
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Impetvs 2.0 Arrives!

A glimpse of my Carthaginian Army
Motivation to bring the Punic Wars collection out onto the gaming table has returned.  Impetvs 2.0 arrived in my mailbox this week from Italy. The wire-bound book's layout is superb with a large, easy to read font, lots of diagrams, tables, and plenty of photos of beautifully painted and based figures.
While there are a number of changes made in the Second Edition, many changes seem to be cross-overs from either Basic Impetvs 2.0 or Baroque. Not all changes are direct translations from these two rulesets, though.

With only time for a cursory glance, things have changed in Impetvs 2.0.  Welcome changes, I think.

Lorenzo Sartore, as designer and editor, lists the following changes on the Impetvs Forum (

Summarized Changes to 2.0 from 1.0
  • Measurements are now in H (half base widths, same as BI2).
  • Troops move the same as BI2, but with S moving 3H instead of 2H.
  • More flexibility on maneuver. Troops can move oblique/side without disorder provide it is the last move of the activation.
  • More troops can evade and evasion will be not as easy.
  • War chariots can move basically with other troops (no need to take half move before wheel) but with some limitations.
  • FL and Mounted (with exception of Chariots, EL and W) can wheel and move straight in one move (but as last action)
  • Leaders are based apart so can be attached or unattached. Command Range is present so it is very important to have the Leader in the right place.
  • Leaders can be customized with some characteristics. For example, a leader can upgrade to Brave with more dice in melee if attached but easier to become a casualty.
  • A Group can be Fragmented (Group having some Disordered Units). So a Disordered Unit doesn't break the Group. You can perform actions (with some limitations) with Fragmented Groups, you can also rally by Group. Fragmented Groups bring armies to respect more the line of battle. Probably this will be the part that need more exercise to understand how to deal with, remembering that if you start activate a Group you must conclude as a group.
  • Reaction rules are similar to Baroque. No Opportunity taken in advance but you can try to react (with some limitation) with a Discipline Test.
  • Some changes on how ZoC works. Automatic reaction if in good order and with a Discipline Test if in Disorder.
  • Terrain placement is similar to BI2. Some changes in Troops deployment.
  • Firing Table changes. No more Close Range and entering the ZoC to shoot will not give advantages.
  • You can always roll 1 die on shooting (like for melee).
  • Some changes for screening troops (shooting through S, CL, Art).
  • New modifiers for the Cohesion Test. Some of them allow shooting weapons to have more differentiation.
  • Impetuous troops works differently. They are not forced to charge but when they charge by Group they can lack coordination (Frenzy Test).
  • Changes to melee modifiers. Among them an A class troop fighting a C class troop will have +2 for the difference of Disciplines.
  • Impetus bonus will be lost later. For many troops with one loss the Bonus will drop to 1. For CP, CGP, CF and EL the bonus will be kept full until the Unit is Exhausted.
  • Some changes for depth bonus. Among them Warband LU will have a +1 in melee with Mounted.
  • Among reaction Foot can close ranks if charged by Mounted (getting some bonus).
  • If both Units miss all hits, both Units get Disorder (and if already disordered, a loss). When a Unit loses the melee and retreats in Disorder, the Supporting Unit does the same. If the Supporting Unit is already in Disorder, then it takes on loss.
  • Changes in Victory Conditions.
  • Advanced rules like Flank Marches, Ambushed and Reserve included.
  • There are 6 Strategic Cards and 12 Tactical Cards. Each Tactical card cost 3 pts and you can change 2 TC for 1 SC. You can dedicate 12 pts for card. You can choose 4 TC before each game and you can also change 2 of them for a Strategic Card.
Before I can properly assess the new version, I have much reading and a few games to get in to see how it all works.  For now, I will comment on only four changes that strike me as progress.  
  • I like the simplification of changing movement rates from cm over to half-base widths.
  • I like the separation of leaders from integral to a unit to independent.  We played with these individually mounted leaders as attached before, now we can detach if warranted.
  • A big improvement for me is the maintaining of Impetvs Bonus passed Fresh Status.  Unit status is now classified as Fresh, Worn, Exhausted, or Routed.  Reminds me a bit of Fire & Fury classifications.  Fresh units maintain full Impetvs Bonus.  Worn units maintain an Impetvs Bonus of one, and Exhausted units lose all Impetvs Bonus.  Heavy cavalry, chariots, and elephants maintain their Impetvs Bonus until Exhausted.  Much better than before and provide these formations a bit more durability.  This will change tactics.   
  •  Adding the minimum number of dice to roll in shooting from zero to one is another big improvement.  We talked about this rule when playing the current game more often than anything else.  Well, we talked about the sudden loss of Impetvs Bonus too.    
Items not seen in the new edition are Army Lists.  Perhaps, I have overlooked them in my quick glance through the rules but how can one play the game without at least a pair of Army Lists?  Of course, Army Lists can be found on the website but at least a mention of that is needed.  Impetvs 2.0, another inspiration for getting all of the Impetvs-based collections out onto the gaming table in 2019. 
Another glimpse of some of the Carthaginian contingents


  1. I've picked these rules up several times at shows, but never taken the plunge. With the new version, I might just have to.

