
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Old Glory 10s - Confederate Infantry

Having given the SYW project a little attention of late, work returns to clearing out some of the 10mm ACW pile of lead.  With today's effort, the last of the Confederate infantry is finished.
Mustering out from the painting desk are 120 10mm Confederate infantry from Old Glory.  As other Old Glory 10mm infantry before, these are in five figure strips.  Detail may not be as good as other manufacturers but en masse, I think they look good.  From tabletop viewing distance, I tend to only see flashes of color in the sea of grey anyway.
What is left in The Lead Pile for this project?  A couple of hundred Federal infantry, some cavalry, and guns are all that remain.  Not that much, really.  The collection already fields enough forces to conduct most of the battles.  Adding more is a luxury and not a necessity at this point.  


  1. Lovely looking unit, I agree they look very effective en mass. I still have quite a few units acw to finish off but I keep being distracted 🤪

    1. Thanks, Matt! There are actually four, three stand units piled into this photo. Distractions are, well,distracting!

  2. Very nice, the ranked up Old Glory do give the mass effect and the flash of colour against a general back ground of grey retains a nice sense of individualism.

    Though I do wish that manufacturers would ‘ease back’ on the number of poses that they have with bayonets fixed. My 28mm Perry plastics have them, the 12mm Kallistra have them, I have just sampled some Peter Pig 15’s, which have them and I know the Baccus 6mm are similarly adorned! Or ... have I got it wrong, was fixed bayonet a ‘default’ stance when within typical shooting ranges?

    1. Thank you, Norm! I agree the Old Glory 10s on strips look very good when deployed en masse.

      For marching poses such as these, fixed bayonet makes sense. I would think the rattling of thousands of sheathed bayonets dangling from belts would make a horrible racket and be uncomfortable too. Having bayonets fixed on the March seems dangerous too.

  3. That's a fine display of Rebel Infantry Jonathan!

  4. Lovely looking infantry en masse, they are very effective!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! A table full of these sure look good.

  5. One thing I've learnt with 10mm is to focus on the look of the unit, rather than individaul figures. Once at arms length, talk less of when on the table, you only see blobs of colour, flags etc. Anyway, a lovely looking unit as always.

    1. Thanks, Steve! Your experience has taught you well. I find a similar experience when fielding figures from different manufacturers on the table. Differences tend to disappear when viewing from above.

  6. Great collection of Rebs, impressive mass effect!

  7. Great looking CSA there. I agree with all that was said above about the bases having that mass appeal. 😐

    Hopefully one day my ACW collection will be like yours; complete and only adding in the luxuries.

    1. Thanks, Stew!

      Keep plugging away and your ACW collection will reach the same state. I look forward to seeing your next game.

  8. Very nice Jonathan...
    I am occasionally tempted by 10mm figures as they would work really well on my 7’x 5’ table... but they see so far away... ;-) maybe one day.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Much appreciated, Aly!

      Quit waffling and dive into 10s. You know you want too. A WSS project in 10mm would be neat.

  9. Excellent Confederate infantry Jonathan!

  10. Those look fantastic, Jonathan, can't wait to see them on the tabletop!


    1. Thanks, Jack! Not sure when the ACW will return to the table. SYW action coming up.

  11. Very effective all grouped together.

  12. Lovely work, and the figures have a lot of character, especially given their size.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. One attribute of Old Glory figures (even the 10s) is that they all are animated and have character.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed your latest Aspern-Essling BatRep.

  14. Having struggled with 15mm, these are incredibly impressive!

    1. Thanks, Dean! Figures smaller than 25s are not so bad too paint.

  15. They do look nice ranked up en-mass. Great work on those little fellas.

  16. Very nice work on these I said on another blog, I won't trawl back six months or more to when I last commented on one of your posts, but I did like the parade of Celts you presented recently.

    1. Keith! Great to see you post again! It has been a long time, my friend and I have been wondering what became of you.

      Glad you liked the ACS Rebs and the parade of Celts.

  17. Excellent brushwork Jonathan! All that grey looks pretty cool.

  18. Very effective looking troops. Not that I plan to paint any of either, but I greatly prefer the look of 10's to 6's.

    "A couple of hundred Federal infantry, some cavalry, and guns are all that remain. Not that much, really."

    ONLY Jon would make a comment like that, LOL!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I prefer 10s to 6s too but I sure enjoy playing Commands & Colors on a grid with 6mm figures.

      The 10s are small so a few hundred are not such a big task!

  19. I sold Stew (See his comment above.) my 15mm Rebs, but have good memories of getting the buggers painted up. 10mm detail is shockingly small in comparison and I am impressed to see how well you've managed to get these looking so good Jon, especially those battle flags!

  20. The smaller scales rock! Great job Jonathan!

    1. Thanks, Mike! Some projects are more suited to the smaller scales than others. ACW is perfect for 10mm.
