
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Austrian IR15 in 18mm

The 2018 theme of alternating between 18mm SYW and 18mm 1799 projects continues.  Today's offering is a three battalion, 39 figure regiment of IR#15.  Figures are AB Miniatures.
Even though painting has slowed over the summer, yearly painting tally has crossed 700 figures.  That leaves only 200 more figures to reach my 2018 goal of 900.  Making that goal should be a snap, right?  I have also managed to stick to the goal of focusing on 15/18mm figures at the painting desk.  That means good gains for the 1799, 1859, and SYW projects.
On the project front, after putting the 28mm Napoleonic game Foz d'Arouce to rest last Friday, recreating Zorndorf in 18mm is up next for August.  Much planning remains but Jake's Russians have arrived in anticipation of their deployment upon the battlefield.  Having cleared away the three month stand of Foz d'Arouce, a preliminary Zorndorf battlefield has been set up on the gaming table.  The battle will likely consume the entire 12' x 6' table.  Even at half-scale (one BMU = one Regiment), the table will hold a large number of troops.  Should be an enjoyable sight once all are on the table.  I anticipate fighting over the ground of Zorndorf a few times this autumn and fall.

When the calendar turns to winter, I expect the 1797 battle of Rivoli to take center stage.  As noted above, troops continue to muster for the 1799 project with an eye towards Rivoli.  I may change my mind and offer a battle featuring an Austro-Russian foe but an early Wars of Coalition scrap sounds good for the snowy, winter months.


  1. Yet more lovely troops.......looking forward to seeing them in action but you might need a bigger table !

    1. Thank you, Matt. I look forward to seeing this project on the gaming table too. Early in the year, this project saw action at the 1800 Battle of Montebello. Getting them back onto the table before I completely forget rules would be a bonus. 12'x6' is about as big as I can go in the game room.

  2. Great Austrians Jonathan, that's an impressive painting tally for the year already!

    1. Much appreciated, Mike! It is a sizable sum especially considering a few periods of slacking off at the painting desk.

  3. Another batch of 39! Impressive progress, especially for this time of year.

    Zorndorf is going to be a spectacular.

    1. I keep grinding through them, Norm.

      I look forward to Zorndorf too. The painting is finished. Now on to the research.

  4. You have done another nice job on these Austrians Jonathan

  5. Zorndorf? You had my attention, now you have my interest ;)

  6. Another inspiring unit of Austrians...but there's lots of things to take in here. Anticipation grows for Zorndorf (Fireymonkeyboy isn't the only one!).

    1. Thank you, Ed!

      By the time we finish with our exploration of Zorndorf, you may have tired of it!

  7. I'll look forward to gaming Zorndorf!

  8. Superb looking unit and an impressive painting tally so far.

    Cheers, Ross

  9. Lovely figures, and well painted to boot.

  10. Another excellent looking unit Jonathan and a very respectable YTD total too.

    1. Thanks, Mark. Not in the same league as your unbelievable output but satisfactory to me.

  11. A very fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  12. Nice painting. 700 is a great total! Impressive! You’re gonna have to revise your year goal upward.
    It’s always very satisfying when a project is planned, purchased, painted, and then played. Good luck on your future scenarios! I look forward to seeing them.

    1. Much appreciated, Stew ans congratulations on one year of blogging!

      I may, indeed, need to revise my 2018 painting goal. As for project planning, sometimes the planning is more fun than execution. It is satisfying when it all comes together, though. The series of SYW battles have been great fun and we look forward to Zorndorf when Jake's large Russian army takes to the field.

  13. Lovely looking Austrians,I really like the classical helmet,700 is very impressive,I'm slowly painting landsknechts but prepping figures when I have neither the time, the light or occasionally the inclination at least it moves things forward and Id like a fair number prepped for the next analogue painting challenge which will be here before you know it! Zondorf sounds great, looking forward to it!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! No matter what I publish, your support is unwavering.

      As for the painting routine, any effort that keeps the production line moving is a good thing. Even an hour spent primering, basing, or adding a color or two is good enough.

      Looking forward to seeing your WiP Landsknechts cross the finish line. You are really planning ahead for the AHPC!

  14. Excellent as always Jon, looking forward to exploring this era after Zorndorf.

    1. Thanks! I look forward to more FRW games too. But first, Zorndorf!

  15. Beautiful and inspiring as always, Jonathan. One of my favorite uniforms is the Hungarian Grenadiers with blue breeches and fur caps.

    1. Thanks, Dean. The Hungarian grenadier uniform is smart looking, for sure.

  16. A very handsome and impressive regiment, Jon. Sounds like a lot of gaming goodness to look forward to in the coming months as well!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Zorndorf will likely be on the gaming table for a couple of months as Jake is eager to exercise his Russians.

  17. Superb painting. I’ve just made the switch from 28’s to 15/18’s for Napoleonics and really like the AB range

    1. Thank you! I see that you are making a switch. Great idea and a terrific plan!

      Appreciate you stopping by for a visit!

  18. Although I know the Austrians from that period mostly as my (reenactment) antagonists, three batallions of them are looking impressive. I love this different shape of their uniforms. They are very simple, maybe not elegant like the French or fancy like the British, but they have their own style. It's the same like the whole Austrian army. We often have to notice all they had done and how Long they fought bravely the French to get a good understanding of their abilities (I hated some comments in a German documentary about Austerlitz, where the Austrians were described as losers etc.).

    1. The Austrian uniforms during the 18th and 19th Centuries are some of my favorites. The Austrian helmet of this period is a smart-looking headpiece.
