
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Another Celtic Warband from Crusader

Work on the 28mm Ancient Celts army continues.  After missing out on producing a unit for this project in August, two units charge off the painting desk in September.  Possibly one more warband may make it off the workbench before month's end.
These dozen warriors are from Crusader Miniatures. These fellows comprise the third such Celt warband stand to come off the painting desk this summer.  After seeing reports of the Society of Ancients' 2019 Battle Day, I was energized to build for this battle myself.  My goal with mustering a Celtic or Gallic army was to bring forth the troops necessary for a Telamon refight and to compare my experiences with others.  That goal is still intact but later than anticipated.  One day I will have sufficient Celts to deploy armies for this battle.   
In addition to the dozen warriors in the warband above, a four-figure stand of Celt slingers was also completed.  With these two stands finished, enough Crusader Celts remain to field two more warbands and a skirmish stand of archers.  Those might be completed before the snow flies.  Some of my planned work has ground to a halt as I await an order from Black Tree Design.  That order was placed in May and still in the BTD processing queue.  BTD has experienced personal and professional issues of late so I must be patient.  Besides, it is not like I have no other figures to push into the painting queue!  


  1. Its great to see another wargamer painting up some Celts given my sudden enthusiasm for all things Celtic.I never considered using Crusader Miniatures for my SPQR project Jonathan but yours are very very nice. Well done.

    1. Glad to provide some inspiration, Robbie! Thank you for your encouraging feedback on the warband. The Crusader figures are very nice.

  2. Two more lovely looking units Jonathan. As always I'm impressed by the quality of your work and your output, which puts mine to shame!

    1. Thanks so much, Steve! Your positive comments are always very much appreciated.

  3. Another dynamic warband base. I really like the shields, which brings a pleasant brightness to the base.

    The sculpting of the slingers has rather a nice and subtle realistic look to the body pose style that gives them a very natural character.

    1. Norm, glad you like my crude attempt at shieldwork! Not as intricate and beautiful as transfers but, for me, the simple and crude designs are sufficient for me.

      Thanks for your comments!

  4. Wonderful looking units Jonathan! Really nice free hand work on the shields btw.


  5. Very nice and great work on the shields, I think I have some of those figures in my 'Galatian' warband.

    1. Thank you, George! These Crusader Celts are splendid sculpts.

  6. Nicely looking units, Jonathan. Good to see such well-balanced color palette.

  7. Lovely troops, Jonathan. Just love the shield patterns.

    1. Much appreciated, Dean! Now, if I had your talent...

  8. Great looking Celts, lovely work on the shields!
    Best Iain

  9. Lovely work, like the colourful shields, as you know I am a fan of Crusader figures. The slingers look a bit static in their pose though ?

    1. Glad you like the shieldwork! Not as intricate as your fine work but it will do for me.

      The slingers do seems bit static. When I based them, I had to verify that they were indeed Crusader and not BTD.

  10. Looking good! That freehand on the shields and tattoos is rather impressive sir.

  11. Great work Jonathan. You must have amassed quite a horde of Celts by now.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! There likely is a large horde of these fellows by now. I ought to pull them out and see what I have done.

  12. Lovely part job - I especially like the shields.

  13. Nice warband (admitting that a warband can be nice :)) !

  14. Very nice - more Antiquity-wargaming.

    Unfortunately I had to stop painting Romans for two days, as the commander ordered a pause.

  15. Now that is a colorful bunch Jonathan.

  16. Another beautifully painted unit. Well done Jonathan!

  17. I love them, Jon. Your ancients armies must be getting impressive!

    1. Glad you love them! Yes, the ancients collections are getting large especially if you lump both ancients and Biblicals into one category. Last count shows 56 units in my Punic Wars collection including 11 Celtic warbands. One day, I will have enough to recreate Telamon.

  18. Celts!
    Nice progress on this ancients project. 😀
    I don’t know what’s up with BTD, but that’s a long wait.

    1. Thank you! Yes, i have had no luck in getting my May order out of BTD despite several emails. I know the owner has suffered some setbacks but time to escalate, I suppose.
