
Sunday, July 7, 2019

More 1859 French On the Move

The flow of troops to the front continues with the sighting of a French line regiment on the march.  As has been the situation of late, this three battalion, 36-figure regiment is made up of Lancashire Games' figures.  I have yet to tire of painting these excellent figures.  Likely more to come.
While a large backlog of these Frenchmen remains in The Lead Pile, inventory stockpile numbers has been reduced by over 100 figures in 2019.  Still, some days it seems I barely make a dent in the unpainted mountain of lead.  The recent concentration on painting French, Austrians, and Sardinians is having a material effect in the storage bins as unpainted transforms to painted.
What is upcoming for the 1859 project?  More Sardinians are working their way through the painting queue including more grenadiers, Bersaglieri, artillery, and command.  With a long holiday weekend, perhaps time can be found to return to completing a few turns of the San Martino battle?


  1. Another batch of lovely French figures Jonathan - Tres bon mon ami!

  2. Very nice, looking forward to the Bersaglieri.

    1. Thanks, Ray! The Bersaglieri are still a bit down in the photo queue.

  3. Once again another lovely looking unit:)

  4. Another good looking unit........thing we need to discuss storage, I have real problems now but with your productivity Jonathan i wonder how you cope, or do you just have a LOT of space ?

    1. Thanks!

      Storage can be a challenge. At present storage is not an issue for me, though. While boxes of painted figures are stacked back-to-back under the gaming table (180 sqft under the table) and fill part of one wall, I have a storage room a few feet away from the game room that could be pressed into service. My wife occasionally suggests I have more than enough...

      Maybe I should post a photograph to illustrate this madness?

    2. What does... “more than enough “ mean...
      They are strange words and they scare me a bit.... ;-)

    3. Hi Aly. Strange indeed! I have never quite put my finger on the meaning of her comment either. I have made similar comments regarding shoes and purses, though...

    4. I would argue that you are merely finding an artistic way to provide the necessary shielding for your basement in the event of nuclear attack. It is just good planning. She should be thankful for your foresight and preparation to protect her...

    5. I have too much plastic for that argument........any other helpful suggestions as I need to expand all over the rest of the house !

  5. Magnifique une nouvelle fois mon ami!

  6. Lovely work and there's nothing more satisfying than watching that lead pile shrink.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Very satisfying, indeed, to watch The Lead Pile shrink. Unfortunately for me, this situation never lasts for long.

  7. Lovely stuff Jonathan. Napoleon (le Petite of course) must be very pleased with your recruitment efforts.

    1. Thank you, Mark! NIII will be even more pleased once his troops take to the field.

  8. Nicely looking French unit, Jonathan.

  9. Lovely, lovey troops, Jonathan! You see that I've slipped into this period a bit.

    1. Thanks, Dean! I have noticed you are dipping into the period! Your figures are superb as expected from your talented hand.

  10. More great looking French troops! It would be interesting to see your storage as solutions!
    Best Iain

  11. Another lovely unit Jonathan...
    And a classic uniform that always looks good.

    All the best. Aly

  12. I echo wanting to see the storage. If anything just to stare in awe.

    These guys have really pretty uniforms. Nicely done. 😀

    1. Since all of the figures are stored in boxes, it may be a disappointing sight. You would get a sense of the scale of the madness, though.

  13. Another lovely French regiment. I enjoyed playing with the 10mm Franco-Prussian War French this past weekend, but I much prefer these larger figures.

    I think that the entry and exit of figures to and from the Lead Pile is fortunate to ever be in equilibrium. A net, significant decrease is a rarity. I am sure there is a yet to be discovered Law of Thermodynamics involved...

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      When I saw your FPW game in 10mm, I wondered if you would be tempted by the smaller scales or a new period.

      Yes, this must be a Law of Thermodynamics. The first two Laws could be fitting with slight modifications but maybe Murphy's Law explains everything?

  14. As always wonderful production rate and great looking unit!


  15. Goodness, more lovely soldiers ranked up and painted to your usual smashing standard.