    1. Give it a try, Ray! Impetvs is a solid set of rules and Basic Impetvs 2.0 is nearly free.

  2. A new set of rules is always a good excuse to get the models out and on the tabletop.

  3. Jonathan thanks for the writeup. Lorenzo's intention is to use the old lists for AI for some time.

    Eagerly awaiting our copies down here.


    1. You are welcome, Richard!

      I read that the only modification to the old lists is to substitute the new methods for measuring movement rates. Still, at least one pair of Army Lists ought to be included in the base rules unless this is an expansion. Don't you think?

  4. Thanks for that list, very interesting and good to see that some BI2 (which I have) working their way through. I do wish though that unit terminolgy description matched traditional sets, such as LI (light Infantry) and HC (heavy cavalry) etc.

    The half base widths make scaling absolutely straight forward, a lot of gamers base to 80mm.

    look forward to your exploration of ancients this year.

    1. Norm, I am pleased to see some of the changes instituted in BI2.0 made it through to Impetvs 2.0 too.

      Unit terminology is a bit unorthodox for us native English speakers but it makes sense in Italian!

      An ancients game is on the table for Sunday but using To the Strongest!

  5. Sounds great and the changes sound like an improvement to me. I'm looking forward to reading your game reports to see how you feel the changes are working.


    1. Many good changes, I think, Christopher, as well as just a lot of changes. I look forward to giving the rules a more careful read and trying a game.

  6. Hmmm, I missed this announcement. Thanks for the recap!

  7. Very nice, Jonathan. I've heard good things about the rules, but haven't played them yet - heck, I haven't played Ancients at all in a long time. Might be time. BTW, those elies look wonderfully towering!

    1. I find the rules good and the games fun yet challenging. Games never seem to be truly over until that last point is taken. I have witnessed some impressive comebacks to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

      Glad you like my ellies!

  8. Sounds great! I played in first ed. many, many years ago ;)

  9. Looks like a good set,I am tempted,it says on the impetus site to continue using the extra impetus lists for the moment until they are replaced,there is a free download explaining it I believe.
    Best Iain

    1. You are quite right, Iain! The only change listed is to switch movement rate in cms to 'H' (half base widths).

  10. Thanks for the review, Jonathan 8)
    I'll wait for these rules comes to Russia, while we play on the Impetus 1.0

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy 1.0 until 2.0 makes it to you.

  11. New games: it's all good!

  12. I’m always looking for a good ruleset for my dark ages games and have heard good things about Imp. A new edition might be a good time to jump in. Thanks for your thoughts on the game, I’d like hear more as you gain experience. 😀

    1. Stew, Impetvs is a solid system. Basic Impetvs 2.0 offers a low cost entry into the system that is worth considering too. As I bring Impetvs 2.0 to the table, you will likely become familiar with my thoughts.

  13. Still in my untried game list from version 1...

  14. Thanks for the overview Impetus v2.0. It seems to be interesting.
    Looking forward to your comments about testing the Impetus 2.0 in game.

    1. You are welcome, Dmitry. I will provide a more useful overview and analysis once the rules have been more carefully read and a game or two have been played.

  15. Thanks also for the notification, and I too will be interested to read your summary of them once you have put them into play.

    1. You're welcome! I will be interested in giving these rules more careful study too!

  16. Thanks for the summary of changes Jonathan, I have pre-ordered a copy, I hope it arrives soon!

  17. Pre-ordered my copy but not yet received. Thanks for the sneak preview!

  18. I'll look forward to playing these at your place, Jon!

  19. Your Carthagian force looks sublime Jonathan - those elephants are outstanding! Look forward to a battle report involving this army....

    1. Thanks, Keith! I ought to get this army out onto to the table for a game or perhaps even a parade ground review? Pulling these figures from boxes, I forgot exactly what I had. Too long in storage boxes, I think.

  20. I will look forward to seeing your Impetvs adventures Jonathan.

  21. Thanks for the write up Jonathan, very informative.

    Your Carthagians look supberb.

    Cheers, Ross

  22. Nice to see you preparing ancient battles! I only read good posts about this set of rules, you should have a great time with it.

  23. Great report Jonathan. I have built up several armies for the Punic Wars, but I have had a hard time grasping the rules. I look forward to seeing more on your site about this.

    1. Thank you, Duke!

      If the full version of rules are difficult to grasp then Basic Impetvs 2.0 might be a good starting point. Hopefully, Impetvs will see some activity on the gaming table this year.

  24. I am interested to see how they compare to our last outing last outing. I don't think we have actually put Impetus on the board in quite some time.

    1. I look forward to giving the Biblical’s a spin using Impetvs too! It has been a very long time since we last tried Impetvs. Far too long.

  25. Beautifull!!Bright colors and awesome shields!!!
    Fine combat units!

  26. Summary very helpful. I've been playing a lot of BI 2.0 and now look forward to going back to Impetus. I just need to build my Byzantine army up to 500 points or more (and invest in some separate commanders). Otherwise it is back to the Greeks and perhaps my medievals.

    1. Good to see the summary was useful. I play more BI2.0 than Impetvs too so I have some relearning to do as well. Looking forward to your exploits on the battlefield and the growing of your armies.
