
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Egyptian Spearmen from BTD

A second stand of BTD Egyptian spearmen marches off the painting desk.  As mentioned in the post where the first dozen of these figures made an appearance earlier this month (see Egyptian Spearmen), the BTD Egyptians are really quite good.  One benefit of fielding a white-clad Egyptian force is that they paint quickly given their simple garb.  I may not have many Egyptians in the collection but, perhaps, just enough to augment Jake's Egyptian/Kushite Army when these collections take to field of battle.
More works for this project are forthcoming in the following weeks but next off the painting desk will be the final unit needed for a planned Rivoli game.  That unit is the 22nd Chasseurs a Cheval.  Also under consideration is a re-org of the cavalry in the 28mm Peninsular War project whereby each cavalry BMU is increased from eight figures to nine.  I blame Mark at 1866 And All That for leading me down this path to considering a cavalry re-org.  Browse through Mark's collection of nine figure Napoleonic cavalry units.  They look grand!  More on those thoughts later. 


  1. These Biblical troops are really nice Jonathan - you have done a great job on them. Mark is a very bad influence on many people, but to be fair, in our case, his new basing style means a reduction in figure numbers from 12 to 9 in a cavalry unit!

    1. Thank you, Keith!

      Going from 12 to 9 would be much less painful than going from 8 to 9. I must paint one more figure for each regiment. Not helpful to production line painting methods. Three figure cavalry stands look better to my eye than two, though.

    2. Oh dear does that mean I have become a trendsetter? Surely not as my motto has aways been "neither a setter or follower be".

      My transition back to three figure to a stand (this is what I used back in the 70's and 80's) has two reasons:

      First, they look good.

      Second, for nearly 30 years members of our group have used the two figure basing (on 40mm x 40mm stand) and it worked well for older 25mm ranges, but with 28mm figures they are just that much bulkier and don't fit in either direction. Two figures on a 40 x 60 stand look silly, but three on a 60 x 60 and slightly staggered to fit width wise works well and still retains the 20mm per figure frontage to match in with figures of other players still based two to a stand.

      My unit sizes now vary between single stands to 4.

    3. Yes, they look good!

      Mark, my ECW cavalry are mounted on three 60mm square stands per BMU but the Napoleonics I based in pairs.

      Repeated displays of your beautiful cavalry mounted in threes finally pushed me over the edge. I plan to rebase on 60mm squares as well but first, i need to bring all of the troops up to full strength!

  2. Lovely looking Egyptians! Oh no not rebasing for your cavalry?!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Yes, rebasing AND adding more figures...

  3. SUperb, truly superb Jonathan!

  4. Great looking Egyptians, Jonathan. Looking forward to your 28mm Napoleonic project - curious to see how 9 fig units will be based - 3 per stand?

    1. Thank you, Dean. Yes, troopers with be based three per stand with three stands per BMU. This is not so much a new project as a refitting of an existing one.

  5. Very nice figures, with rather a menacing and determined look to both stance and faces, these chaps need a +1 when in melee :-)

    1. These sculpts display mean looking facial features. A coat of stain really brings these menacing features to the fore.

  6. I use 60mm square bases for three 28mm cavalry figures, Jon. I like the look of really packing them in.

    Your Egyptians look great!

    1. Glad you like the Egyptians, Scott!

      I used 60mm squares with my ECW project too but for some reason went to cavalry in pairs for the Napoleonics. I like the look of packing them in too.

  7. Very nice looking unit Jonathan. Thes collections must be really getting up there in numbers.

    1. Thanks, Mark! Yes, this project is getting large...

  8. Another great unit. At this rate I think it is actually my collection supplementing yours to get on the field.

    1. Thank you! I don't believe that will be the situation at all. I have but a handful of Egyptians.

  9. Splendid unit they march off the table very quickly in your neck of the woods 🙂

    1. Thanks, Matt! They are not dressed for winter, for sure.

  10. Lovely work. I always enjoy looking at your ancient figures Jonathan.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! A few more Biblical units coming up.

  11. They look great, and I agree, Egyptians are fast to paint, but readily identifiable as such regardless.

    1. Thanks, Peter. Much faster to paint than expected. A lot of skin, a kilt, and you are more than half way done.

  12. Another lovely unit Jonathan

    All the best. Aly

  13. Really good looking unit and good luck with the cab project. You’ll probably knock it out in a weekend at the rate you usually produce units! 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew!

      Doing a singular cavalry figure for each regiment will take a little more time.

  14. Ok. Ok. Give in. Will send off to Black Tree. I have a small collection of half painted Foundry Egyptian. Done while my eyes were younger!!. I did have a couple of packs of Black Tree at one point many years ago. They just seemed too big next Foundry 25mm in tight and heft.
    However the black tree range is big enough not to rely on Foundry for any troop types. Scale creep has always caused me a dilemma. The larger type figures do look great painted up. CP Miniatures chunky 28mm Sumerians really got me thinking. Had a nice Impetus base of North Star Kadesh Egyptian which I got rid of as seemed to big next to Foundry NKE. Mistake I think.
    Finally dip method does look great. Do you highlight or just block colours and dip

    1. Hello!

      I look forward to seeing your impression of BTD once you get them.

      As for painting, block painting followed by a dip. That is it!

  15. Lovely Egyptians! Shame you can't do up an army worth yourself.

    Rebasing ALL THOSE??? Are you insane man?! O_o Good luck with that. ;)

    1. Thank you! By the time i am finished, I may have enough Egyptians to field an army...

      Insane? Well that depends upon whom you ask!
      Rebasing the cavalry is not the big issue. The big issue is having to paint ONE more trooper from every regiment. Thankfully, my 28mm Peninsular War project is light on cavalry. Maybe there are 15 regiments in the collection.

  16. Once I felt the need to paint egyptians. Although I would paint egyptians from the Seleucid-wars-period. Would be interesting to Research about.
