
Friday, March 13, 2020

Last of the Assyrians (for now)

The recent parade of Assyrians finally comes to an end with a bang.  Up today is a four-horse chariot with its complement of spear-wielding supports.  
The horses, chariot, and crew are from Newline Designs.  The infantry support are from Black Tree Design.  Say, did anyone notice that BTD has pulled all of its ancients' ranges for retooling?  I wonder when we will see these figures again? 
The chariot is the first Newline Design chariot I have built and fielded.  I think it looks great; big and beautiful.  It will make an impressive sight when arrayed for battle.  I may want a few more of these beasts.  There is a lot of metal in the cab and horses.  When this piece gets up to speed on the table, it may be difficult to stop.   
Staying on the topic of Newline Design chariots, a three-pack of Hittite chariots will be in work soon.  Hard to believe that it is nearly the middle of March and I have yet to complete any units for the month.  A few units are in work but time down at the painting desk has been limited of late.  Do you supposes there is a correlation between my wife retiring two weeks ago and my hobby time dropping off?  Perhaps, I need more data?  

That, and the 15mm SYW Bavarians, front and center on the painting desk, are not painting themselves.  For some reason, working this battalion of Lancashire infantry has become somewhat of a chore for me.  I should be able to kick it into gear and get them off the work table this weekend.  After that, time to push some Hittites into the production line.  


  1. Excellent chariot but the javelins look too long for the javelinmen.

    1. Thanks, Mike! Yeah, the pointy sticks may be too long. I cut them down. Next time, I will lop off a bit more.

  2. Very impressive chariot. The wheels are not completely on the base. Is there a reason for this basing in your rules?

    I myself ignored the bases mentioned in the rules, I use, when I painted a chariot. No chance.

    1. Hi Andre. The base is 80mm deep and is standard for Impetvs. Due to the size of the models, the wheels hang off the back edge a bit but does not interfere with another stand abutting it. I guarantee the cab is solidly affixed to the base.

  3. That's a lovely chariot Jonathan. Beautiful colours.

  4. Another gorgeous chariot, congrats!

  5. Lovely and part of the joy of the base is no doubt the heft.

    1. Thank you Norm! This is a solid block, for sure, and makes a satisfying "plop" when placed on the table.

  6. That looks terrific and is a real centerpiece for the army. The colours you have used work beautifully.

    1. Thank you so much, Lawrence! That particular shade of blue makes everything look good.

  7. Wow, that looks great Jonathan and the pastel/muted shades really work well!

  8. As anticipated Jonathan, this is a fantastic "unit".....regarding your wife, perhaps she could do some volunteer work outside the home, or find a nice little part time job...the extra money always comes in handy๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thank, Keith! If you are counting, this unit is worth 65 Paining Points.

      Nancy will find direction soon.

  9. Beautiful unit, the army must be quite something.

    1. Thanks, George! With the latest additions, the army is quite large.

  10. Lovely looking chariot! Black tree design seems to have removed quite a lot of lines, I just hope they come back, the Newline figures are really nice though!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you like the stand of Assyrians, Iain! You know, I really like the Newline Design Biblicals.

  11. Super looking Chariot, Jon. With the earlier ones, do you now have a dozen or more of these monsters?

    1. Thank you, Peter! I think there are ten Assyrian chariots at last count. Maybe eleven or twelve?

    2. I have 8 or 9 myself, plus some 2 horse light chariots for variety!

    3. If we were closer in proximity, we could field a real donnybrook of Assyrian might on the battlefield.

  12. That is a splendid looking chariot Jonathan...
    It must be time for a parade...

    All the best. Aly

  13. When the wife retired (congratulations to her btw) did your honey do list expand? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Great looking chariot! It appears massive. But I don’t understand what the guys on the sides are supposed to be doing; do they just run along the side till the chariot pulls away?

    1. Yes. Talk turned toward "we need to repaint the house."

      Glad you like the chariot! THe foot soldiers on the side are runners although these guys are armored heavier than a typical chariot runner. Think of these are close infantry support.

  14. Very impressive again, Jonathan. I must say viewed head on, with the runners, this unit presents quite a solid frontage.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Viewed at eye level, it is an impressive hunk of lead.

  15. An imposing sight! I am looking forward to testing my Kushite featherweight against the Assyrian Juggernaut.

  16. All your Assyrian units are impressive... but this one is more than this! ๐Ÿคฉ
