
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hebrew/Israelite Infantry

Back to the Biblicals!  With a late fall push of putting more troops into the field for the Assyrian Wars project, one last unit remains to add to the project before my attention diverts to other projects.  This time, a dozen Hebrew/Israelite infantry march off the painting desk to join the growing pile of units for this project.  Figures are Newline Designs.  Sculpting is a bit more rounded in nature than Foundry but still quite good sculpting.  I plan to use these as additions to either Assyrian or Egyptian armies.  
I have more 28mm figures on the painting desk to work through before turning my attention back to 18mm projects.  Early research on an OB for Trebbia 1799 shows that more Russians will be needed for the battle.  Russians needed will consist primarily of fielding more combined grenadier battalions.  Seems Suvorov brought a good many of the combined formations with him to Switzerland and Italy.  Three such battalions will be under work soon.  A resupply from Eureka will be needed before any more battalion can be thrust into the painting queue.  Before those hit the painting queue, more early French in bicornes as well as one more battalion of Polish Legion will see activity at the painting desk.  I have yet to assess the cavalry needed for Trebbia.


  1. Beautiful 28mm Biblical troops Jonathan

  2. Nice looking unit and it is always useful when a unit can be fielded in different armies.

    1. The ability to do double duty is always a useful attribute!

  3. Very nice, Jonathan. Love the look of the turbans - very "biblical"! :)

  4. Great looking Israelites! Very nice painting on some good looking figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Figures are good without as much detail as the Foundry but solid figures. I may try with steel spears next time rather then the spears that come with them. These spears are big and may be prone to sagging in thr heat of battle.

  5. Nice job, there is a fair bit going on within that base, as well as it offering up a sense of a very purposeful advance to contact.

    1. Yeah, there is a fair bit going on. Most warriors are stabbing downward. They must be trying to stab dinner.

  6. Spears at the ready! Nice job. 😀

  7. Very nice work Jonathan! Your recent forays into the period have really kindled my interest.

    1. Good to see that my work has sparked an interest in Biblicals, Mike!

  8. Great work on these as usual Jonathan. I'm very much looking forward to seeing you next batch of Suvorov Russians (although it took me a moment to realise you weren't talking about the 2nd Punic war battle).

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      Suvorov's Russians are in work at the painting desk. A few more other units to finish before the Russians see the light of day.

  9. Nice, and the Newline figures are quite serviceable.

  10. Excellent brushwork on these Israelites.

    Cheers, Ross

  11. Hello Jonathan:

    I always enjoy seeing you biblical figures, a very uncommon subject in our hobby, and they are well done. I'm curious if they would be similar in appearance to Israelite troops during the wars with the Philistines, some centuries earlier? I am guessing things wouldn't have changed very much.
    Cheers, Michael

    1. Michael, glad you enjoy seeing the Biblicals! I have really enjoyed fielding these armies. These troops would be appropriate for a wide swath of periods.

  12. Interesting unit. It looks like these use the same dollies as the Egyptians just with a head swap.

    1. That could be the case. I have not looked at Newline Designs' Egyptian infantry yet but I will.

    2. I also finally noticed the filename for these pictures. I now have a favorite new name for this project.

    3. Ha! I try to keep the ACROS short but meaningful. Perhaps, I underdid it this time...

    4. LOL! My file names are mostly uninspired, like IMG4090, straight from the camera.

      Nice and versatile additions. Hmm, maybe "versatile" isn't such an apt term given that file name! :-)
