
Friday, March 20, 2020

Spanish Crossbowmen and Spinning

Following closely behind the Moorish crossbowmen, a stand of Spanish crossbowmen departs the painting desk to oppose them.  Crossbowmen are Black Tree Design and the spearmen are two leftovers from a pack of Casting Room Miniatures' Normans.  Fine figures all but the CRM figures are especially characterful. 
Next off the painting desk will likely be a small variety of 15mm WWII armor.  Some are newly built; others are newly rebased.

On the cycling front, just as the leg break has mended and light indoor training can begin, the State shuts down almost every business to reduce risk of spreading the virus.  For indoor cycling in a controlled environment, the gym was my preferred venue.  No more.  Until my foot and ankle are fit for cycling outdoors (no cycling outside until I can safely and painlessly unclip from the pedals), I turn to a gadget Nancy presented to me for my 60th birthday.
While I set it up a year ago in the garage, the torture device remained unused.  Well, I finally made the effort to reacquaint myself with the machine, attached the bike, and gave it a whirl.  You know what?  This fluid trainer works great!  The machine is super quiet, rock solid, and provides a great workout.
How do I overcome the potential monotony of indoor cycling?  Audio.  Typically, my listening tends toward the Great Courses when riding indoors.  This week, I turned to Dan Carlin's Supernova in the East.  I am up to episode two and Dan's storytelling is as riveting as ever.  Recommended!

With the arrival of Spring and temperatures warming, perhaps, I can venture outdoors next week?  That is, unless we are all ordered into lockdown.   


  1. Great stuff, I really like the black tree figures, I did not know they mixed with the casting room new range though, thanks for that.

    As for cycling I used to watch rally car driving!


    1. Thank you, Matt! Yes, the CRM infantry figures fit very well with BTD. Cavalry between the two companies do not mix so well. BTD horses are HUGE!

      Never watched rally car racing while cycling but often put on a cycling road race when the classics or stage races are on.

  2. Lovely figures. I may have to dig out my turbo trainer if we get locked-down!!

    1. Thanks! A turbo trainer is a handy piece of machinery to have on-hand during a quarantine.

  3. Another beautiful batch of figures Jonathon

  4. Another lovely unit Jonathan and a nice touch to have a few spearmen 'guarding' them. Hope you can get out on the bike soon. This side of the pond they realise that even with self-isolation, you still need to get out and about to keep fit and maintain your sanity. So off for a small ride as for once it's dry:)

    1. Hi Steve! Glad you like the results of the crossbowmen and stand composition. Saturday temps expected to reach 58F so I may try a short ride outdoors and see how the leg holds up.

      Good luck on getting out for a ride.

  5. Nice mix of figures on a single base. Indoor cycling sounds only slightly worse than outdoor cycling. There is a reason why the sofa and the TV are such good companions. (Kidding ...... in case Matt gets me!)

    1. Much appreciated, Norm!

      Indoor cycling can become very boring and I tend to spend less time on the indoor bike than when outdoors. I need to work on overcoming that tendency.

      I saw a short video from a Canadian entertainer who encouraged viewers in today's situation to remember their forefathers and their sacrifices. To paraphrase, "our forefathers were asked to go off to war to save society. We are asked to sit on the couch. We can do this!"

  6. Great looking Spanish troops, Jonathan. Good to hear you're on the mend and getting use of the training device. I do like the cover art of the audio book too.

    1. Thank you, Dean!

      I am on the mend, for sure!

    2. With your fine, Samurai armor, you would have been a suitable model for the cover too. Perhaps, you could take this cover and superimpose yourself in full battle regalia. That would be cool!

  7. Those are lovely units Jonathan. Happy that you are now able to start some sort of physical activity and hope you’ll be able to go for that spin next week.

  8. A fine looking stand, Jon, and always good when items from the "spares" box can be put to such good use!

    I am so glad to hear that you are back to indoor cycling at least; my wife has a similar contraption and was using it today!

