
Friday, September 28, 2018

A Return to the Assyrian Wars

With a self-imposed goal of focusing on pushing 18mm projects across the painting desk in 2018, 25/28mm output has been drastically reduced.  One project seeing much activity in 2017 but none thus far in 2018, is the Assyrian Wars project in 25mm.  After a long parade of 15/18mm units mustering off from the painting desk, I have fallen off the wagon albeit briefly.
With the recent diversion of Spanish-American prone infantry making their way into the painting queue, I doubled down with more work of the 25mm variety.

Off from the workbench today is a 12-figure stand of Assyrian infantry.  Figures are Black Tree Design led by Wargames Foundry command carrying Newline Design shields.  A good combination, I think!

Having not painting any units for this project since December of 2017, I forgot how much I enjoyed working on this project.  Figures are fun to paint and the Impetvs stands look good with a cluster of figures.  Perhaps expect a few more Assyrian Wars figures to enter into the painting queue.


  1. Very effective Jonathan and I love the paint scheme:)

    1. Thanks, Steve! The straw-colored tunic works well against the medium clue shield.

  2. Lovely looking toys Jonathan...

    And yes an excellent choice of colours.

    All the best. Aly

  3. Some nice animation going on in that stand - surprised that the last completed stand was as long ago as December, just where is the time going!

    1. Norm, I was surprised that no figures for this project have crossed the table since the kalapani stand back in December.

      Time flies when you are having fun or I have too many projects. Which is it?

  4. Excellent unit Jonathan! Good to see the Assyrians are back, maybe a game report in the offing?

    1. Thank you, Mike! A game with this collection would be most welcome since they have not seen the gaming table yet. Perhaps later this fall? Zorndorf still sits on the gaming table awaiting a replay.

  5. A change is as good as a holiday, as they say!

  6. Assyrians are always cool and you did a fine job on these Jonathan!


    1. The Assyrian Army is a nifty one, for sure! It has become one of my favorites.

  7. That blue and gold combination looks really great, Jonathan.

  8. Great looking unit that gives a real impression of movement.

  9. What an impressive period...and paint job!

  10. Lovely unit. I really like the blue shields and the severed head is a must!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Severed Head: Only the most stylish units. Not everyone can pull it off!

  11. Wonderful looking Assyrians, Jonathan. As always, you're a source of inspiration and shaming for me :) I have a hard time trying to finish a handful of figures and here you are putting out unit after unit of all kinds and scales.

    1. Thank you so much, Dean! I have seen you turn out a number of 28mm Napoleonics at a rapid rate so no possibility of being shamed by my output.

  12. Replies
    1. Great looking beards, no doubt. I wonder how long it took to maintain such growth?

  13. Nice looking unit.
    Howe many of these bases constitutes a playable force?

    1. Thank you!

      For Basic Impetvs, only 8-12 units are needed for a game. Of course, many more can be fielded.

  14. Lovely figures , I think I blinked and missed your slow down in production...only one unit completed today 🤔 ps nice colour scheme I think I will copy that for my next persians

    1. Very funny regarding my production rate, Matt!

      The blue shields provide a good contrast against the star tunics..

  15. Fine figures, beautifully painted and composed as a unit. Is the 'officer' holding up the head of a foe or illustrating what happens to those who do not follow orders?! Ditto others re. your choice of colours; the blue of the shields is beautiful.

    1. Very kind of you, James! Good question on owner of the trophy of war. I think foe.

  16. Is there a little space on the back for a label or something? That little brown bit in the corner? Or is that something else?

    Way to keep the units churning out ! I’ve been in such a lull lately. You’re a real motivator! (In a good way).
    Nicely painted. 😀

    1. You nailed the purpose of the little raised block on the trailing edge of the base. I use it to affix temporary units statistics so that they are readily visible and easily forgotten.

      Thanks for your kind words.

  17. Great job on these ancients Jonathan - and the basing is excellent too!

  18. Lovely looking 28's I really like your Assyrian army and these are a great addition!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, I am quite fond of the Assyrian army too! After this unit, I feel the urge to add a few more.

  19. Nice job James, some nice motion and positioning in this unit too!

    1. Thanks! BTD figures feature dynamic posing. Much more animation than, say, Foundry.

    2. Ah yes I have a box of BTD naked gauls/germans/greeks to do up as Galatians, I must get them assembled! :)

  20. A top notch addition to your forgotten army!

    1. Thanks, Ray! Misplaced among other projects but not forgotten, yet!

  21. The Assyrians are, of course, favorites of mine, and this handsome unit illustrates why yet again; very nice!
    TTS! works well for this era an is pretty fast to set up and play... along with Impetus, etc! The impetus style basing works just fine with TTS!, too.

    1. Peter, I remember that your Assyrian collection is one of your favorites. Your army provided inspiration for me to field one of my one. Glad you like the latest unit to muster off the painting desk!

      As for basing scheme for Impetvs and TtS!, I wonder if Simon had Imptevs basing in mind during development of his gridded rules?

  22. I am way behind on this project. Perhaps we should aim for a game around Easter (since they are biblical). Perhaps that can inspire me to catch up. Your entire army looks striking and imposing at this point.

    1. An Easter game sounds good to me! After your effort with your SYW Russians, I can understand a slight slowdown in painting production. I would enjoy fighting Zorndorf a time or two before I clear the table for othe games.

    2. I am looking forward to trying Zorndorf. It is the same old problem. Time. I always have plenty of time to paint and so little to play. Quite the opposite of life when I was younger.

    3. Exactly right! Add to the conundrum that I had no money when I was younger.
