
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Prussian Commanders from Freikorps 15s

Another small group of Freikorps 15s' command figures dredged up from the bottom of The Lead Pile.  This time, a three-figure pack of Prussian mounted officers hit the painting desk.  Perhaps not as crisply sculpted and molded as Eureka's fine range of SYW figures but satisfactory, for sure, and with their own bit of charm.
In the Painting Ledger, August is shaping up to be a disappointment on the figure count front.  With travel, increased cycling, and other demands on my time, activity at the painting desk has slipped off.  I can go days without making it down to the painting desk for even the quickest of painting sessions.  One of the demands experiencing a modest bump is gaming.  I recently managed to pull off two gaming sessions on two consecutive weekends.

The first session saw the finale of the San Martino battle.  Often spending time looking over the situation since the conclusion of the first part of the battle, I have been trying to figure out a solution to pushing the Austrians back from their initial land grab.  Were the Sardinians successful?  Stay tuned for the second part of the battle recap.  

The second session featured my 30mm ECW collection in three, decisive refights of the Battle of Southam.  The victor was the same in all three playings despite switching sides more than once.  With the figures reset, I may work through a few solo battles to see if the tables can be turned.  

Still, a lot of figures are slowly working their way through the painting queue.


  1. Hey, I will always take more games with the toys I already have over more time to paint new ones. That and I find I am most motivated to paint when I have the least time for it.

    Some fine looking officers there. Can't wait to see them on the table!

    1. While I do enjoy the painting process and find it very relaxing, getting around the gaming table with friends is a high point.

      You will see this officers next time the 15mm SYW armies take to the field.

  2. Love the 15's they look great. Any chance of a Southam batrep?

    1. In the three Southam games played, only a very few photos were taken. I plan to recap those three battles but don't expect a blow-by-blow photo account. I will take turn-based photos when I play it through solitaire.

      Glad you like these old 15s!

  3. These look great, and the paint job makes them look crisp even if the sculpting is not that sharp. Pity about the lack of painting, but at least you have got some good gaming in. I find I get a bit "edgy" if I'm away from the painting desk more than a couple of days.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      I am not sure about getting edgy when painting opportunities are sparse but I do feel like something is missing without regular painting sessions. For me, it is relaxing.

  4. Soft-ish sculpts, but from an arm's length away am sure they will blend in just fine with the rest of your armies.

  5. I remember these figures well. At one point in the 80s they were the best 15s on the market. I painted many.

    1. Freikorps a number of good, solid ranges in 15mm. Their limbers still see service in a number of my armies.

  6. They look good, Jon. Considering that we both have far in excess of 10,000 troops, I think more time spent on games and less on painting is a desirable trade off when the opportunity presents itself!

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      Of late, I have been gaming much more frequently. Games three weekends in a row here!

      We do have a lot of troops, don’t we?

  7. Yes, indeed. Although my own Lead pile isn't that large, I am sure that I could paint for 2-3 years before largely exhausting it. Thus my figure purchases this year have been modest; most of the $ have gone to other gaming expenditures.

    1. I could probably never buy another figure and I would not likely ever exhaust my Lead Pile. I am trying to reduce figure purchases but I am always finding something interesting. You are fortunate to stick primarily to one scale.

    2. Surely the wisest decision I have made was to stick to 25/28mm :-) Tried 15mm for ACW twice, gave away the figures both times. The only 15's I have are the crews for my Renaissance Galleys.

  8. The figures are looking somehow Special but not bad.
    Very well painted.