    1. Thank you, Peter!

      Yes, good news to be back on the bike even if only indoors. With the gym closed until further notice, I can at least maintain some semblance to fitness training. Outside on Saturday is a definite possibility although reconfiguring the bike from indoor to outdoor usage is a bit of a pain.

      Good that your wife is staying active. What about you?

  9. Super looking crossbow men! Lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  10. Good to hear you’re back in the saddle, even if only indoors. Have you ever tried those online studio cycling services?

  11. Excellent unit Jonathan productive as always. Back to the bike is great news 👍 it isn’t everybodies cup of tea but so far I have found zwift online cycling an absolute revelation, and can not recommend it enough it takes the monotony away completely from indoor cycling and is very engaging.

    1. Thanks, Matt! I should look into these online cycling options.

  12. Very nicely done Jonathan. Good to see you getting back into your exercise regimen. It will be interesting to see where we will all be in a month from now as restrictions become ever more tighter.

    1. Lawrence, much appreciated!

      As one facet of normalcy begins its return, another is ripped, brutally away.

  13. Excellent crossbow Jonathan and good luck with the cycling!

  14. Very nice toys Jonathan...
    It took me a few moments to realise that the bike went on that contraption and not you.... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Glad you like them, Aly! Yes, bike on trainer, me on bike.

  15. The variety of figure poses are nicely positioned on the base. And all beautifully painted.

  16. Inspired job, another gem Jonathan...Take care of yourself!

  17. Another good looking unit. Bit of a lockdown going on in the village, the bad news of course is more people are coming to my Post Office to disturb me.

    1. Thank you, George. I expect it will not be long before you are not bothered at all!

  18. Great work on the Spanish crossbowmen.

    Enjoy the indoor cycling, we are doing indoor rowing for our exercise ;)

    1. Thanks, Paul!

      Good to see you are trying to maintain a normal regimen in this chaos.

  19. Great looking unit Jonathan...can’t say the same for that instrument of torture.

    1. Thanks, Mark! That "instrument of torture" has become more valuable since my demographic has been "encouraged" to shelter in place!

  20. Glad the leg is feeling better but working out at home is the worst. More importantly, I can’t believe that I forgot about Hardcore History. I love that guy. I was just moaning the other day that I’m burning through my audible credits. I’m gonna check that out.

    Oh, and nice figures! 😀

    1. Yep. Leg is getting better but still painful and an awful lot of swelling.

      These three episodes of Hardcore History are currently free so you can save for credits. Carlin is yet to produce a series that I have not loved. First rate story teller.

  21. Great figures Jonathan, and Dan Carlin is brilliant. Lots of people who aren't normally 'history people' have been captivated by him.

  22. Lovely crossbowmen - I always love the look of big bases packed with minis - really conveys that this is a UNIT of these guys.

    So glad to hear the leg is doing better and you're back on the bike - even if it's just on a trainer in the garage...

    Warmer weather seems to be approaching here and I've been getting out for a few rides. I liked riding on the multitude trails throughout he city the last couple years - they are extensive and I was able to set up 8-12-20-30-45km loops... but the last few days, with EVERYTHING basically shut down - there have been SO MANY people out on the trails. Not that I'm that concerned about COVID-19 transmission from riding past someone that might have it - it's just having to dodge around all these people (and their DOGS!) I'd hit the open roads south of town, but they're gravel and likely going to be mud for the next few weeks... maybe I should go and check those routes out anyway!

    1. Thanks, Tim! Leg is doing better. Still a lot of stillness, swelling and pain. Recovery will take time. For now, indoors will have to do especially since it looks like wwe may be headed toward lockdown.

      Probably less likely to acquire the virus while outside cycling than being hit by a motorist. Well, that is my contention, anyway.

      I have a number of pre-set loops that I work into my schedule depending upon my mood, time available, and determination. Glad to see you do the same. Keep on biking!

  23. Very nice crossbowmen. Please check the HoW Forum. ;-)

  24. Great job with the figures and another great job with the training!!
    Stay safe ;)
