
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hiking the Palouse

Lake Pend Oreille
With friends and family in town recently, we needed an activity to interest our more adventurous visitors.  To enjoy the fine summer weather and beautiful scenery, Nancy suggested a short hike to Lake Pend Oreille.  While, not technically on the Palouse, Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho is only about a 60 mile drive to the northeast of Spokane.  Rather than the rolling hills of the Palouse, a visitor is treated to the timbered forests and stunning lakes of North Idaho. 
Marching single file along the wooded trail
From the trailhead, a path leads down the steep, windy, and rugged trail to Lake Pend Oreille.  The switchbacked trail drops to the lake shore about 1,300 vertical feet below.  The trail, itself, is about one and three quarter miles in length. 

Once departing the trailhead, a hiker must go up before going down to the lake.  Once the bluff is crested, a partial view of the lake is visible.  A stunning view it is too!
First glimpse of Lake Pend Oreille
Continuing on down the trail on the descent, the views of the lake from high on the bluff are even more spectacular.  While the views of the lake are often screened by trees along the path down, many breathtaking views of the blue water and mountains present themselves for a quick snapshot.   

After many a switch back and an hour later, we arrive at the serene waters of the lake.  Beautiful 180 degree views showing the calm lake waters and surrounding mountains are present with every turn.

The hike down was hot so after reaching the lake we found a suitable stretch of graveled beach to rest.  After a light lunch, cold drinks, several photo ops, and a quick wade into the cool lake waters, we gathered our belongings and headed back up the steep trail to return to our vehicle.   
The day's hikers
While indoor activities of our hobby frequently beckon, when the weather is pleasant and friends and family are willing, enjoy these opportunities to connect to both family and nature.   


  1. Great photos,stunn stu scenery!
    Best Iain

  2. With friends and family in town recently, we needed an activity to interest our more adventurous visitors ..... So I set up a huge wargame.

    Fixed your post!

    Just kidding ;-) scenery is stunning and quality time spent with family and friends is priceless. N.

    1. Norm, Your fix is a good one! I HAVE been known to stage a wargame for visitors especially before a holiday meal. My Foz d’Arouce game was a topic for conversation with recent guests.

  3. Wow! It sure does look beautiful!


    1. In my opinion, Pend Oreille is one of the most beautiful lakes.

  4. Looks like a great spot for hiking!

  5. That looks like a fun hike, Jon. Pend Oreille is always beautiful.

    1. Scott, Pend Oreille certainly is a beautiful body of water. We are fortunate to have so many scenic lakes and mountains so close.

  6. Wonderful sights with good company, Jonathan. Good to see the skies look clear - it's been hazy here in the Puget Sound region due to fires surrounding us - including from up in B.C.

    1. Dean, this hike was weeks before the smoke descended upon us! We are still choked by the smoke from all of the surrounding wildfires.

    2. Oh! I missed the date. Stay safe!

  7. How fortunate you are to have such opportunities within reach, and the good health to enjoy them! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Stunningly beautiful scenery - a great excursion!

    1. This is a beautiful place, Peter. Come out for a visit sometime!

  9. A truely beautiful location, you guys in the states w in hands down on scale 😀

    1. The USA is HUGE and out west distances great but we lack the deep history and splendid castles of your fair country. I have been enjoying your many castle travelogues.

  10. I like a good lake. This one looks spectacular and must have been an absolute pleasure to hike around.
