
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

SYW Russian Musketeer Battalion

Having recently completed the first Russian battalion from Old Glory, I finished off the bag with a second battalion.  Again, these figures are excellent even after all of intervening years since the figures were first released.  Molds are still in terrific condition and turn out a fine looking figure.
While the foot are Old Glory, A Eureka colonel was once again pressed into service to lead this battalion.  The mounted colonel looks quite at ease among the Old Glory musketeers. 
Similar to these two test battalions of Old Glory Russians, likely next off the painting desk for the SYW project will be a sample of Russian musketeers from Lancashire Games.  The Lancashire Games' Russians are fine looking figures too but a much different sculpting style.   


  1. Old Glory are a strange company. Some of their ranges look like they were designed by a person on mind bending drugs and then others are first rate. Looks like these were designed on a good day. Nice regiment.

    1. I agree. Some ranges are excellent while some are suspect. This is a very good line of figures.

  2. Very nice. I hope they'll soon be rushin' here and rushin' there across the wargames table!

    1. The Russians may be called into action for our planned summer Zorndorf game.

  3. When the draw of the SYW hits me, it's the Russians that tempt me to the brink of taking action. So far, I have resisted, but you're not helping! Great job.

    1. Ed, if you want more temptation, jump over to Dartfrog’s blog to see the massive recruitment he has in progress.

  4. Nice looking group. We should have enough between us to do Kunersdorf once we are done with Zorndorf.

    1. I admit your efforts have me diverting from Saltykov's Division to complete the Observation Corps and Horvat Hussars first just in case there is a hitch in production this summer.

    2. My Russian effort is insignificant compared to yours. I was curious how other manufacturers’ Russians looked. A battalion of Lancashire Games’ Russians are in work as another trial.

    3. How do the Lancashire and Old Glory 15s scale compared to the 18mm Blue Moon and Eureka figs?

    4. In separate units, all four look fine together on the gaming table even with close scrutiny. I should have given you a handful of the Lancashire Russians when you were here on Friday. I will set up a comparison shot with some of the figures. They won't all be Russians but the comparison ought to be close.

    5. Thanks, I threw the question on this page as I assumed it might be of interest to others. Perhaps a future update on your site for general comparisons with all the SYW manufacturers you are using?

  5. A fine looking battalion Jonathan!


  6. Great looking Russians! The colonel works very well with the rank and file.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! The Eureka mounted colonel is a good one and has led many other msnufacturers’ troops into battle.

  7. Another splendid looking unit 😀

  8. The red uniforms look snazzy. 😀

  9. A fine looking regiment, and a decided 7YW slant lately... although not without plenty of other eras too, as usual!

    1. Thanks! The Montcalm & Wolfe campaign has added focus to the SYW/FIW.
