
Monday, October 7, 2019

A Mix of Samurai and Ronin

After recently pushing out a BMU of Japanese teppo, I made a scrounge of The Lead Pile and cobbled together enough odds and ends to field a heavy infantry unit of foot Samurai and Ronin.  These fifteen figures are from Peter Pig's excellent 15mm Samurai range. 
My original plan for this project was to fight Samurai Battles in 15mm on a four inch  grid.  Added into this mix were a couple of battles using Impetvs both off grid and on.  All three methods produced enjoyable games with a vast array of color on the battlefield.  That was likely four or five years ago.  Hard to believe this is another collection that has not made it onto the tabletop in such a long time. 
When this project was in its early stages, Samurai Battles appeared on the kitchen table frequently for afternoon, winter gaming sessions.  Those were the days.  Since the game footprint of Samurai Battles is small, no need to spread it out on the big gaming table in the game room.  The entire game and accouterments fit comfortably on the kitchen table.  With another fall upon on us and winter approaching, perhaps, Samurai Battles can once again take up intermittent residence on the kitchen table?  


  1. Great painting Jonathan and love the bases too!

  2. I like these bases because of the splashes of colour. Are those single bases or do you glue two hex bases together?

    1. Glad you like them, Norm! The base configuration is from gluing two hexes together.

  3. A samurai army is amongst the most impressive, I think... mine are still waiting for the moment to get some color, but I still believe it is too difficult for me.

    1. I tend to use a more impressionistic approach to painting the armor in 15mm. For me, it works. Thanks for your comments.

  4. Good looking unit. We should get it out on the table again. I recently signup over at GMT for their p500 for a combined set with the proper C&C treatment rather than Zvesda's plastic minis.

    1. Thanks! That winter when we first got in a lot of Samurai Battles was great fun. We should try to to that again. I will pop over to GMT and look into their P500 offering. I made a P500 pre-order in June for Great Battles of Alexander Deluxe to replace my older version.

  5. Nice detail on small sculpts. A good looking unit sir, well done!

  6. Great looking Samurai.
    You’re Lead Pile must be a wonderous thing, as it seems to have miniatures for every genre. 😀
    I’m envious.

    1. Thanks, Stew! For the average onlooker, The Lead Pile may seem wondrous. To me, it is a constant reminder of how much remains to be painted.

  7. A lovely looking unit as always. A period I'm tempted by, especially with new sculpts coming from Pendraken at some point. I blame watching Akira Kurosawa films as a kid!

    1. Thanks, Steve! Kurosawa was an inspiration for many a Feudal Japan project.

  8. Lovely unit, always fancied Samurai but at the back of a long queue.

    1. Thank you, George! So many interesting periods; so little time.

  9. Lovely looking samurai! Not for me for now,I need to get some Napoleonics and some dark ages and some more ECW and some more Soviet bolt action and some...!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. You certainly have enough on your plate to keep your hands and mind occupied.

  10. Nice work Jonathan. How big is this collection now?

    1. Thanks, Mark! At last count the collection holds 601 Foot and 50 Horse.

  11. Fantastic work Jonathan. I have Samurai Battles in the cupboard but have never played it. I've long since lost the plastic figures and have 15mm figures in their place - maybe it is time to get it out and try it?

    1. Much appreciated, Nathan! If you have Samurai Battles, pull it out and give it a try with your 15s. We love the game in 15mm.

  12. Nice work, and those Peter Pig figures really do come up very nicely.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! The Peter Pig figures are really superb. I have figured from their Samurai, WWI, and WWII ranges and all are excellent. Highly recommended.

  13. These are simply AMAZING! So much detail for 15mm! I love them!

    1. You are spot on, Tim! The sculpting in this PP range is superb.
