire Miniatures and a mounted officer from Eureka Miniatures, this battalion presents a pleasing sight.  
The figures are actually drawn from Lancashire Austrian infantry but pressed into service as Bavarians.  With the large Austrian army contingent made up of Eureka figures, the Lancashire Austrians with their oversized tricorns provided enough distinction to set the Bavarians apart from the Austrians.  While I have yet to confirm, I ought to have enough of these figures left to field the second battalion.  On the gaming table, the Bavarians in their light blue coats will add some needed color to the white-coated Austrians. 
Next off the workbench will likely be two Russians guns for the SYW project.  For those having good recall, the two battles of Kunersdorf were short a few Russians batteries.  Those games required some Austrian batteries to be pressed into service to fill out the OOB.

Hittites are beginning to roll out from the painting desk and will begin making appearances shortly hereafter.  It may be a bit anachronistic or heresy but my Hittites will be marching out wielding iron weapons.  I faced a tough choice.  Do I field them carrying bright bronze weapons or iron weapons?  Since I wanted them to battle my Neo-Assyrians and later Egyptians, I issued them iron weapons.  I suppose the dull iron weapons could depict bronze weapons having a dark patina from oxidation.  That way, the Hittites could fight in late Bronze Age or early Iron Age battles without needing to field two armies.  Yeah, that is my story and I am sticking to it!       


  1. That’s a particularly nice sculpt from Lancashire games, looks like it is cut to take paint well.

    Interesting comment on the Hittites, something I had not even thought about. If I had any, I would likely match them against New Kingdom Egyptian, which is why I have probably assumed a ‘metal’ assumption favouring tin bronze from the Kadesh period.

    1. It is a nice sculpt, Norm! With the deep cuts, it is easy and quick to paint too.

      Hittite weaponry...just one of the many conundrums that keeps me awake at night.

  2. Very nice Bavarian additions Jonathan. No matter what era, they always add some colour in their "Kornblumenblau" uniforms! Personally, I think you are over thinking your Hittites weapons.....look forward to seeing the latest work march off the painting table.

    1. Thank you, Keith! cornflower blue is my favorite color.

      As for overthinking Hittite weaponry, don't be surprised. I tend to overthink a lot!

  3. Lovely Bavarians Jonathan and a fetching blue. Given the distance age of the Hittite kingdom I think a tiny bit of licence on the weapons is acceptable. I’m not an expect on the period but suspect most of our knowledge is from stone carving who is to say if they polished their weapons ? Just don’t give them a Texan Flag by mistake that might be pushing it 👍

    1. Thanks you, Matt! This shade of blue is fetching, for sure.

      Since it is my army, I guess I have the right to field them how I wish, right? There is much that is unknown of this period. Polished bronze weapons versus oxidized bronze is open for debate. No Texan flags for these lads!

  4. I like your choice of 18mm Figures for the Bavarians Johnathan- just the project for these times of Lockdown.

    1. Thanks, Kev! These Lancashire figures are quite nice.

  5. A splendid looking battalion Jonathan.
    PS I was out cycling circuits at the weekend (still restricted to 5km distance) - my leg muscles are feeling it!

    1. Thank you! Good to see you have been out on the bike! I have been confined to indoor cycling for the past week due to wind and rain. More of the same weather pattern here all week. Sigh.

  6. Another splendid addition, beautiful unit!

  7. Lovely toy soldier precision! The Bavarians are always splendidly colourful whatever the period! I'll back you up on the Hittite weapons, can't remember what it was but I'm sure you're right!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you like the Bavarians, Iain!

      As for Hittite weaponry, very good to have you in my corner in this debate! For a Neo-Hittite Army, iron weapons seems the right choice.

  8. Lovely battalion Jonathan! Don't paint your Hiitites with iron weapons, that is crazy! What if you want to refight Kadesh? If you want to play out of period games just play them it doesn't matter...

    1. Thanks, Mike! I know, I know. I wrestled with this decision. With the Assyrians and Egyptians (Kushites) for the later period, I figured Neo-Hittites would be battling with contemporary iron weaponry. If I fight Kadesh, BOTH combatants will be taking to the field with iron weapons. Although, who is to say what an oxidized bronze spear point looks like from afar?

  9. A lovely looking unit Jonathan...
    Certainly one I want to add to my WSS collection...
    You could always paint your Hittite spears a mixture of bronze and iron... then you could honestly say that they are in a period of transition...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks you, Aly! I look forward to seeing this unit appear in your WSS roster.

      As for mixing metals within an army, you are a practical and reasonable man!

