
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Kushite Egyptian Chariot and Crew

After arraying the Biblical armies on the gaming table, it may come as a surprise to few that the spectacle motivated the fielding of another Egyptian chariot and crew.  Certainly, I am not surprised!    
I bought several of the wonderful BTD Egyptian chariots when on sale a long time ago.   Even though Jake fields a large Egyptian army (see some of Jake's Egyptians in battle here), I figured another chariot or two may be useful.  With the arrival of this chariot, I can now field three such units.  As expected, the BTD figures are nicely sculpted with horses tending toward the larger end of the 25/28mm size.  Beautiful figures!  One more of these beauties remains in the The Lead Pile.
In other news at the painting desk, one more BMU for the Assyrian Wars project is seeing activity and nearing completion.  That unit is a second stand of Israelite/Hebrew heavy infantry from Newline Designs.  The refit and reorganization of Napoleonic cavalry continues as well.  Six more cavalry units are back in maintenance to paint and refit one additional trooper to each regiment.  This process requires rebasing of the cavalry to three figure stands vs two-figure stands.  Still more cavalry to refit and rebase but I see the light at the end of this tunnel.  Finally, two more Austrian infantry battalions for the 1799 are in work.  Have I missed anything?  Oh, yes!  A regiment of ECW horse for the 30mm ECW project is getting a workout on the painting desk too.  It is a busy place...


  1. If there is only one left in the pile, Jonathan, is it time to invest in more?

    1. Mark, I ought to turn my attention toward painting the Hittites in The Lead Pile rather than buying more Egyptian lead. There still may be an untouched bag of Newline Design Egyptian infantry somewhere.

  2. Very nice unit indeed! Have to agree BTD figures are excellently sculpted.

  3. Another wonderful chariot and runners for your collection, Jonathan!

  4. It looks like you'll be busy painting for a while! You must be getting quite expert on painting chariots now.

    1. Busy, no doubt. Not an expert on chariots but perhaps close to journeyman status?

  5. Nice work. Are you fielding this one as a heavy chariot or light one?

    1. Thanks! It has the wider carriage so I suppose it would be classed as heavy in BTD terms?

  6. Lovely chariot,is it a case of if you can't beat them join them?
    Best Iain

    1. That is a good one, Iain! Really, I will get the dastardly Kushites next time.

  7. As with artillery, one can never have too many chariots.

  8. another lovely chariot to the army, you are straight out the blocks this year already ! Out of interest how many hours do you recon you paint each week/day

    1. Thanks, Matt!

      Time spent painting is a tough one. Having not actually tracked it, I would say, on a weekly average, 1 hour on three days and 2 hours on two more days for about 7-8 hours a week. Sometimes a longer session on weekends. Sometimes, I can sit down to an hour painting session every night during the week but not usually.

    2. That’s a good effort regular sessions is what gets the units out on the battlefield 👍

    3. A little work frequently is the method that works for me.

  9. Usual great work with brush and basing skills Jonathan - and sounds like you have a lot on the go on the painting desk currently!

    1. Thank you, Keith!

      A lot on the painting desk at present but this week I have had little success in making into the game room for a painting session. Perhaps I can make up for this sloth this weekend?

  10. Very nice. Only one hit for this one though, not two.

  11. That chariot model looks awesome. A few of those will look great on the table! Nicely done.
    Glad the cav project is moving along as well. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew!

      Yes, the cavalry reorg is moving along. Not as fast as I would like though.

  12. Great work. The idea to put skirmishers at the chariot's sides makes the miniature more realistic. Well done!

    1. Glad you like the basing composition. It adds interest as well as avoiding having two chariots per base as recommended by Impetvs rules.

      Thank you!

  13. Chariots are a bit of a pain to assemble, etc., but they look great.. like this one!

  14. Really nice to them painted up as Kushites
