
Monday, April 30, 2018

Mounted Crossbowmen for the Italian Wars

A number of Wargames Foundry mounted crossbow units have passed across the painting desk and one more such unit musters off the workbench today.  Not nearly as impressive as Iain's Herculean effort of fielding 108 pikemen in a month but these three horsemen allow me to clean out some lingering figures in The Lead Pile
These figures are from the Late Medieval range and sculpted by the Perry brothers.  Fine sculpts but unfortunately the Late Medieval range is smaller than Foundry's Renaissance range.  The horses and riders are a fair bit smaller than the much larger knights siding astride huge horses found in the Landsknecht figures.  Despite this size differential, on the gaming differences are minimized.  

With my recent focus on painting 15/18mm figures, switching in a unit of 28mm figures is a welcome relief.  Expect more 28mm work in the coming weeks including more for the Italian Wars project as well as the Reconquista. 


  1. A splendid addition, no doubt!

  2. I really like that splash of yellow colour it has taken its shading well.

    1. The splash of color does provide some interest for the composition and focuses the eye. Glad you like it!

  3. Lovely wok Jonathon. I love the mounted Xbows, but always struggle when trying to represent them on table. Do you allow yours to fire on horseback, or must they dismount?

    1. Thank you. Under Impetvs, there is no separate dismounting of the mounted crossbow so they must fire from the saddle.

  4. A really useful addition Jonathan - I know what you mean with the size issue, I have used some mounted Foundry Wars of the Roses figures in my collection, I put them on TAG horses and moulded the saddles in greenstuff as a solution

    1. Thanks, Oli! You have a good solution for the small Foundry WotRs figures.

  5. Lovely work on these mounted crossbow men,glad to hear there is more Italian wars on the horizon,very kind of you to mention my pikemen!
    Best Iain

    1. Your fine work in gigantic proportions deserved a mention. Hopefully, a few will will follow the link back to your pikemen to see for themselves.

  6. Nice painting as always!
    Seems like the base is very spacious, is that part of the overall scheme? It looks good, but somewhat unconventional.

    1. Thanks, Stew! The basing is my convention used in Impetvs to denote cavalry classification. Light cavalry have three figures per base; medium cavalry four figures per base, and heavy cavalry five figures per base. This way, I can tell at a glance the troop type. With only three figures per base, the light cavalry really are "light." Anyway, it works for me...

    2. Ah! I understand. That seems really logical and a good system.

    3. There is a method to my madness.

  7. Nice unit Jonathan. The face on the figure on the right looks more fatherly than the grimace that most figures have...makes a nice change.

    1. Foundry facial features certainly look more fatherly than some of the crazy Old Glory facial expressions. Some look quite crazed.

  8. It is always refreshing to change scales. I'm about to try my hand at some 3mm Napoleonics!

    1. 3mm Napoleonics? Really! I look forward to seeing what you create.
