
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Serendipity - An Assortment of FRW ABs

For me, finding AB Miniatures on the secondary market is a rare occurrence. Finding French Revolutionary War AB figures on the secondary market defies the odds.  The latter was the situation a few weeks' ago.  I found a fellow offering an assortment of AB French Revolutionary Wars figures on Bartertown.  I have never seen anyone selling secondhand FRW AB before.  I was in luck!   

Recognizing a bargain when I see one, I wasted little time in discovering this collection's availability.  The lot was still available.  The deal was quickly struck and the figures were on their way to a new home.  

At a rate of forty cents on the dollar, what did I receive?  The lot contained an equal mix of Austrian and French figures in roughly the same proportions of artillery, infantry, and cavalry.  In total, the lot contained 4 guns, 14 artillerymen, 19 cavalry, and 162 infantry.  Granted, the mix of figures necessitates the purchase of a few additional figures to field BMUs in my standard configuration but I will be able to field many useful units from this core lot of figures.  

A fortunate stroke of serendipity!


  1. An excellent find and bargain. The lead mountain grows.

    1. The Mountain grows but I’m trying to show restraint.

  2. Well done with this purchase Jonathan. I'm sure it won't be long before they're in the painting queue.

  3. Sounds like a great result!
    Best Iain

  4. Very well done Jonathan - you definitely needed some more lead in your life!

  5. Congrats with a lucky acquisition, Jonathan! It's time to paint, isn't it?

  6. A very good Lot to fall upon, perfectly suited to your wants. I looked at the figures and thought it to be a well balanced and typical force of someone wanting a starter army ....and then it struck me that it was probably originally bought for that purpose. I wonder what basing system they were going for?

    The cavalry could be in sixes, nines or eighteen with one leader. The infantry might give 9 units of 18 - who knows, nice find anyway.

    1. Perfectly suited, for sure. I notice you made a distinction between "wants" and "needs."

      I agree that it did look like a pair of starter armies for the period. I was thinking the original intent may have been gun and three crew for artillery, eight figures for cavalry, and either 8, 12, or 16 for infantry.

  7. Wow! I never find anything like that! Bartertown, you say?

    1. Yes, Bartertown. I rarely find anything of interest but I pop in on occasion to see what's what.

  8. Wow. Nice find. I’ve never checked out bartertown but perhaps I should. 😀

  9. Indeed a good find. I am finding less and less available from the usual sources over the last few years. I fear the secondary market is moving off to Facebook. Or worse, dying on the vine as postage prices continue to skyrocket for the average person.

    1. Bargains are much harder to spot in today's marketplace. Coupled with eBay now collecting Washington State sales tax (including tax on shipping charges!), my purchases are more centered on primary sources.

    2. Even with Ebay, I am finding that the bargains are fewer and far between. I can usually find better deals from a discount retailer than springing for used lead.

  10. Quite the score,Jonathan. I know you'll have them wonderfully painted in no time.

    1. A good score, for sure! The painting queue is quite long at present...

  11. Looking forward to seeing them painted Jonathan.

  12. Yes, "bargains" like this usually fuel; still more retail purchases. Fortunate;y, this case was pretty perfectly aligned with what you had planned already, and thus a tyrue funds saver!
