
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Montcalm & Wolfe - Out With the Old; In With the New (Year)

Situation Strategic Phase 1756
Following Monckton's defeat at the Third Battle of Fort William-Henry, the British withdraw back to Fort Edward to lick their wounds and prepare for another campaign year.  See Peter's account of the battle at French Indian War Campaign - Game 6.

Winter attrition is again harsh as the French lose a regiment of Regulars in Quebec and a regiment of militia in Fort Stanwix.  The British see the Rangers disband after the defeat at Fort William-Henry and one regiment of militia disbands at Fort Oswego.  With conditions not fit for campaigning, the winter of 17565 comes to a close.  

With a new year comes new reinforcements.  Having experienced success on the battlefield, the French find themselves pegged against the far left of the Political Track at (+2) DRM.  Given that situation, the British find themselves at a (-2) DRM.  Rolling on the Reinforcement Table, the French receive one militia and Bougainville.  Bougainville travels to Fort Le Boeuf while the militia travel to Fort Frontenac.  The British receive one militia and General Loudon.  Both make their way to reinforce Fort Oswego.

If the Political Track remains in this position at the end of 1757, the French can declare an automatic victory and bring the war in New France to a close.  The British will be forced to show some grit and determination in the New Year to keep the British government interested in continuing this losing war.
May 1757
Not wanting to risk either an interruption by the French or no activation at all, the British opt for the automatic one activation.  With that, Braddock marches out from Fort Duquesne to attack Bougainville at Fort Le Boeuf.
Braddock attacks Bougainville
Battle of Fort Le Boeuf OB:
British: Braddock (A0D1), 2 x 5-6 Regular regiments
French: Bougainville (A0D1), 1 x 5-6 Regular regiment

Small forces but a strategic point for both parties.  If the French hold the fort, the line of forts back to Fort Niagara remains intact.  If Braddock succeeds, the British gain a toe-hold out of the wilderness with the ability to threaten French settlements on the Great Lakes.

Peter, over to you!


  1. Well at least the battle isn't over William-Henry again! :-)

    1. Peter, I am sure William-Henry will be back in the fray soon.

  2. Braddock shoulders the burden of bringing renewed confidence to the British campaign. All eyes are on him - no pressure then!

    1. The “Braddock Burden.” Let’s see how he gets on this time.

  3. Bougainville Battle Braddock for La Boeuf! Will either Shia away? Just DO IT! (apologies in advance for all of this....)

  4. Nice summary—the stakes seem very clear. One nice thing about campaigns when they’re well done is they can generate significant small engagements like this.

    1. Thanks, Ed! If you are interested in seeing what has transpired before, wander back through the archives. 1757 marks the start of Year Three of the campaign.

  5. A short sharpe game was played and one of the commanders was lost during the battle. Did they survive?

    1. A decisive victory for Braddock! With a huge number of troop ships arriving from England in May, this may prove to be a turning point in the conflict.
