
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

French 9th Line Regiment (Demi-Brigade)

A steady, albeit slower, stream of troops continues marching off the painting table.  With high summer temperatures leading to many packed, outdoor, weekend activities and increased cycling, painting has trailed off somewhat.  Many units are in progress at the workbench but keeping the production line moving has proven challenging.  Beyond a few boardgame sessions, the stream of gaming has almost run dry too.  Summer seems a difficult time to coordinate schedules.  By August, perhaps, gaming will become more regular once kids (and teachers) return to the classroom. 

Today off the painting table are three battalions from the French 9th Line Demi-Brigade of 39 figures total.  This lot marches out on campaign primarily in greatcoats.  A few fusiliers muster out in full dress as do the officers and grenadiers.
The French are fine figures from AB Miniatures and ready themselves for service in Napoleon's early campaigns.  As expected, excellent sculpting with first-rate facial features.  Units mostly in greatcoats are a little faster to paint too!  Maybe enough AB French figures remain in The Lead Pile to field another couple of battalions before a new recruitment is called up. 
Also on the painting table for the 1799 project are another tranche of Austrian line in helmet and three French horse artillery stands.  A dozen Prussian hussars for the 18mm SYW project and a bunch of 28mm Napoleonics are readying themselves too.


  1. Lovely French Jonathan! Beautiful figures those AB Miniatures.

  2. Up to your usual highly impressive standards, Jonathan. Marvellous!

  3. Inspired job, the overall impression is superb!

  4. Lovely stuff Jonathan. Coincidentally my next unjt for the French in Egypt is likely to be 9e Demi-brigade de ligne, but in red coats with green facings.

    1. Thank you, Mark! I look forward to your more colorful 9e!

  5. Arrrrgh! In the wake of putting together my recent post about Gibbon and the Wars of the 1st Coalition, another excellent example of a Fr Rev War unit is the last thing I needed to see!

    1. Happy to provide some motivation for a future project! By the way, I quite enjoyed your Gibbon post.

  6. Vive la République! These are absolutely splendid, Jonathan. I love this early period, but never managed to acquire figures for it, so great to see your work!

  7. The tonal effect of the grey is very pleasing on the eye. I do like to see a mounted officer inspiring his men and sharing their base, it seems to add a certain gravity to the unit.

    1. Norm, you have the discerning eye of an artist. I wish I had the brush of one! I do like the look of mounted officer integral to the BMU base. Three of my 15/18mm projects utilize this method: SYW, AWI, and the 1799. I have been considering going back to my 15mm Napoleonics project and doing something similar. That collection is so massive, it might take forever.

  8. Units look great! Great job. 😀

  9. Excellent Jonathan, these look stunning.

    On a size related side how tall are they foot to eye?

    AB figures really look great.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Very kind of you, Ross!

      I measure these AB French 17.5mm sole to eye.

  10. Gorgeous French troops! Lovely sculpts, great painting!
    Best Iain

  11. Very beautiful and well painted - I can feel the dust of the long roads in Russia... Bravo

    1. Thank you for your kind comment and thanks for stopping by!

  12. Love seeing some of the Revolutionary figures done up like this, great work!!

    1. Glad you like them, Mark! Not in the quantity you produce but a good bunch for me.

  13. Great looking French units Jonathan!


  14. They have the look of veteran republican troops... doubtless in need of new shoes, too, the way General Bonaparte had them marching!

    1. Peter, if you painted and gamed Napoleonics in 15/18mm, you would really enjoy working with AB Miniatures.

  15. Great stuff. I really like the hodgepodge look of the uniforms.

    1. Varying the color of the greatcoat, even if only slightly, adds to that appearance.
