
Thursday, August 9, 2018

French Horse Artillery - The Early Years

Still spending much of my summer painting sessions alternating between SYW and 1799 projects in 18mm.  As I look down the painting queue, that trend will continue as Austrian artillery for the 1799 project and SYW cuirassiers and hussars await their turn at the brush.

Today is no different!  Off the painting desk today are three French horse artillery stands destined to take their place on the 1799 roster.  The French fielded several horse artillery batteries at Rivoli.  If Rivoli gets the nod as the next First/Second Coalition battle to see action on the table then the French will need a few horse guns.  Figures are AB Miniatures. Excellent sculpts!
Like many other places in the Northern Hemisphere, the Pacific Northwest USA has been experiencing hot temperatures.  This week forecasts for Spokane show highs of 107F Thursday and 105F Friday.  With skies choked with smoke from numerous wildfires, cycling outdoors in the afternoon heat and smoke has been challenging.  What am I leading into here?  Well, getting off the bike after the late afternoon, post-work ride is leaving me more fatigued than usual.  The combination of high temperatures and smoke is taking a toll.  I am not feeling much urge in sitting at the painting desk for even a short painting session.  Most of my hobby time of late has been taken up by planning the Zorndorf scenario.  Something I can do with a cool drink in my hand.

Finally, this weekend I get a chance to try Simon Miller's To The Strongest (TtS) ancients rules.  TtS has been in my possession since it was first released but I have yet to give it a try.  That gap of knowledge and experience will be filled on Saturday as Scott hosts Chaeronea.  Should be fun!    


  1. Always satisfying I think, to see artillery pieces join the rest of the army. Are those high temepratures drying your paint on the palette too quickly?

    1. Norm, I find it satisfying anytime, anything joins the army! You are correct, of course, I tend to drag my feet a bit on fielding artillery.

      My game room and painting desk are in a basement. The house is air conditioned so the basement stands nice and cool regardless of the outside temperatures.

  2. A splendid looking artillery unit.

  3. They look great, as usual! It has been hot over here too, but the smoke seems to be clearing this morning.

    1. Thanks, Scott! Still smoky today but the air does not have the heavy scent of burning vegetation as yesterday

  4. Very nice Indeed...

    What’s not to like about French Napoleonic Horse Artillery.

    All the best. Aly

  5. Nice arty. I always hear good things about TtS. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew. I have heard good things about the game too. About time I experienced it for myself.

  6. Great looking Napoleonic artillery! Be interested to hear your thoughts on Tts.
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! You will almost certainly see my thoughts on TtS!

  7. Lovely looking artillery Jonathan. I have five sets of these to do in September/October.

    1. Mark, I cannot wait to see your work on FIVE of these French horse guns.

  8. Great looking arty Jonathan! It's been an oven here and I haven't attempted any bike rides until it cools off a bit so I well understand how tired you must be after riding.


    1. Thanks as always, Christopher!

      We are expecting a reprieve from the high temperatures this weekend. Today's expected high is 106F!

  9. Very nice Jonathan. You are leading me towards AB Miniatures Prussians for a 18mm Late Napoleonic project that keeps stalling at the draft stages.

    Cheers, Ross

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! AB are beautiful figures. Surprisingly, I find them more difficult to paint than either Old Glory, Blue Moon, or Eureka.

      Planning is an enjoyable part of a project. Enjoy it!

  10. The horse artillery look great; I too love French Horse Artillery in particular,. As you know, In like to include at least one mounted gunner on most of my HA bases.

    It has been warm and humid in New England,. but no days over 95 degrees at least!

    As you well know, I am a big fan of To the Strongest!

    1. Thank you, Peter!

      I know very well you are a big fan of TtS. I am really looking forward to giving it a try.

      Do you prefer TtS to Piquet?

  11. You have done a nice job on these artillerists Jonathan. I look forward to reading your reaction to playing TtS - I have had many games of it over the past 12-18 months - Dark Ages, Medieval and the new ECW variation a couple of times!

    1. You are seasoned veteran with TtS. I am looking forward to trying them out.

  12. More lovely figures , shame about the cycling weather but at least you are still getting out, as for TTS I have a copy and have pondered it but it just doesn’t do it for me grid style gaming isn’t my favourite 🤔

    1. Thank you, Matt. Still getting out on the bike but it has been hot!

      I have been pondering TtS for a long time too. Finally going to get off the fence on this one.

  13. Terrific work Jonathan. Love that shade of blue.

  14. Great looking battery. Hopefully the Zorndorf planning is going well. I just finished the last twenty two figures. The Tzarina's force is now FMC!

    1. Planning is making some progress. Definitely all will be in place for the 25th. Thinking about reducing the number of Prussian commands to make the number of commands the same as the Russians. I have one unit of hussars to complete.
