
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dyve's Regiment of Foote

The King's Army receives a reinforcement in the form of Dyve's Regiment of Foote.  These 27 figures are from my dwindling stockpile of Renegade Miniatures figures.  The Renegade figures are some of my favorites and they fit well with the bulk of my Redoubt Miniatures ECW armies.  While painted in November of 2019, only now are these lads making their way to the photo box.       
The problem is that Redoubt figures are difficult to find after the company stopped producing.  I found 80 of the unpainted foot figures two years and snapped them up (see An Unfinished "Finished" Project).  With the box of figures counted, I figured three regiments of foote could be built.  Dyve's Regiment represents the second regiment to muster off from the painting desk in this tranche.  
With enough musket and pike figures to build one more regiment, I discovered that I was lacking command for the unit.  Having no more Renegade figures in The Lead Pile, Regiment #3 will likely be led by Redoubt officers.  While I prefer keeping Renegade integrity in the unit, Redoubt officers will have to do.  I have not ordered from Redoubt Enterprises since it changed hands a few years ago.  Hopefully, I can still order a handful of figures.  We will see.

On the painting front, I have been able to hobble down into the basement for short painting sessions this week.  A number of units are in work and sitting at the workbench is not too painful for short periods.  This afternoon with my wife's help in taking figures from the basement to the garage, I was able to DIP some figures.  Two activities I have not been able to find a solution to in my current state is spray primering and dullcoating figures.  With snow and ice everywhere, venturing out into the yard on crutches to spray is not recommended.  I wonder if I could convince Nancy to take on these tasks?  Hmmm.  Probably not.      


  1. Very nicely painted. I especially like the mix of different poses.

    It's great to have a wife, which is so helpfull. Congratulations! :-)

    1. Thank you, Andre'! Yeah, it is good to have an understanding wife.

  2. Lovely unit, the extra depth adds much. Hammerite do a 'special metals' primer, it is a brush on brown (reminds me of lead oxide) thick primer, but it is especially formulated to deal with 'slippy' metals such a lead. It is n ot the stinky stuff and you can wash your brush out in water. If the snow and cold temperatures persist, it may be a viable option to spraying.

    1. Thanks, Norm! I apprecaite your primer suggestion. I may have to consider a brush on primer and perhaps even a brush on dull coat. I like using the sprays and have been accustomed to that approach. I may be able to hold off until I can get back outside, though. We will see.

  3. Lovely looking unit Jonathan. Of course the inherent risk of having your other half undercoat your figures is that they may come back in pastel colours I say!

    1. Thank you, Mark! Nancy would not attempt something so devilish. She complains about the smell even when I spray outside so convincing her to get "up close and personal" may be a bridge too far.

    2. I must admit that I gave up on spray undercoating and varnishing some years ago. Largely because I found that I was forever missing bits and going back to touch up with a brush (and it reduces the complaints from her indoors about “that smelly stuff”). Plus in Auckland’s humidity spraying can be problematic. So everything is brushed on now, and to be honest I don’t see any drop in efficiency...but then I have a very structured approach to painting.

    3. Some day, I ought to give brush-on primer and dull coat a try.

  4. Nice work Jonathan, I too like the Renegade figures although they are very large compared with most 28mm ranges...Redoubt are huge too of course, so they probably do work well together. I was not aware Redoubt had ceased production...their website still seems to be active, which is a bit misleading. It's unlikely I would ever have bought from them, due to the sizing issue, but I have been tempted by many of their "specials " in the past and I might have eventually succumbed ....I do have a small collection of Wellington in India British troops by this company that I have always liked. My wife once jumped on the production desk and painted a load of figures from start to finish, copying some of mine as examples...15mm FoW tanks and some Old Glory Plains Wars Indians from memory.....but she didn't catch the painting bug and has not done an encore!

    1. Thanks, Keith! You got my hopes up about Renegade. I popped out to their website and it still shows as closed. Rats.

      Getting your wife to step into the painting production line is impressive. Mine has shown no interest. The grand kids however are both interested in giving it a go. Perhaps when they are a little older, I will give them a few old figures and paints and set them loose?

