
Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Mix of German Vehicles

For something completely different from the regular figure offerings, I dug deep into The Lead Pile and pulled out a stack of 15mm Zvezda plastic vehicles.  A moderate stack of these models has lingered around for exactly five years.  Looking back in my invoices, I see I bought fifteen models (three copies of each model) for $2.99 apiece.  Each is a neat little snap together model with crisp detail.  

Having received two sets of Vallejo Pigment sets two years ago as a Christmas present from a gaming buddy, I finally had reason to give them a try.  Not knowing what I was doing, I mixed up a little 'mud' to slap onto the wheels, tracks, and undercarriages of the models.  I like the effect it offers and adds some interest to the predominantly grey of early war German vehicles.  Jake, sorry it took two years before I pulled these pigments out for a trial run.  Glad I finally got to it!  I think I will go back to a pair of 1/48 Shermans and muddy them up a bit too.

One final decision in the building of these models was whether to base or not.  With the only recent 15mm WWII action an infantry only affair, no need to address vehicle basing at that time.  Now that WWII gaming has piqued my interest, I want to try expanding the collection to include a vehicle or two.  While indecisive for a time, I finally rationalized that since the infantry was based on 3mm thick bases that the vehicles should be mounted on 3mm thick bases too.  This allows for all stands to lay on the same plane during a game.

On to the individual models...
Sd Kfz 222 Armored Car
Sd Kfz 251/1 Ausf B
Opel Blitz Truck
Panzer II
Besides the ten remaining unbuilt Zvezda models, I also have a number of Command Decision models to add into the collection.  I may begin adding these into the project over time.  Perhaps I should strike while the iron is hot?  First, back to the figures with two units of Spanish-American War Spanish infantry off the painting desk next.


  1. Nice work on the vehicles Jonathan. Initially I based mine but then found they looked wrong to my eyes when on roads, in BUA's etc. It does make storage easier though when based.

    1. Thank you Steve. I may change my mins about basing vehicles as put theory into practice. We will see. For now, I like having them based.

  2. Looking good basing for vehicles only kicks in at 6mm but they do give a nice standard appearance 👍

    1. Thank you, Matt! The bases do lend some uniformity to the collection. We will see how the vehicles look when teetering when on a hillside.

  3. Nice work Jonathan. I do like the mud on the tyres and tracks.

    1. Thanks, Ray! I like the look of the vehicles mudded up too.

  4. Very nice models Jonathon and they have come up a treat...a great bargain too..$3 a pop ...fantastic value fir money!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith! Yeah, these were a great bargain! Procured domestically too!

  5. Looking good, Jonathan. The effect of the mud is a nice touch to the models and achieves the effects you're looking for.

    Perhaps we could convince Norm to cobble together some early war armor stats for TaM? ;)

    1. Thank you, Steve!

      I would like to see some early war vehicle stats from Norm too. I may be forced to to try my own hand at building the specifics until that time.

  6. Nice looking early war German vehicles, I'm all for a base!
    Best Iain

  7. Nice work Jonathan. Bases work for me.

  8. Very nice work Jonathan. I think the mud works great and just love the blue you used on the Opel Blitz to represent its glass surfaces.

    I would strike while the iron’s hot and forge ahead with the rest of the models.

    1. Thanks, Mike! Compared to your recent modelling efforts, these are quite simple and crude but for the gaming table, they will do for me. Besides, I only need to satisfy myself!

      I ought to take your advice and build a few more.

  9. Hi Jonathan, the Zvezda really are nice models. I like the fact that you can buy them as singles to meet a need, rather than having to buy boxes of 5 as per PSC and Battlefront.

    I have the 222 armoured car en route to me, but for obvious and understandable reasons, they are taking a long time to make their postal journey.

    I have been buying some early war stuff, so a future for TaM 1940 might be looking good :-)

    1. Thanks for the comment, Norm!

      Buying models as singles is a good option and reduces wastage. The Zvezda models go together easily and the German grey painting scheme is one even I can handle. The models are a little darker in real life than in the photos.

      Good news that TaM for the early war may be forthcoming.

      Hope your armored car makes it through the quarantine cordon unscathed!

  10. Nice little vehicles, just ordered some more terrain to keep me going.

    1. Thanks, George! Good to see reinforcements are on the way!

  11. Good looking vehicles! The early war grey is very nice.
    There are Few topics as divisive as whether or not to base AFVs in this hobby of ours. I remember spirited debates from my FoW days. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew!

      Having not realized I just plunged myself into a long running and spirited debate, I hope I survive.

    2. What!!? I’ve had looooong debates on the aesthetics and merits of bases versus non bases, especially for 15mm scale AFVs. It was quite a quagmire of personal opinions.

      I’m sure you’ll survive, but might come away wounded. 😀

    3. Well, I have not done much WWII Wargaming in many years and even then it was quite spotty.

  12. Nice Jonathan, to base or not.... I definitely based my 15mm stuff when I still did it, I base my 28mm stuff if it has wheels as they can be quite delicate and and also, as the whim takes me I sometimes base tracked.

    1. Thanks, Paul! Basing the 28mm (1/48th) plastic models makes a lot of sense to me. These pieces tend to be fragile and the base makes a protective barrier. Given that, I have yet to base two 1/48th tanks I have for CoC. Perhaps if they ever make it to the table, I may consider basing them first!

  13. Great work and a really nice job with the pigments. I have some MiG pigments sitting on my shelf that I want to get to one day. Was it easy enough to master? I'm definitely a fan of the basing side of things although I can understand why some people don't like seeing bits of road in the middle of fields and vice versa.

    1. You’re very kind, Lawrence!
      This was my first time using the pigments and I didn’t know what I was doing. I applied it with a toothpick and it was easy enough.

      Glad you approve of the basing!

  14. Very nice: had to expand to appreciate them. The basing frames the vehicles well--good call!

    1. Thanks, Ed! Another positive vote for based vehicles. That’s good!

  15. Fantastic work Jonathan!
    You must have super healthy eyes for such mini-mini ;-)

  16. Lovely work, Jonathan. I like a lot of those early war vehicles and I think the 222 is my favourite of all.

    1. Much appreciated, Mark! I am fond of early war period too. I enjoy the secondary theaters especially. The 222 is a nifty little AC.

  17. Very nice Jonathan...
    I like the bases and I also think that they frame the models rather well...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly!

      Besides framing the model, the base offers some protection too. Especially important with small, plastic models.

  18. Nice collection, love the truck...

  19. Outside my area of ionterest but fine looking vehicles regardless, Jon!

  20. Excellent work, and one of the only WWII scales I don't collect.
