
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

French Legere for the 1799 Project

Another battalion musters off the painting desk destined for the 1799 project.  This time, a thirteen figure stand of early French legere in side plume.  Notice this battalion is marching off without a flag.  Banners need to be distributed to this and several legere battalions.  For this project, I have been making my own.  Perhaps, I may need to buy flags for the legere or try my hand at photocopying images from a book and translating that image to paper.  Unless, I can find suitable flags on the Internet.  Figures are AB Miniatures.   
Only one stand of legere made it out from the production line since this is the last of the AB legere in inventory.  Since at least two more legere battalions will be required to fill a Rivoli roster, the next order to Eureka will include a couple dozen of these fine figures.  An order to Eureka must wait until Eureka USA receives an inventory restock from the Mother Ship.  

Speaking of Rivoli, a planned winter game of the battle requires an OOB.  Soon, attention must turn towards building an OOB and assessing what is needed to bring both rosters up to strength.  Until then, plenty of activity at the painting station to keep me busy.


  1. Very nice looking unit Jonathan. I am sure a brief perusal of the internet would provide adequate colours for all your units - I have never bought commercially produced flags and stopped painting my own 15 years ago - Mr Google has done me proud since then, combined with the colour laser printer at work!

    1. Thanks for the advice. I have been unlucky finding suitable FRW legere flags but will give it another go.

  2. A nice project and a nice looking unit!

    1. This project has put on some weight in 2018 with more to come.
      Thanks as always for your support, Phil!

  3. Lovely work once again and you just have to love AB Figures!

    1. Thank you, Steve!

      I love AB figures but I find them a bit more fiddly to paint than other 18mm figures.

  4. Nicely done Jonathan. They look very sharp indeed!

  5. I like the way the plume is part cast with the musket, making both items stronger and less likely to be found on the battlefield post play!

    1. Good observation, Norm! Something so simply and innocuous can make a big difference in increasing figure longevity.

  6. Lovely work Jonathan. I do love those early Legere uniforms.

    1. Thanks, Peter! The legere uniform is a handsome one.


    That has every flag you need. Just scan and resize to suit!

    Your legere look beautiful, Jon.

    1. Thanks you, Scott!

      I have the same book. I will test taking a photo and importing that image into my photo-manipulator and how I do.

  8. Gorgeous looking French lights! Up to your usual high standard!
    Best Iain

  9. lovely looking unit. Who doesn't love a dashing legere uniform?
    Have you looked at the GMB flags?

    1. Michael! Good to see you back! I have not looked at GMB flags for 15mm but I will.

  10. A very smart looking unit, Jonathan.

  11. Excellent French infantry, Jonathan. Love the early placement of the shako plumes.

    1. Thank you, Dean. As Norm points out it helps to reinforce the musket too!

  12. Very handsome unit, Jon. Reminds me that I have a numkber of early Legere in the the side plumed shako to paint myself. I am presuming that you intentionally chose to leave off some of the minor details like the white piping on the cuffs, lapels, turn-backs, pants, some of the pewter buttons, etc. I believe these were present on the early Legere uniforms the same as the later ones. but I am no expert on the Revolutionary uniforms. In any event, in 16 mm, I would hardly fault anyone for omiting them!

    1. Thanks, Peter. Yes, I intentionally left off the piping as I found it too fiddly to attempt on these ABs and the piping is so slight on the actually that it is not noticeable from a distance on the actual piece let alone the 15mm model viewed from the gaming table. I did pipe the hussar style gaiters, though. My eyes are not what they once were...

  13. Another excellent unit!

    Cheers, Ross

  14. Very nice, indeed. I find it interesting that what might seem such a small thing, having the plume on the side vs the front, generates such a different appeal (a certain elegance). Then again, maybe we're just hardwired to notice and appreciate these kinds of things.

    1. Thank you, Ed! You make a very good point about spotting anomalies. I think we must be hardwired to notice exceptions as a rule. Historical accounts often mention the exceptional but rarely the mundane.

  15. Great stuff Jonathan. That mounted officer has just the right look about him.

    If you have any problems with those flags let me know - that type of stuff is a part of my day job...not scaling flags specifically, but manupulating graphics.

    1. Thanks, Mark, and I appreciate your offer of help with flag manipulation. I will try my hand at producing a flag from a photo from the book as a first trial.

  16. Another nice looking unit JonathanšŸ™‚

  17. Like them a lot, the early empire (and consulate) uniform is not so common, good choice :)

    1. thank you, Phil! Not so commonly seen on the wargaming table, for sure.
