
Friday, March 29, 2019

Russian CG Bn: Murmanski/Apsheron

With four games already in the books for March and a fifth slated for the 31st, work at the painting desk has been subdued as I struggle to set aside any time at the paint table.  The switch from time spent at the painting desk to the gaming table is a welcome change of pace but it carries a price.  Fixed hobby time means there is always a corresponding trade-off.  My time maintains a zero sum budget.  For the record, I do not recall a month in which I ever made time for five miniatures' games.  Gaming frequency seen in March was, indeed, a rare event.  Likely a pace too brisk to sustain.  More likely is a return to the painting desk.  
Anyway, a second Russian combined grenadier battalion makes its way off the painting desk in March.  As mentioned in an earlier post, Suvorov brought a number of combined grenadier battalions to Switzerland and Italy in the 1799-1800 campaigns.  One such battalion consisted of the amalgamation of the grenadiers from the Murmanski and Apsheron Musketeer Regiments.  With many of the grenadiers in greatcoats, the grenadiers look prepared to cross the Alps if need be.  Figures are from AB Miniatures.

One more combined grenadier battalion is making its way through the painting queue to be followed by Austrian hussars for the 1799 project.  After that, attention turns back to fielding one more Celt/Gallic stand of warriors in 28mm.

On the Italian Wars front, an order from Pete's Flags arrived early in the week and the remainder of my Italian Wars collection has been outfitted with many handsome banners.  The variety of colors and designs in the flags make this collection pop when on the table.  Before I clean up the table from recent battles, perhaps these newly flagged troops deserve a parade?  One constant in the vicious cycle between gaming and painting is that a game provides incentive to paint more units for the recently gamed period while painting builds a desire to see these new units out on the gaming table.  The recent battles of Maisnon are no exception.  I have my eye on fielding another Swiss/Italian pike block.  The point of actually beginning work on this pike block has not been reached but figures are pulled from The Lead Pile and I am making ready to drill out the hands to accept pikes.  


  1. Another nice unit Jonathan -don't worry about the painting time - the main point of our hobby is surely to PLAY wargames - I personally spend 20 hours painting for every game I play - once again, play mirrors life - as real armies spend almost their entire time training for - rather than fighting - wars. Maybe I need to paraphrase the sign in the gym at Glencorse Barracks in the 1980's - then it was Train Hard, Fight Easy - we should have Paint Hard, Play Easy!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Your phrase, Paint Hard, Play Easy" is perfect!

  2. What a great combo, the drab brown, against the glitzy brass hats. I think brown, or at least that shade of brown works surprisingly well on figures, Austrian Artillerymen being a case in point.

    1. The slightly reddish brown ("doe" or "tobacco" brown for the Austrians) is a pleasing color on figures. The application of stain helps provide the base color with depth too. Glad you like them!

  3. Replies
    1. Nicely looking battalion, Jonathan. Looking forward to see it in the game.

    2. Thanks, Dmitry! I would enjoy getting the Russians out on the table too.

  4. Lovely looking combined grenadier unit with a good looking mounted commander! I really like the mix of browns and greens, the subdued colours make the brass mitre plates really pop! Petes flags are excellent,of course it would be nice to see a parade and one almost always need another pike block,I'm working on one at the moment! Painting is a much bigger part of my hobby, rather than playing,having said that I have had at least four games this year which for me is something of a record!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Good to have your approval on the latest grenadier battalion.

      "One almost always needs another pike block?" That is probably true for you and I!

      Painting is a larger component of the hobby for me as well but of late, gaming has been front and center. I typically only manage one game a month if lucky. You are ahead of that schedule in 2019 already. Do you enjoy gaming as much as painting?

    2. I enjoy a game when I get one,painting for me (or prep) is a constant and gaming is an occasional bonus I guess!
      Best Iain

  5. Very impressive unit...and gorgeous!

  6. Nice unit Jon,

    "Paint Hard, Play Easy"
    I like that too!


    1. hey Jon, check out my DBA Seleucid army if you have the time :oP

    2. Thanks for the heads-up, Phil! Not sure how I missed your post. Fab looking DBA army!

  7. I good looking addition to the collection. When are you planning on dropping this army onto the table?

    1. Thanks! As for getting them onto the table, I originally considered late Spring but my mind is drifting to Eckmuhl as the major Spring game. Perhaps in the Fall? I am falling behind schedule for the games set during my Project Planning 2019.

  8. Great work Jonathan. I love the hat on the mounted officer...wonder where I could get one.

    1. Thanks, Mark! For the hat, I have no idea but I bet you find something similar.

  9. Great looking unit, I'm another one with long painting light gaming, but hoping to gradually shift the focus over time :)

    1. Thanks, Mark! Until recently, I was more paint than play. I have probably played more miniatures games in the first quarter of 2019 than in any three month period ever.

  10. Lol. I always laugh when I see that The Lead Pile gets the bold print.

    I would almost always choose gaming over painting. My gaming opportunities go from frequent to nothing so I think you should capitalize on s good month full of games and let the paint table gather some dust. 😀

    1. Stew! Glad I could provide a bit of comic relief! If you saw the size of my Lead Pile, you would know why it is in bold. It is a behemoth.

      The games are continuing for now. One more game scheduled for Sunday and another tentatively slated for Monday evening.

  11. Nice you say swings and roundabouts painting vs gaming and for me vs blogging vs research, I often find myself just reverting to Painting 🙂

    1. Yes, blogging and research take chunks of time too. Like you, I find painting the easiest path to choose for simply a relaxing hobby session.

  12. I too think these look super; I can't recall having seen greatcoats and miters together previously!

    I think the last time I played 5 miniatures games in a month, outside of Historicon, was back in High School. While that much gaming dose decrease painting time, it increases the desire to do more units! :-) I am thinking the the 2nd half of 2019 should see an increase in my gaming; it is amazing that my own first game of the 1st quarter will not come until the last day of same (Ii.e., TOMORROW)!

    1. Glad you like them, Peter! One plus with greatcoated troops; they are faster to paint.

      Gaming is a great motivator to get units through the painting queue for me too. It is surprising that your first game of the year. Be sure to report out when it is in the books.

      Have fun at tomorrow's game!

  13. A fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  14. Another lovely looking unit...
    I am looking forward to the parade...

    All the best. Aly

  15. A terrific looking unit Jonathan.
