
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

German Advisors in Cuba, 1898

While rummaging through the Spanish-American War section of The Lead Pile to dig out some Spanish infantry, I came across a half-pack of German maxim machine gun and crew.  A gun and three crew is an easy job to tackle in a midweek, evening painting session.  These "advisors" may offer just the expertise to help the Spanish fend off attacks from those vile, Yankee aggressors.  The machine gun vignette in 25mm is from Old Glory as a Fantasy Pack. 
The gaming table is still idle anticipating both a potential Spanish-American War scenario on two-thirds of the table and a grid-based WWII scenario that is slowing coming together on the remaining third.  Will these German advisors and gun make an appearance in the jungles of Cuba?  Unlikely, but one never knows.

Talk about coincidence.  I had these Germans on the painting desk last week when Jake posted an update on his SAW project (see: I finally SAW another project...).  In among his parade review was the American version of the Spanish Fantasy Pack.  That is, Americans with maxim machine gun.

While the Spanish contingents have a handful of mounted officers, my Americans are leaderless.  Mixed in with a large bag of American riff-raff that I picked up second hand are several mounted American officers.  I ought to throw these fine fellows into the painting queue.  Maybe some more Spanish infantry for good measure.  The last bag of Spanish infantry in the stockpile contains the always sharply attired Spaniards in tropical dress with sun helmet.  Dashing lads, those!   


  1. A good looking unit delivered as usual from your painting desk. Are they all sporting handsome moustaches?

    1. Thanks, Peter! Yes, they all sport a nice, Germanic handlebar moustache.

  2. That is a very nice looking unit, enhanced by the hats that set them off nicely.

    1. Good looking, upturned brim hat for all. A bit dashing and ready for adventure, I think.

  3. A fine looking vignette Jonathan!


  4. Very nice team and they are quite reminiscent of the German colonial troops in East Africa. I was going to be rude and say, with German advisors, now I see why the Spanish lost this war...! 😅

    1. This crew could be advising in East Africa or anywhere else where German military expertise is needed. Thanks, Keith!

  5. Nice work! I do like the simple yet effective basing.

    The 1898 range has been tempting me for a while, but I was thinking of Spanish vs. Moros in the Philippines.

    Fortunately, 1898 don't do Moros- yet!

    1. Thanks! "Simple." That's me.

      The Spanish-American War range of figures by Old Glory is really a good one. Old Glory makes Moros. In fact, I have a bag of assorted Old Glory Moros for which I have no plans. If you need temptation...

  6. I like these, if for no other reason they are unusual (as in not common on blogs). Good job on the eyes, it helps set off their interesting facial expressions.

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Norm! I felt the eyes may be a bit too bug eyed. With the animated facial expressions on the Old Glory figures, completing the eyes provides even more character.

  7. German advisors, in Cuba armed with Maxims. Brilliant!

    1. Indeed! The Americans will get a surprise if they run into this crew.

  8. Splendid looking colonial Germans! Would they work for the Boxer rebellion as well? That could be fun!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I would have no trouble putting these into the field for Boxer Rebellion, Boer Wars, or WWI East Africa.

  9. Nice work Jonathan and another period/collection pushing for its place in the queue ?

  10. Lovely piece Jonathan, I used up my last 'spare' figure yesterday, waiting now for the postman.

    1. I cannot grasp the concept of emptying The Lead Pile. Perhaps, one day but I have my doubts.

  11. I once again marvel at your productivity. You just crack out miniatures like no one else. I know you’re used to it and it’s normal for you, but it’s really a wonder. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! This piece was only three figures and a gun so I wasn't climbing a mountain. With the exception of staining and basing, this effort was one evening's painting session.

  12. Very cool Colonials, Jonathan. The Germans even dabbled in the Pacific at the time. They almost got a foothold in Samoa.

    1. Thank you, Dean! Another theater to tempt my wandering mind.

  13. They would make a cool addition to a SAW scenario; definitely need to do the leaders, though! :-)

    1. I primered a number of mounted leaders this afternoon before the heavy thunderstorms rolled into the area.
