
Friday, February 22, 2019

Some Celts/Gauls from BTD

The recent game of Telamon has motivated my painting aspirations back toward the Punic Wars project.  With that new found inspiration, a dozen Celts from Black Tree Design were pushed into the painting  queue.  Strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.  That is exactly what I did.  Off the painting desk today is the first of two such stands suitable for either Impetvs or To the Strongest!  
The BTD Celts (or Gauls) have good animation as expected from BTD.  I went with simple painting schemes and simple shield designs.  As can be seen from the photos, a dozen of these figures are tricky to fit onto 120mm x 60mm stand especially when many are wielding long spears.  A good change of pace from recent painting work and provides a slight kickstart return to the Punic War project.  Enough figures remain for four more such Celtic stands of warriors.  A second stand, as mentioned above, is presently in work.  Perhaps if I produce enough Celts/Gauls, I could produce my own Telamon forces.  I would need some Gallic cavalry, though.  


  1. A very nice job on these again Jonathan - BTD certainly seem to be very nice figures!

    1. Thanks, Keith! BTD figures are nothing if not solid sculpt with good animation.

  2. The animation is very good, making the base both interesting and a pleasure to gaze into. I did a warlord Celt base a couple of years ago and that hit the same issue of a balancing act between overt animation and fitting enough figures to the base. I added a bit of extra depth to the base to help keep the head count sufficient (though I was on an 80mm frontage to start off with).

    I suppose the big visual boost when seeing the unformed Celts meet the typically strict uniformed lines of the Romans partway makes the game look / feel right regardless of rule system..

    1. Norm, all BTD figures exhibit good animation. Why not? Many of them share the same basic dollies.

      A warband based in this manner sure helps differentiate the orderly Romans from the less formally trained and regimented Celts or Gauls.

      Glad you like the finished product and, as always, thanks for your continued support.

  3. Lovely unit. The shield designs are simple but absolutely effective. Great work!

  4. Lovely bunch of Celts! Your scheme might be simple but it's very effective!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you think my simple style of shield work is effective.

  5. Wow, Jon! These are great! I love your Celtic check patterns and your shield designs!

  6. Very nice work again, Jonathan. BTD makes some very fine figures.

    1. Thank you! BTD figures feature prominently in a number of my 28mm projects.

  7. Nice work, BTD figures always good, they do seem to be looking off to the side though ?

    1. Yeah, I lot of the figures are looking off to the left, aren’t they? “Dress left,” I guess?

  8. Jonathan

    I do love a base of Gauls and your ones are a great example. I find the BTD figures great value and really good looking - especially for these warband type troops.


    1. I agree, Richard. BTD figures offer much especially in more irregular type troops. The variety in poses lends itself well to forming a densely packed warband. Thank you for your comment!

  9. Great looking unit Jonathan. I like the variety in the shield patterns.

  10. Excellent painting and basing Jonathan. The variety of poses gives a real sense of movement to the base.

    Looking forward to seeing more soon.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Your comments much appreciated, Ross! A second such unit is in work.

  11. Nice war band Jonathan! I noted a brown plank in a rear side of base. Is it for markers?

    1. Thank you, Dmitry!

      The plank or rail on the trailing edge of the base is used for affixing a label containing all of a unit's game statistics. This way, a units capabilities can be seen at a glance with no need to refer to either a roster or table.

  12. Great job, painting and basing...lovely shields!

  13. Great looking group of ruffians!
    It certainly can be a pain sometimes getting everything on the base without all the weapons getting tangled. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! Yes, it does take some jiggering around to get all of the spears from stabbing a neighbor. Maybe I should try shortening the spears?

  14. They look very nice Jonathan! I intend to do the punic wars and this is great motivation. I'm looking forward to getting my copy of Impetus 2 which I'm sure will kick start my Impetus armies.


    1. Thank you, Christopher!

      I wonder what is taking so long on Impetvs 2.0 delivery? I received mine middle January. Did you preorder?

  15. Very nice. I think BTD are the forgotten figure maker. They make some great figures.

    1. Thanks, Ray! Solid figures at a fair price. I love 'em!

  16. With a few Gauls more you could field a purely Gallic force...
