
Friday, October 19, 2018

French Consular Guard

Work on the 1799 project continues as units follow the long march through the painting queue.  Off the painting desk today are two battalions of the Grenadiers of the Consular Guard.  These 26 figures are AB Miniatures.  For a bit of pizazz, I issued white gaiters to the troops.  
While only raised in late 1799 and too early to see service in the planned Rivoli battle later this winter, the Consular Guard will be ready for service in the 1800 campaigns in Italy.  With these two battalions now raised, perhaps the Battle of Marengo should be revisited?  One battalion of the Consular Guard was raised many years ago so the regiment now can muster three battalions. 
Many other units are winding their way through the painting production line including a regiment of French guard.  This time, the guard is destined for service in the Second Empire.  Along with the French guard will be three limbers and teams for the Second Empire French.  Two more foot units for the Assyrian Wars project will be mustering in the coming weeks along with a special "test" mini-project/figure review.

Refighting the Battle of Zorndorf this coming Saturday is an activity that I have looked forward too since the anniversary game in late August.  This anticipation has been heightened by my solo game last Saturday.  A few tweaks and amendments surfaced during the solo game.  A rules' clarification or two are fresh in mind as well. These changes prompt a slight revision to OBs and QRSs before Saturday's game. A reset of troops back to their starting positions is required before game day too.  Can the Russians hold their line?  We shall see on Saturday.


  1. Too good again, Jonathan! Hope Zorndorf goes well, and will look forward to reports in due course...


    1. Thanks, Aaron! I look forward to a replay of Zorndorf and cobbling together a post-battle account too.

  2. Excellent Job!Nice bright colors!
    The face of the left general on the
    first picture looks like Napoleon :)

    1. Thanks! AB does a terrific job on sculpting faces. The faces always look like real people.

  3. Lovely painting, great figures,good choice on the gaiters!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks much, Iain! The white gaiters seemed appropriate for the guard.

  4. I do like the look of the mounted officer with the unit.

  5. Jeez can you calm down seem to be posting another painted unit every second day!

    1. Well, every THIRD day of late! I was able to get in a couple of good painting sessions during September.

  6. Impressive and superb, lvely colors!

  7. Yeah Jonathan, like rros said. Stop making the rest of us look bad! Lol.

    1. TJBM, my painting output ebbs and flows. At present, work at the painting desk is going smoothly.

  8. These look so good I'm wondering about rebasing my Napoleonics. What rules do you use with them?

    1. Thank you, David and am pleased you like the basing! For Napoleonic rules and this basing, I use my own. This basing ought to work with many rules with a little modification although formation changes must be noted by markers in tactical rulesets.

  9. Impressive array of Grenadiers, Jonathan! They certainly look ready to instill fear in any foe.

  10. Sharp looking fellows. As mentioned above the officers in amongst the troops looks really good.

  11. these are amongst my favourites this year. I do like your basing system when it is ranked up into column.

    I tried to post earlier, but it seems that iPad / safari / blogger are not working together since the new iOS 12 went live.

    1. Your favorites of the year, Norm? That is high praise considering that about 100 UNITS have crossed the painting desk in 2018.

      I appreciate your perseverance in posting, Norm. Ever since release of iOS 12.0, I have switched to browsing and replying to blogs from my iPad using Chrome. Safari just does not work anymore.

  12. Brilliant Jonathan and excellent choice using the white gaiters!

  13. Wonderful unit, Jon. Great paint atop those AB figures.

  14. A superb rendition of the Garde Consulaire, Jon!

  15. Great painting for great figures.

    Cheers, Ross

  16. Splendid toys Jonathan...
    The white gaiters work really well.

    All the best. Aly

  17. I write it over and over again, but I am impressed with 15mm units in this painting quality!

  18. Great looking units. Looking forward to Zorndorf!

  19. Lovely unit Jonathan. I am warming more and more to the Revolutionary Wars.

    1. Thank you, Mark. There are plenty of interesting battles during the earlier conflicts. Many do not requires huge troops deployments as in the later battle; much more manageable affairs.

  20. I almost regret getting rid of my 15mm Russians of yore when I see just how lovely Napoleonics and so forth look on the tabletop ranked up and painted in their uniforms.

    But I think I'll live vicariously through the likes of your good self instead and let you do the hard work!

    Excellent work sir.

    1. Thanks so much! I do not mind doing the hard work. Painting, for me, is a relaxing and contemplative activity.
