
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Egyptian Chariot and Runners

Activity at the painting desk slowed somewhat over the last two weeks as I worked my way through the Zorndorf solo battle and drafting of the accompanying three part battle report.  That work left not much time in the evenings for painting sessions but that is beginning to change.  Time to consider the next battle to put out onto the gaming table and the next unit mustering off the painting desk.  
The Assyrian Wars project continues to see activity at the painting desk.  This time an entry for the Egyptian side of the ledger clears the painting queue.  Chariot and runners are all from Black Tree Design.  These particular models have been lingering in The Lead Pile for a long time.  This chariot and several others were purchased during a sale in which chariots and cavalry were marked down 40%.  That sale may have been last Christmas or two Christmas' before.  Excellent models as I have mentioned many times before.  The Egyptians and Assyrians are among my favorite ranges of figures from BTD.  Figures are mounted upon an Impetvs-sized base and are ready to take to the field.
Likely off the painting table next will be two, four figure stands of Egyptian slingers.  After those figures clear the painting desk, next out will be the first of the reorganized Napoleonic cavalry in 28mm.  I tackled six cavalry formations to begin the reorg.  Each unit required the painting of one additional trooper to bring each unit up to a complement of nine horsemen from eight.  Yes, this effort requires rebasing 48 cavalry along with the six new recruits.


  1. That's a very smart looking unit Jonathan. Your recent posts on Ancients are severely tempting me to take the plunge into a new period. What is your opinion on Impetus rules?

    1. Thank you, Mike! Diving into a new period is always fun! Often, simply daydreaming of a new period is just as fun. I await your decision.

      As for Impetvs, I like the philosophy and mechanisms of the rules very much. They provide an entertaining game. We have recently been playing To the Strongest! and that is quite enjoyable too.

  2. Always happy to look at this kind of unit, superb!

  3. Nice little unit, although I hope you have more chariots. I need that black tree sale back so I can get some arab Camels !

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yes, I have a bunch of chariots; many for armies yet to start! A few more Egyptian and Assyrian chariots remain in the Lead Pile.

      The BTD cavalry do not go on sale often any more. Must be due to the amount of material used in casting them. The BTD camels are very nice. I have a few yet on which to slap some paint.

    2. Been waiting for ages for a sale as I can’t find any other Arab camel riders I like☹️

  4. Very nice painting work. This reminds me I have big pile of 20mm bronze-era minis (Hittites, Egyptians, Sea Peoples, Nubians...) in some hidden strata of my lead mountain...

    1. Thank you! Very good to see you back after what seems like a long hiatus.

      I look forward to watching your 20mm Biblical project take shape.

      "Hidden strata of my lead mountain" is quite funny but oh so true! I bet many of us have a hidden strata or two. I have several hidden caverns full of lead in mine...

  5. Whenever you paint chariots I always feel the need to get some more myself.

  6. Lovely looking chariot! An Italian wars game would be nice!?
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Yes, yes, an Italian Wars battle would be most welcome. Having the gaming table fruitfully occupied by Zorndorf over the last four months has created a great backlog of games I want to see out on the table.

  7. Nice sculpts and at 40% discount, all good.

  8. Age of Chariots: a fascinating era. Looking forward to seeing a Batrep of your Assyrians and Egyptians clashing!

    1. I agree, Ed. Age of Chariots is fascinating. I look forward to the day these armies take to the field of battle. Hopefully, the result will be worth the effort!

  9. Very nice, Jonathan. Brushwork very crisp and clean.

  10. They look great; I love the desert base.

  11. What's not to like about more fine looking chariots?!

    I would say that an Egypt - Assyria game and a Great Italian Wars game would seem to be high priorities for 2019! :-)

    1. I agree! You are also right on regarding a sense of urgency in getting both the Biblicals and Renaissance collections onto the table for a game or two in 2019. Once major hurdle to these activities is coordinating schedules. Sometimes, it is very tough!

  12. Nubians!

    What rules are you thinking of for chariot wars? Impetus?

    1. Impetvs, for sure but To the Strongest! as well. I need to make a grid ,at before I can tackle TtS! Perhaps, making a grid can be my first task after clearing Zorndorf from the table and before I clutter it up again?

  13. A good looking unit and those few grass tuffs on the base certainly add to its look.

  14. Another excellent chariot, you shame me in my own neglect of my Kushite project. I intend to tackle them as well as the load of Landsknecht I picked up from a Kickstarter last year after New years. Which do you want to face first?

    1. Thanks! How does one make such a choice? Either would be great!

  15. Another excellent looking piece Jonathan

  16. Another lovely job. Painted up as Kushite Egyptians??. Runners do look nice based with chariot. Looking forward to seeing my Black Tree order.

    1. Thank you! Yes, these are Kushites. I hope you enjoy the BTD Egyptians as much as I do.