  5. Very pleased to hear you got some painting in, Jonathan. Also, ECW/30YW is an era that i have neglected for far too long. Your nice figs make me want to fast forward onto that project!

    1. I was happy to get in a few short session too!

      If you expand to ECW/TYW, what scale are you considering? Although I have large armies in 30mm, 10mm looks attractive.

  6. A lovely looking unit and no mistake! Great to see you are able to do a bit of painting as well.

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! Painting does my soul good.

  7. Lovely looking chunky renegade figures, its a pity they're not still going, I think bicorne are the same size and might even had the same sculpter as Renegade. Glad to hear your managing to paint ,surely you have a backlog of primed figures? Or maybe that's just me?!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Renegade are big and chunky but I love them. I will give Bicorne a look for command before I fire an order off to Redoubt.

      I don't have a big back log of primered figures. Unusual, for sure. I do have a few primered units lingering in the box that I could give attention. One such unit includes a 39 figure of Landsknecht pike. I am hesitating to dive into that monstrosity.

  8. great looking unit Johnathon


  9. Very nice work Jonathan lovely unit, Redoubt figures are I think being sold by Grubby Tanks (think that is what they are called) they are on the north of England show circuit and as far as I am aware sell the full range, although I have only looked at their FIW which I have. They will definately be at the York show which we normally attend and is a couple of weeks so I can check

    1. Thank you, Matt!

      If you have time to make a in-person check, I would appreciate it. Have fun at the upcoming show.

    2. Is it specifically ECW collection ?

    3. While the Redoubt figures are from Redoubt's ECW range, they could be used for TYW too. My collection is for the ECW but could be for TYW.

  10. If Nancy truly loved you she'd do it. LOL

    These look very nice Jon. Looking forward to a full army shot.

    1. Not sure I am ready to push that line...

      Glad you like them! I will put them all out on the table for a parade some day. If you search the blog, you may find such a parade from the past.

  11. Excellent work on these again, Jonathan. BTW, I had wanted to pick up some WW1 Renegade figures a few years ago, but by the time I did, they were out of business.

    1. Thanks, Dean! I wish I would have picked up more when I had the chance too.

  12. Not an expert of that period, but I like your figures a lot, they look like veterans!

    1. They look like veterans in dirty uniforms, for sure! Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Great looking stuff. If you are still in a bind in late Feb, I will be happy to come up and help with the spraying..

    1. Glad you like Dyve's Regiment! You make a generous offer and I may take you up on it. With luck, by end of February I will be able to hobby around with a little more stability by putting weight on my bad leg. Perhaps the snow and ice will be gone as well?

  14. It is always a pleasure looking at Renegade figures, and you have done a terrific job on the Jonathan. Glad to see you are able to get in front of the paints, at least for a few short sessions.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. I really like the Renegade figures. I wish I could more especially the Punic Wars range. A short evening painting session is good medicine.

  15. Fantastic regiment Jonathan! Bicorne ECW are a god match for the Renegade figures, I have both.

    1. Thanks, Mike! An order for Bicorne officers seems in order!

  16. Very nicely done indeed! Excellent sculpts too.

  17. Wow, splendid unit, cracking job Jonathan!

  18. Great looking unit and glad that you’re not too injured for some hobby time. And understanding wives should only be pushed so far.

    It’s a cool thing that you paint so much that’s there’s a backlog of those waiting to have photos taken. When ever I finish painting something every other month or so, there’s no delay for photos.

    And speaking of understanding wives; whenever I show her something I painted I get a “that’s very nice dear.” Which is the same thing she says to the kids. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew!

      Yeah, there remains a backlog of painted but not photoed. I am sure that backlog will shrink as I am laid up. The broken leg has put a cramp on my productivity with some of the steps not doable for now.

      Nancy always compliments my work but she wishes I would apply the same level of effort toward painting walls rather than figures.

  19. That's a beautifuly painted warband! And very realistic grassy bases! I always find white, a difficult color to deal with....Very nice work!
