
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Assyrian Archers and Slingers

Another round of entries into the Assyrian Wars project.  Off the painting desk this time are two stands of figures, both light troops.

First up is a nine-figure stand of Wargames Foundry archers from the fine Assyrian range.  The Assyrian Army can take in large numbers of archers so another stand is a welcome addition.  For Impetvs, this stand would be classified as a 'T' missile stand and may be joined with a stand of spearmen to form a large unit.  By the way Impetvs 2.0 is scheduled for release later this month or in January.
Next off the workbench is a skirmisher stand of BTD Assyrian slingers.  This time, I decided to keep the shields delivered with the figures rather than swapping out the BTD shields for Newline Designs' cone shields.  The slingers are another fine group of figures from BTD.

After having not added any reinforcements to this project for the first nine months of 2018, a total of seven stands of reinforcements have crossed the painting desk since late September.  Working on the Assyrian Wars project offered a fun distraction from all of the 15mm figures passing over the workbench throughout most of 2018.

Waiting in the wings is an Egyptian chariot stand as well as work to upgrade the 28m Napoleonic cavalry from eight figures to nine.  The final reinforcements from Front Rank are now in-house.  Another project having not seen any activity in a very long time is the 30mm ECW project.  For that project, 27 Renegade figures for forming a regiment of foote are in work.


  1. Lovely as always, would be nice to see all these assyrians in a battle ?

    1. Thank you, Matt! I would enjoy seeing these fellows in battle too. Some day.

  2. Handsome slingers and archers, great job Jonathan!

  3. Great looking Assyrians! Both types of shields look good but I think you were right to swap out the shield on the spearmen to get that classic look. I'm cleaning up a pile of BTD figures and they're pretty big next to the Foundry ones I already had, have you found that too?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I prefer the look of the cone shields too but I reasoned that the slingers might carry a smaller and less cumbersome shield. By the way, how does one operate a sling while carrying a shield?

  4. I'm retired but still couldn't manage to produce the quantity and quality of beautiful miniatures that you do. It's enough to drive a chap mad! Lovely usual.

    1. One day, retirement will be on the table for me too but not yet. Never, if you ask my wife! Painting in frequent, short bursts is the way I manage to churn out the figures. The last couple of weeks, though, I am not making as much headway on the Lead Pile.

      Always appreciate your comments. Thank you!

  5. I like that the slings of the slingers are sculpted to give a sense of fluidity, helping to define the weapon class.

    1. The sculpting of the sling does show a good sense of motion. With such fine work, the slings tend to be somewhat fragile. A few casualties lay weaponless in the Lead Pile...

  6. They look great, Jon! This army must be getting pretty large by now.

  7. Nice additions to your Ancients collection, Jonathan. Warlord Games certainly has a large selection of Ancients.

  8. Yesterday Zorndorf, today Assyrians (figuratively speaking)--your range is as impressive as your productivity.

  9. Wonderful looking figures Jonathan.

  10. Excellent archers and slingers Jonathan!

  11. Great work, and those Black Tree Design figures do look very nice. They also appear to have some nice Celts of their website which I wish I had seen earlier.

    1. The BTD Assyrians figures are very good. The Celts are equally good. I could send surplus figures if you want to see them before committing.

  12. Another batch of beautifully painted and expertly based Ancients - well done Jonathan!

  13. Nice light infantry archers and slingers, as opposed to the more often depicted armored ones.

    Since actually using a sling is a more or less one handed task, aside from "loading" it, the shield can at least potentially be used between shots. They are most often depicted as small, "target" types by the classical era, not sure if they were actually used that way this early.

    Regardless, the New Year should provide an opportunity to get the Egyptians and Assyrians on the field... perhaps with Impetus, To the Strongest!, or both! :-)

    1. Thanks, Peter, for the interesting mechanics of operating a sling. I suppose operating a sling in conjunction with a small shield is dependent upon how the shield is attached to the shield arm.

      One day, I will get the collection out for a battle. Maybe 2019 is the year? I hope so!

  14. Nicely done units. I’m still meaning to look more deeply into Impetvs for a rule system for dark ages. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew!

      Impetvs produces an enjoyable game for me. Recent playing of To The Strongest! have been fun as well. Both would be good options but Basic Impetvs is available either as a free download or for minimal cost.

  15. Looks just great Jonathan! I've already pre-ordered my copy of Impetus 2. In addition to my 28mm Impetus armies I will be expanding my 15mm even more. While 28mm looks better hence I will still do armies in that scale I feel full Impetus gives a better game at 15mm.


    1. Thanks, Christopher. My pre-order for Impetvs 2.0 is in place too.

      Which 15mm armies do you have on the planning table?

    2. Crusades, Ancient Germans/Romans for the moment, but also looking at Successors, Samurai, Punic Wars and maybe Italian Wars. I'll see how it goes as I generally prefer painting 28's, but I think for larger games 15mm is more practical.


  16. That's very kind of you Jonathan, but I ended up going with Renegade Miniatures back when they were still operating, so thankfully have enough 28mm Celts, at least for the time being. The Renegade figures were very nice as well, although extremely well-fed.

    1. Lawrence, I have a bunch of Renegade figures too and like them very much. BIG and BEAUTIFUL, I think. I would like seeing them return to the market.

      I have an ECW regiment of Renegade figures on the painting desk now.

  17. Another 2 lovely units. The sling could be javelin too with hand drilled... use for those broken ones.
    I have at last ordered some Black Tree Egyptians. I know they will be big but looking forward to seeing how they compare again with Foundry.
    Impetus basing is always a winner in looks.

    1. Thank you!

      That is a good idea about drilling out the broken slinger and convert into a spear-thrower.

      I will be interested in seeing your impressions of BTD figures. The Foundry and BTD Assyrian foot match well but I have no Foundry Egyptians with which to compare with BTD Egyptians.

  18. Another nice bunch of Ancients Jonathan.

    Really like the sense of movement in those slings - they actually look like they are realistically twirling around their owner's heads - unlike the crappy plastic offerings that Gripping Beast offers in their generic "Dark Ages Warriors" set. Absolute rubbish. Were I a fellow with more disposable monies, I'd replace them all.

    1. Thank you!

      The BTD slingers are really nice and you are correct that the slings, themselves, show terrific motion.
