
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SYW Prussian Cuirassier Rgt #7

On the heels of the two Austrian howitzers, off the painting desk trots three squadrons of Prussian cuirassiers.  These 18 troopers are from Eureka Miniatures' 18mm SYW range and muster out as three squadrons of the 7th Cuirassier Regiment.  With the completion of these horsemen, The Lead Pile is now devoid of Prussian cuirassiers.  A small handful of Prussian dragoons remain.  They will be finding their way into the painting queue shortly.
While the next unit off the painting desk will not likely be yet another addition to the SYW project, two more units for this project are in work.  What are likely next out of the gates for the SYW project?  More Russian musketeers.  Before one of the musketeer regiments musters out from the painting production line, a brief return to the Punic Wars project.  One more Celtic warband will depart the painting desk soon.  Another Celtic warband?  Yes, although The Lead Pile has been much depleted of those figures as well.  Perhaps enough Celts remain from the last large Crusader order to put together one more warband.  After that, all Celts will be gone with the exception of a few archers.  All gone, that is, until the long missing BTD order placed in May arrives.
On the boardgaming front, a few games arrived recently both from ebay purchases and direct orders from manufacturers.  Some real promising additions to the boardgame collection that I hope to read, learn, and get onto the table in the near future.  Staying on the boardgame topic, the collection is currently undergoing a slight cull.  Several duplicate copies of some out of print games have been sold off to make shelf space for some new replacements.  Some of these recent acquisitions will be featured later once I have had time to learn and play the games.  As for a theme in these recent purchases, WWII seems to dominate.

For now, the painting desk remains active and the gaming table is buried in assorted gaming detritus.  The ECW battle of Southam still is in residence on one-third of the table awaiting a replay.  A Spanish-American War boardgame occupies one-sixth of the table.  The remainder is stacked with boxes, books, and a scattering of rules.  It may be time for a clean up.  


  1. A fine body of close order horse. Your mention of a cluttered table made me think about my own situation. I use temporary gaming space, so it is never available long enough to get cluttered ... but everything else that is available to me such as computer desk / game shelving etc is crying out for order.I think I may have now discovered the ONLY advantage to not having a dedicated games table :-)

    1. Thanks, Norm.

      Mark down an advantage for temporary gaming space! Most often, my gaming table has a battle deployed over the entire table. The table size allows for multiple games to be set up concurrently. With a 12' x 6' table, I can have three, 4' x 6' games going at one time. That does not often happen but two games at one time is not uncommon. At present, two games are on the table but a lot of other stuff is stacked on it too.

      Oh, my painting area is almost ALWAYS a mess. I tell myself the mess is a sign of great productivity.

    2. I’m with you table a mess and nearly always has the residue of the previous battle, painting table a real mess, but I’m like a pig in s...t 😀

  2. A good looking cuirassiers unit. You certainly mix up your painting schedule with a group of Samurai, then SYW, followed by celts.

  3. Superb work as usual.
    Keen also to hear about the new boardgames.
    I have long decided to stop trying to create order on my shelf; let chaos reign.

    1. Much appreciated, Darren! Chaos is in full control he too but I ought to dial it back a bit.

      As for boardgames, I plan to post a few updates on goings-on on that front.

  4. Heavy cavalry always are a favorite of mine.

    1. Mine too! Luckily for us, SYW armies contain a heavy weighting of cuirassiers.

  5. Another very fine regiment galloping off your painting desk Jonathan!

    What interesting is my painting area or should I say painting closet is always a mess(has doors fortunately) but my games room is usually picked up and the games table clean as I pick up after each game.


    1. Thanks, Christopher!

      I strive to have your gaming situation.

  6. Beautiful unit. Hope your BTD order turns up, although I got mine in three weeks I have been put off ordering more.

    1. Thanks, George! I am nearing the point of giving up and requesting a refund. Three recent emails to BTD remain unanswered.

  7. More cracking looking units Jonathan:)

    1. Thank you, Steve! More Prussian cuirassiers for HoW!

  8. I always love a cuirassier unit, and it is always very special when they are Prussians!

  9. Lovely Prussian cuirassiers! Nice big target for your Austrian artillery!
    Lovely work! Mess, clearing up and mess again, it's a constant cycle!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! A block of cavalry like this will provide a tempting target for either Austrian or Russian artillery, for sure.

      Messiness is a constant hazard when the painting table is an active zone. A mess is a preferred situation over no activity at the painting desk. I probably end up painting in a very small area as supporting materials eventually encroach onto most surface area.

  10. So many moustachio'd faces! :)

    Very nice unit Jonathan. You paint the whites very nicely - not an easy colour to work with.

    1. Thank you very much, Dai! Moustaches as a bug screen when galloping?

  11. Impressive mass effect, a splendid unit of heavy cavalry!

  12. Lovely unit Jonathan to add to the Prussian Forces 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! With the size of the Prussian Army, these guys can slip in almost unnoticed!

  13. Great work Jonathan. The 7th has a fine service record.

    1. Thank you, Nathan! Fine service record AND yellow facings!

  14. Nice work on these and good to be making a dent in the lead mountain.
    Your planning seems very well organised, I'm very much in the 'I don't know what to do next' camp.

    1. Thanks, Paul. The dent in The Lead Pile is an illusion. The pile of lead is deep and wide. As for planning, I try to make goals and stick to them if possible.

  15. Nicely done Jonathan, as always.

    I say let chaos reign!

    1. Thank you, Mike! Chaos is firmly entrenched in the game room.

  16. Yet another lovely unit Jonathan...
    I am always impressed by your output... I need to make more mess... if that is at all possible... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! Painting figures is dirty work but somebody has to do it!

  17. Great job. They certainly look impressive all in formation like that.
    I always heard that an untidy desk was indicative of a productive mind.

    1. Thanks! My mind must be quite productive given that criteria!

  18. A very handsome unit, Jon; the Prussian Cuirassier uniform is a classic!

    1. Thanks! The Prussian cuirassier uniform is indeed a classic.
