
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Assyrian Mounted Archers

Work on the Assyrian Wars project receives some focused attention.  With no new units added to the project since late August of 2019, the completion of the desert tower (see Desert Guard Tower) in December renewed my interest in fielding more Assyrians.  Add to that a 2020 pledge to field a Hittite Army and it may be no surprise that a number of Assyrians filed into the painting queue.  While painting production has slowed of late, a number of Assyrian units made it off the painting desk before my early January forced hiatus.
On display today are two units for the project.  The first is a four figure BMU of Assyrian mounted cavalry from Wargames Foundry.  I have painted a half-dozen of these BMUs thus far and each quartet is a pleasure to paint.  

The second is a three figure stand of Egyptian mounted scouts also from Wargames Foundry.  With a small Egyptian contingent present for duty, it is time to add a scouting capability to the cavalry-pour Egyptians.
Looking over at the photo box, four infantry units and one chariot are awaiting their turn for a photo session.  About that pledge of fielding a Hittite Army this year, I better get started if I expect to stick to plan and field a dozen units this year.  Pushing a couple of infantry units into the painting queue to begin this project sounds just about right.  Ease into it gently.  First, I need to dig out the figures, clean them up, and then hit them with a coat of primer.  Hittites will be on the painting table soon, very soon.    


  1. Looking good Jonathan. I'm looking forward to seeing those Hittites as well.

    1. Thank you, Nathan! I look forward to getting to work on Hittites too but much remains ahead of them in the painting queue. Soon, though!

  2. Always nice to see this army cross the table. I did’t know the Assyrians had horse archers, so a new one for me. A splendid and very natural mix of animations across each base.

    1. Norm, the Assyrians had plenty of archers including those mounted on horses. Glad you like the figure figure. That is all Foundry's doing!

  3. Lovely Neo-Assyrian horse archers and New Kingdom Egyptian scouts Jonathan! What Hittite ranges are you getting?

    1. Glad you like the results, Mike! Hittites will be to field a mix of Foundry and Newline. Do you have other suggestions?

    2. Foundry are the best and Newline have a very nice range. Check out the Cuttting Edge/Warlord Hittites second only to Foundry.

    3. Thanks for the suggestion of Cutting Edge/Warlord Hittites. I like the Newline Designs' Biblicals and just finished up one of their Assyrian four chariots. It is a real beast!

  4. The Assyrians are wonderful and the Egyptians aren't too shabby either:)

    1. Yeah, I prefer the look of the Assyrian cavalry to those somewhat scrawny Egyptian scouts too! Thank you!

  5. Very nicely painted. I'm excited to see them in a game and to read which rules you will use.

    1. Thank you, Andre'!

      The Assyrians have made it into two games, thus far. Both times saw the rules, "To The Strongest!" used. I would enjoy giving this army a try using "Impetvs" too.

  6. love those biblical era figures, especially the Assyrian archers.

  7. Ancients isn't my period (I've dabbled a bit, but still, of all the options, I find Assyrians the most fascinating. Always good to see a nicely done example of them roll out of the painting desk.

    1. Thank you, Ed, for looking in even if Ancients is not of primary interest.

  8. Those look great; wonderful painting and basing as usual. Once the whole army is together it is going to look stunning.

    1. Thanks! I put the Assyrian Army out on parade quite a while ago. I should do so again once I get the current stream of units through the pipeline.

  9. Fine looking units off your busy desk!


  10. Great additions Jonathan . I really like the way that you base this collection, the desert theme is very smart. I also like the size of the BMU's in whatever rule set you use....painting three or four figures and having a completed unit v's painting ten or twelve as in our standard pattern allows you to build up your forces in bite sized chunks...very good for the painters morale!

    1. Glad you like the results, Keith!

      The basing is for either "Impetvs" or "To the Strongest!" While medium cavalry have four figures and light cavalry have three figures per base, many of the infantry hold 9-14 figures per base. painting a dozen 28mm Biblical infantry at a time is a snap!

  11. Very nice looking units. You must go through a lot of grass tufts on your stands, which certainly enhance the look of the units.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I am usually frugal with the tufts but maybe I put them on more generously than usual?

  12. Lovely toys Jonathan...
    I do like the Assyrians... and those Foundry figures have stood the test of time well.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly. These Foundry figures are still state of the art to my eye.

  13. Great work on these Jonathan. Two of the more effective Biblical armies, and it will be great to see the augmented forces take to the table.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence! I have a lot of Assyrians in work at present. Hope to get going on Hittites soon.

  14. Lovely looking Assyrians and useful Egyptians! Great pair of stands and I'm looking forward to your Hittites!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! With a little focus, perhaps, a unit or two of Hittites can make it into the painting queue.

  15. Very nice and a big departure from Horse and Musket, will look forward to the Hittites.

  16. Nice work, the faces are really good as are the bases

  17. Always impressed by the dexterity of the mounted archers, and these ones are superb!

  18. Lovely work Jonathan I have some Egyptian infantry waiting to be painted up...perhaps soon when the butterfly lands on them 🦋

    1. Thanks, Matt! I look forward to seeing Egyptians when the butterfly lands!

  19. Never understood how anyone could shoot a bow while on top of a galloping horse but some people must be talented. And I think these guys were doing it even before the stirrup was invented. Show offs.

    Talented painting too! 😀

    1. Accurate archery from horse back is a generational talent, I think. I tried it as a kid. It can be done but no one shooting back.
      Glad you like these fellows!
