
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Prussian Hussar Rgt #2 Zieten

Looking through the Prussian Order of Battle in preparation for a planned Zorndorf game in August, I counted more Prussian hussar squadrons than I could field. Twenty-five hussar squadrons are listed in the OB.  At the ratio used in Honours of War, I could muster sixteen squadron equivalents based upon counts in the Painting Log.  Did the Prussians field so many hussars in a pitched battle?  I guess Frederick did at Zorndorf.  
Since I found myself the equivalent of eight squadrons short, Prussian hussars needed to be pressed into the painting queue.  The decision of which unit to field was an easy one.  Since Zieten's Hussars were present and I had Prussian hussars in busby, Zieten's Hussars would be the unit to muster. 
To correct for my underestimation of hussars needed, off the painting table steps a dozen Zieten Hussars.  As all of the cavalry going before, these figures are Eureka Miniatures' cavalry.  As I have sung the praises of Eureka's 18mm SYW cavalry on many occasions, these fine troopers are no exception.  Note that I actually used Russian hussars in this case rather than the Prussian hussars.  Why?  The Prussian hussars are in full stride and enormous beasts.  The Russian cavalry are presented in reserve with shouldered sabre and look quite stately. 

I experienced a similar dilemma regarding the tally of Prussian grenadiers.  The Painting Log suggested fewer grenadier stands than required.  Odd, since I recalled painting a number of grenadier battalions.  A quick trip to the storage boxes confirmed sufficient numbers of grenadier battalions on hand for Zorndorf.  The confusion arose from accounting differences.  In my early DB entries, grenadiers were rolled into the musketeer/fusilier entries; in later entries the grenadier battalions warranted their own entry.  I should correct my accounting to avoid any future confusion.

To check out Jake's latest update as he builds Russians for the great battle in August, visit Dartfrog's Adventures in 6mm.


  1. Another attractive addition to your Prussian cavalry force Jonathan - look forward to the report on the intended game!

    1. Thanks! There is a lot of work ahead before the game in August. Scenario design, table layout, and who knows what else may need to be taken up.

  2. The Prussian hussars were battle cavalry and Frederick deliberately made the regiments big as they had been constantly bested by the Austrian counterparts until they were re organised.All the Prussian cavalry were expected to act aggressively in front of the enemy.

    1. Robbie, I appreciate the details on the employment of Prussian hussars. "Honours of War" rates Prussian hussars as STANDARD. That suggests HoW classifies them as battle cavalry too. My Russian opponent will not like that!

    2. Of course if Frederick focused on using them as proper light cavalry and doing a little recon/screening perhaps his battles would have gone a little better.

    3. oh, and looking at the OOB, it would appear the Prussians have nearly as many SUPERIOR rated units as the Russians have cavalry units. I think I will need to depend on the infantry for this one.

    4. Jake:
      On point A: Yes
      On Point B: I have yet to scrutinize the quality/quantity attributes outside of ensuring I have enough Prussians to field for the battle. Attention needs to turn towards building a scenario very soon.

  3. Nice looking unit Jonathan. Should be a great battle!

  4. Nice to see some white nags. 16 Squadrons is impressive, a goal of 25 would seem quite daunting to me.

    1. Norm, at the scale we play HoW, eight additional squadrons of hussars is only 24 more figures.

    2. Ah, got you, I had a figure in mind of perhaps four times that - that's a big difference.

  5. A lovely set of Hussars Jonathan!


  6. In another life, I'll do SYW in 15mm. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy posts like these.

    1. As I continue to enjoy your SYW project in a smaller scale!

  7. Really nice: these are my favorites from among the many excellent SYW units you've shown.

    1. Much appreciated, Ed! Glad you like these hussars.

  8. Excellent looking hussars, Jonathan. The braiding looks great.

  9. Very nice as always, Jon! Zorndorf should be an interesting battle.

    1. Thanks, Scott! Let us hope it is an interesting battle. I have plenty of research ahead.

  10. Always happy to see more hussars from your cultured hand!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! You are always supportive AND kind in your comments.

  11. Great looking unit. I am looking forward to seeing them on the table.

    1. Thanks! I am looking forward to the spectacle and recreation myself.

  12. Another great unit to add to the table!
    Good luck on getting everything ready.

    1. Thanks! With all figures present, we should be in good shape for an August battle.

  13. Nice looking hussars Jonathan...I like hussars as you probably know...but don't you hate it when you underestimate your requirements?

    1. Yes, underestimating needs is annoying. Overestimating is equally irksome. The extra figures laying around prompt purchasing even MORE figures to complete “just one more unit.”

  14. A truly beautiful Hussar regiment, Jon!
