
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Celtic Chariots in 6mm

Digging around in The Lead Pile in a search of components for a planned 2020 project, I unearthed a few packs of Baccus 6mm ancients.  These few packs of tiny figures were left over from a time when I was building Punic Wars armies in 6mm for who knows what ruleset.  

When Commands & Colors: Ancients (CCA) came upon the scene, I rebased the figures so that the armies could be utilized on a hex grid and gamed using CCA.  This was a decision to which I have no second thoughts or misgivings on my direction.  These armies have fought many a battle on a grid and I see no end in sight.  
One pack of figures uncovered in the recent dig contained eight Celtic chariots.  Having spent much time in 2019 in fielding Celtic warbands in 28mm for a planned Telamon recreation, I immediately thought about the possibility of fighting Telamon in 6mm.  The problem with that line of reasoning is that only a handful of warbands are present in the 6mm armies.  More Celts would be needed for sure.
Having not painted any 6s in years (a quick check of the Painting Log shows five years to be exact!), I forgot how small these little fellas were.  Even with another five years for the eyes to continue aging, I found these Celts painted without too much difficulty. On the battle board and at playing distance, these chariots will look just fine.  Also rediscovered was a bag of Velites.  I may as well push these into the painting queue too.


  1. Lovely teeny tiny chariots, it seems there is no getting away from celts on your blog!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, it does seem that there is no getting away from Celts of late. Four chariots arrived from Newline Designs last week to add to the 28mm collection.

  2. That's the beauty of 6mm and 10mm, in that once on the table they are very forgiving for the odd missed area etc. These look great BTW!

  3. 6mm really are VERY small Jonathan, but you have done a great job on these Celts and I can definitely see the practicality/attraction of using this scale for hex based rule sets.

    1. Thanks, Keith! The 6s work very well for me on a hex mat for Commands & Colors.

  4. Careful there Jonathan, it’s not easy to recover once bitten by the 6mm bug!

    1. No need for concern, Mike! I have Punic War armies in 6mm already and these are only a few additions to what I consider a finished project.

  5. One of us! One of us!

    Lovely wheels, now you just have to paint hundreds of little headhunting fanatics to go with them ;)

    1. One of you in a limited sense. Punic Wars are the only collection I have in 6mm. I don't see an expansion beyond that. Well, Greek armies would be good too...

  6. Very nice, chariots are just one of those things that look better the more you put down and the 6mm allows that.

    1. Chariots do look good on the field of battle. As I mentioned in an earlier response, four Celt chariots arrived in house this week to augment the 28mm project. I will get around to those some day. An Assyrian chariot is seeing some work on the painting table too.

  7. 6mm can be very addictive! Look great Jonathan. The Punic Wars have been a long time favourite of mine and at some point I will need to add a 6mm collection to the list.

    1. Jon, if (when) you tackle a Punic Wars project in 6mm, it will be glorious. Thanks for the visit!

  8. They look surprisingly good, Jon. Can't see myself ever doing any 6's (well, heck, I hardly do anything but 28's), but they do work especially well for grid based games!

    1. Hehe. Thanks, Peter! They look better from a distance. These 6s work perfectly for me when playing Commands & Colors Ancients with figures.

  9. It does seem to be the time of year for finding old uncompleted figures. Lovely work on these Jonathan.

    We had our final game of DBMM a week ago and the member of the group who hosts the games had ten to a dozen newly-arrived Command and Colors boxes on his gaming table, both Napoleonic and Ancients, so I dare say we'll be getting stuck into a few games ourselves during 2020.

    1. Lawrence, every time I go looking for something specific, I wind up finding something else. I am glad to have these chariots out of The Lead Pile and ready for service.

      Commands & Colors, whether ancients (my personal favorite), Napoleonics, Tricorne, or Medieval are the most seen games on our tables. Sometimes played with the blocks but more recently 28mm figures have taken center stage. A really fun game in the Beer & Pretzels genre. I hope you enjoy them!

  10. Nice chariots Jonathan, 6mm is hard to beat for that massed look!

  11. These do look superb considering the scale. Great spectacle with smaller figures.
    Unfortunately, as I get older, I also need 'great spectacles', even for 15mm.

    1. That is a good one! These 6s are getting harder to see and paint for my old eyes too. Still not able to paint wearing glasses. Thanks for the visit!

  12. Good work Jonathan!
    6mm is not so easy to paint!
    Big bravo!

  13. Celts in 6mm? Hard to see their tattoos from here. ;)

  14. Nice job on these tiny little buggys. Did they paint up pretty quick? 😀

    1. Yes, they painted up quickly. I think I finished them in one painting session.

  15. Wow I am impressed with the level of detail the painting gives to these little guys. Well done!

  16. These are really small. Nicely done nevertheless. I could not imagine to do something similar.
