
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Bavarian Preysing Musketeer Rgt Bn 2

Following up on my recent recollections of Regensburg and Bavaria, it may be of little surprise that the second battalion of Bavarian Regiment Preysing would be following along soon.  Today, the second battalion musters off the workbench to join its sister battalion.  Preysing IR is now complete.
Also of no surprise is that Battalion 2 is composed of Lancashire Games' figures just like the first battalion.  Musketeers are Lancashire Games with an Eureka mounted officer.  As I noted before, these Lancashire ersatz Bavarians (recruited from good Austrian stock) are superb figures and quite fun to paint.  Perhaps, it is unfortunate that the Bavarians only fielded 17 battalions of infantry during the Seven Years War.  Given the propensity to fight SYW battles using Honours of War at the scale of one BMU equates to one regiment, only eight such units will be needed to field the entire Bavarian infantry.  Still, with only three BMUs finished, still plenty of work remains before the collection reaches this point. 
Preysing Battalion 2 may be that last to be seen on the SYW front for now.  Other projects are vying for attention and pushing further SYW expansion down into the queue.  Foremost is an interest in adding to the 1859 project where several regiments are in work.

With thoughts of fighting the 1859 Battle of San Martino, units destined for this war are muscling their way into the production line.  Following a regiment of French infantry seen a week ago, the next of these reinforcements will be a 48 figure Sardinian infantry regiment.  Expect another French regiment soon.


  1. Great looking unit as always, and you usual high level of productivity. You are making me feel slightly guilty about my SYW project.....which is good but they might have to wait for a few more acw first 🙂

    1. Thanks, Matt! You will return to SYW in good time. Your ACW project is looking fab and your last game was superb!

  2. Very nice unit indeed. Looking forward to see these in action.
    The officer at the right wing is looking especially dangerous with his very long "small" sword. ;-)


    1. Thank you! "Very long small sword." I like that! I need to formulate a scenario in which these recently mustered Bavarians can see service.

    2. Simbach perhaps. You could press your Prussian cavalry to replace Bavarian horse.
      As you played Mollwitz perfectly, you sureley would have enough of Austrian troops.

    3. That is a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion. I will look into Simbach.

  3. Another crisply executed addition to your Bavarian force, Jonathan!

  4. Very crisp and beautiful of course!

  5. They look so disciplined...and so beautiful, excellent job!

  6. Beautiful (as expected and as usual), but where the hell do you find the time man?! You are raising the bar too high for the rest of us!

    1. Thank you, Sir! I try to paint a little, often. The last week has seen me slacking off a bit on painting while other hobby activities rotate up front.

  7. Nice!.. just love the large cuffs on these figures and others during period... you will find loaded dice,rules sets,tape measures, and bottles of beer...

    1. Thanks, Phil! The cuffs look a little too wide for SYW to me but fine sculpts in my eye. Wide cuffs would be great place to hide all sorts of stuff!

  8. Love that flag (again) - only just realised these have gone to a single base, don't know why, but I had in my mind that you were doing 3 bases to the regiment. Note to self - pay attention! :-)

    1. Thank you, Norm! The Bavarian flag is a handsome one. As for basing, yes, the SYW project has always fielded single element BMUs with 23 figures per infantry base. I like single BMU basing since there are few stands to move around.

  9. Good job, Jonathan! And good luck with the 1859 project.

  10. Another lovely regiment of Bavarians! At your usual high speed too!
    Best Iain

  11. Another fine-looking unit Jonathan.

  12. These are very nice indeed! I do love the tricorne era. Excited to see what you come up with for 1859, though!

    1. Thanks, Tim! More 1859 troops are working their way through the painting queue.

  13. A fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  14. They are very pretty...

    All the best. Aly

  15. That is another great unit Jonathan.

  16. Nice work, are there any battles you have in mind for inspiration?

    1. Thank you! No battles in mind yet. Any suggestions?
