
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Combined Grenadier Battalion: Butyrsk and Archangel

First week of April and another two games are already in the books for the month.  Both games were refights of the continuing Battles of Maisnon using To the Strongest!  Two more enjoyable games.  Details will follow although the last Battle Report did not garner as much commentary as the first Battle Report.  I found some time for a few good sessions at the painting desk this week too.  Anyway, on to the latest unit to march off the painting desk.
The last (for now) of the three Russian Combined Grenadier battalions for 1799 campaigning musters off the painting desk.  Like the others before, figures are all from AB Miniatures.  The combined grenadier battalion decamping today is an amalgamation of the grenadiers from musketeer regiments, Butyrsk and Archangel.

While the three battalions of Russians grenadiers are completed, the 1799 is still on the front burner.  Austrian hussars are in work and will be finished soon.  A lot of other activity at the painting desk too.  A stand of 28mm Celts, 46 Bavarian SYW musketeers, and two dozen French Napoleonics in 20mm are in queue.  The 20mm Napoleonics were in a package received from their UK owner on Friday.  The plan is for me to send these figures back to their owner with a coat of paint.  We will see how quickly I can turn these around. Should provide a fun diversion.

That is all for now.  Figures are waiting for paint and battle reports are waiting to be written.


  1. Sounds like a lot of painting going on 😀

  2. Great looking unit,I really like the mounted officer! Sounds like you've got a lot on!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Another two Italian Wars games are in the books. Finding time and inspiration to write them up is another challenge.

  3. They look superb and proud...excellent work Jonathan!

  4. A fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  5. Another fine-looking unit Jonathan. Sounds like you have a fair bit of variety awaiting you in the painting queue.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! Variety is what keeps the production line moving along.

  6. Even with a busy time gaming the painting table production keeps going. Nice looking units some with coats for variety.

    1. One game Monday night and another Saturday night were a double treat for the week. Not sure what exactly has come over me. I have never gamed this frequently. If this pace persists, I may be forced to amend my "About Me" profile...

  7. Another great looking unit Jonathan - those AB figures are certainly very nice sculpts. Well done on two games in one week - its hard to achieve but is always great when you can pull it off!

    1. Thanks on both accounts, Keith!

      Your Carlist War battle looked amazing. Great job!

  8. A very nice looking unit, and it sounds like you have plenty more to do!

    1. Thank you and welcome! Yes, always plenty to do.

  9. A nice mix of greatcoat and non-greatcoat figures Jonathan, particularly fitting for Russians.

    1. Glad you like the uniform mix, Mark. The mixed look seems appropriate to me as well.

  10. Nice looking uniforms on those Russians! You always deliver a great looking unit. 😀
    Your paint desk sounds a lot bigger than mine. Lol.

    1. Thanks, Stew! My painting desk is not large and I utilize even less space for actual work. The working space is typically not much more one foot square. The remainder of the desk space is consumed by paints, boxes of flock, boxes of paints, glue, brushes, miscellaneous figures, tools, etc.. You get the picture. The desk is an utter mess. I need to clean up my act...

  11. Another fine unit. Who played the most recent Maisnon?

    1. Thanks! Kevin came over Saturday night for a quick two hour game.

  12. I do have a soft spot for those Miters!

    Surely one of the strengths of TTS! is the ability to finish most games in 2-3 hours. Th's brief enough for an evening game without going too l;ate for work the next day!

    1. Yeah, I like the mitres too!

      That is a strength that one or even two games of TtS! can be played in an evening session. I'm not much of a late night person so getting an evening game finished by 9pm is a plus, for sure. My work day begins early...

  13. A great mix of figures, love the brown coats.