  10. You’re right about them adding a dash of colour to the Austrians. Always liked the Bavarian cornflower blue ever since as a teenager I had a battalion of Minifigs WSS Bavarians pressed into service with my mate’s SYW Austrians, and later seemed by all those Bavarian flags at the Oktoberfest. 😁

    1. Bavarian blue is a perfect coat color for making an army "pop" on the table. With the very wide cuffs on these Lancashire figures, they could almost be pressed into service for WSS battles.

  11. Those look great, with the light/powder blue and large cuffs really making them stand out. As for the Hittites, whatever looks best always works for me and once on the table, bronze and iron would tend to blend into a metallic whole as it were.

    1. Thanks for your comments and reassurances on my choice of spearpoint, Steve! Much appreciated!

  12. Outstanding Jonathan and you know I share your thoughts about single base units. I am up to my eyeballs in in 10mm Napoleonic Bavarians but have yet to start them.

    I cant wait to see these fellows on the table!

    1. Thanks, Steve! I look forward to seeing your 10mm Bavarians cross your painting desk. I don't know when we will see SYW Bavarians on the gaming table. Some day, I hope!

  13. Lovely Bavarians in their distinctive blue. Jonathan. Looking forward to seeing the Ancients too.

    1. The Bavarian blue is distinctive, for sure. The Hittites will begin trickling out very soon.

  14. Finally more Bavarians!
    Even if the didn't win a battle during the WAS. But hey, maybe you will change history!

    Very nice colours. I will paint myself a blue and yellow unit (Nyhs).

    1. Finally Bavarians, indeed!

      I have another 23 figures remaining of Lancashire to field Battalion #2 of this regiment.

  15. Bavarians are one of my favourite Napoleonic armies and I see the SYW version are no less attractive. Nice work Jonathan!

    If I can throw in my two pennies on the Hittites I would consider mixing Bronze with Gun Metal. The resulting colour could be interpreted either as oxidized bronze (for the earlies) or as rusty iron (for the lates). How politically correct is that?

  16. Lovely looking regiment Jonathan!


  17. Those cuffs are way to big and white to be that clean. Maybe all the coffee stains just don’t show in that scale? 😀

    Great looking unit as always. As for the Hittite debate; they’re your army so paint them as you like!

    1. Thank you, Stew! You are a level-headed pragmatist. I am painting them I see fit but I may crumble under the pressure to distribute bronze weapons to the troops. No, from table distance and campaigning, bronze weapons would like look dull and oxidized.

  18. There is always something pleasing about the cornflower blue/white combination and these look great Jonathan. When I painted some 28mm Napoleonic Spanish I remember the Regiment Irlanda most fondly of all, with the light-blue coats being a welcome relief amongst the sea of Spanish white.

    1. I agree, Lawrence. Cornflower blue always a makes a unit the belle of the brawl. I have done Irlanda in 15mm and it is a handsome one. With thoughts of beginning a Spanish Army in 28mm, I ought to carefully consider fielding Irlanda in 28mm as well.

  19. A most handsome Bavarian unit. What is with the flag, though? I presume that is the Madonna, but no blue and white lozengy? Maybe that is on the unseen reverse. I know nothing about Bavarian flags of this era (obviously), so just wondering.

    I certainly wouldn't stress in the slightest about the metal the Hittites will be carrying!

    As for the Spanish Napoleonics, as you're well aware there were several other light blue faced yellow Irish units you could do. I see that Perry just announced the coming release of some Spanish Napoleonic cavalry. I am very happy with my superb Brigade Games figures for the cavalry, but the ones with the Tarleton helmets may get pressed into service as Cazadoresa Caballo in the green uniforms...

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      As for the Madonna flag, both sides show the Madonna. Kronoskaf website says between 1745-1786 information on Bavarian flags was scarce and any information remains as an educated guess. Some inhabers chose the Madonna as Leibfahne.

      THe Brigade Napoleonic infantry are very nice. I find the cavalry are somewhat small compared to Front Rank. It may be interesting to see how Perry cavalry match up.

  20. Lovely brushwork on those, I have a soft spot for the german states armies such colour! Loved Bavaria so much we went on our honeymoon there!


    1. Thank you, Matt! Bavaria and the Tirol are great places to visit. I could see the attraction to honeymooning there.

  21. Beautiful bright unit!

    Hittites, Oxidised bronze or oxidised iron, and then the weathering. Not too difficult to justify a bronze or iron colour or mix for weapons whatever the period I think!

    1. Glad you like them, Mark!

      I appreciate you weighing in on the Hittite weapon debate!

  22. Jonathan you have an incredibly varied set of armies and periods. I imagine moving between them helps keep you fresh.


    1. Hi Richard! Yes, so many projects and so little time. the variety does prevent one from burning out on one project.

  23. Replies
    1. With these color combinations, everyone looks smart!

  24. Looking lovely Jonathan, an attractive shade of sky blue.
