
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Old Glory 10s - Federal Infantry

In a continuing effort to draw down the 10mm ACW figures in The Lead Pile, 150 Federal infantry were pushed through the production line in December.  This tranche of figures makes good headway in reaching that goal.
What I have here today are 5 x 30 figure regiments of Federal troops ready to take to the field.  Figures are Old Glory 10s.  Molded in strips, the shoulder-to-shoulder stance allows for really close formations; something not possible with individually cast figures.  Details may not be as crisp as other figures but en masse, I think they look good.    
A bunch of unpainted Zouaves remain in stock along with a large number of guns and some cavalry.  After painting about 400 of these little fellas over the last two months, I may hold off on pushing the Zoauves into the painting queue.  After all, I only recently finished painting  36 15mm Algerian Turcos.  A guy can take only so much.  I need a rest. 


  1. Most impressive and beautiful 10mm units Jonathan...have a nice rest!

  2. I am getting the urge to go back to ACW, nice figures. I have for the first time in years nothing to paint, I cannot see it lasting long.

    1. Don't fight the urge, George. Dive in with the sensation is present. If you need figures to paint, I could send a small CARE package!

  3. Great job on these lil guys Jonathan

  4. 5 Regiments!!! That is a proper run at it, I feel that I am fiddling at the edges with my 1 regiment at a time :-)

    The mass really does look good.

    Hope the injury is a bit more bearable.

    1. Thank you, Norm! 10mm is a good scale for providing a sense of mass.

      Pain was present throughout the night so not much sleep. Today is a new day!

  5. great work on them,

    I have thought one day I would like to do another 10mm army, but possibly fantasy LOTR battle of pelenor feilds


    1. Thanks, Matt! If you have an urge to start a new army, go for it!

  6. Great looking units and nice to see you are able to do some painting etc. Hope the leg is all OK and that the pain is not too bad.

    1. Hi Steve. These figures, I paint in December but I have been getting in a few short painting sessions this week. The big bottleneck appears to be in getting a topcoat spray on the figures once painted. Getting outside in the cold and snow is treacherous on crutches.

      Mostly, the pain is tolerable.

  7. Great to see that you're still hard at work despite the injury!

    1. Much appreciated, Sir! Progress has slowed down quite a bit but I have a few units that were painted in December that have yet to be photographed.

  8. Great looking units, all 5 of them!!

    Cheers, Ross

  9. Very impressive Johnathan especially with your disability, well done.

    1. Much appreciated, Robbie! Since I painted these fellas in December, I only needed to put them in the photo box and snap a few pictures. Dullcoating figures outside in the snow was a REAL challenge yesterday, though.

  10. Very impressive, Jonathan. They look great.

  11. Nice units Jonathan! 10mm seems to be a very good compromise scale, giving both mass effect and a more elevated level of detail.

    Hope you’re on the mend.

    1. Thank you, Mike! For big battle ACW, 10mm is no compromise. I think it perfect!

      Hopefully, I am on the mend...

  12. Nice work.....they will add nicely to the collection. The only issue I have is the gap the block castings then give when you base them ? But they obviously work fine in larger battles and the gap in the bigger picture isn’t noticeable . 🙂

    1. Thank you, Matt! I know what you mean about the gaps between strips. At one time, I based this collection four strips on one base in a 2x2 fashion. The file gap between the two strips was not noticeable. Since then I rebased to a 2x1 on one stand (yeah, I tend to rebase sometimes on a whim), the gap between abutting stands is more noticeable. Not distracting in my eye, though and it let's me play multiple rulesets with this configuration.

  13. As you say, they do look rather spiffing in that close formation.
    Nice work.

  14. Terrific work, and the shoulder-to-shoulder look is very effective. I hope you are managing to still get some decent painting hours in post-injury Jonathan.

    1. Thank you very much, Lawrence! Not much painting of late but I did work on some basing today. Getting up and downstairs is difficult. Lucky I can work from home.

  15. Johnathan you and on a parallel course here - I have just finished 90 ACW figures (in 28mm mind you). Well done.

    1. Thanks, Mark! 90 28s is at least three times the work of 150 10s. Your production is amazing.

  16. 10mm Is a great scale for the ACW and these guys look great! Nice job. I don’t believe you’re tired of painting bc you literally paint circles around the rest of us lol. But I know variety is good for the soul as well. 😀

    Hope your leg is on the mend.

    1. Thanks, Stew! I do not need a rest from painting but a rest from painting Zouaves! I have 120 or so 10mm Zouaves to paint but need a rest after painting the 36 15mm Algerian Turcos.

      I hope leg is on the mend too. As of yesterday, surgery is not likely needed. Yippee!
